It looks like Apple may be eliminating from its digital store Telegram, the instant messaging app rival of WhatsApp. Which is a particular issue, given that after the changes to WhatsApp's privacy management, many have "switched" to Telegram or Signal. But all of this has nothing to do with motivations. Unfortunately, the reasons behind this risk they are much more serious.
Let's start from the beginning: the Coalition for a Safer Web, a non-profit organization, has denounced Telegram. This organization believes the messaging app should be removed from the App Store as it was thanks to this that many groups were able to get organized and hit Capitol Hill, on January 6th. This is what the Washington Post reported.
Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram relies heavily on the secrecy of chats. In fact, you can use it without having to show your mobile number, without counting the secret chat function. Feature that allows you to delete the message after writing it, the screenshot is disabled and when the chat is deleted, everything disappears. In short, the perfect haunt for bad guys, unfortunately.

Telegram, for its part, is not new to this type of groups and chats. Just remember all the times we have heard of the app because of the numerous groups full of photos of girls (even minors, ed), or it was because of this app that many girls and many boys have been victims of revenge porn.
Hence, the lawsuit opened by Coalition for a Safer Web is due to the fact that the Telegram developers do not check what happens within their own app. This step is critical, as it violates Apple's terms and conditions, which could then decide to delete the messaging app immediately. Of course, the nonprofit also wants Google to remove the software from its Play Store. In short, it seems that Telegram is risking cancellation from all smartphones.