guides and tutorials NieR Replicant, a mod increases its framerate L'uscita di NieR Replicant made a lot of fans of the original happy, but there's only one thing that ruins the vibe: the framerate capped at 60 frames per second. Thankfully, a fan of the […]
guides and tutorials Simple guide to sharing your Steam library In this simple guide we will see how to enable sharing of Steam game libraries between two or more accounts. Sharing is only possible between up to five computers. Ok, enough talk let's get […]
guides and tutorials Marvel Slots Review, here are the best The world of Marvel Slots The $ 4 billion operation that led the Walt Disney Company to buy Marvel Comics was certainly one of the most important mergers in the world of entertainment, with […]
guides and tutorials Total War: WARHAMMER newbies guide Six useful tips for becoming a great player. If you're as excited as hedgehogs about commanding a horde of ghostly knights, or shooting a goblin from a giant catapult, but sadly you're totally […]
guides and tutorials How to move the Epic Games installation folder from one disk to another An easy trick to get around a lack of Epic software It will have happened to you too that you have to replace a disk because damaged or too full and having to move your games folder from […]
guides and tutorials League of Legends: guide to the basics of the game and the top lane First time on League? Here is the column for you. league of legends is without a doubt the most played free-to-play MOBA ever and more and more users are approaching it, but the game […]
guides and tutorials Cyberpunk 2077: how to change the look of V with a mod cyberpunk 2077 has been out for a while now, CD Projekt RED is in trouble with paybacks and plummeting stock, yet some players are enjoying the RPG so much that they have decided to commit […]
guides and tutorials Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition, transfer saves and achievements to Steam Dark Souls fans, it's time to move! The PC version of Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition updates and replaces the features of Games for Windows Live with those of Steamworks. It will be possible […]
guides and tutorials Super Mario 64, how to best play it thanks to mods on PC Enjoy the Mushroom Kingdom in Super-Mega-Ultra HD Since early May, an unofficial version of Super Mario 64 has become available featuring DirectX 12. From today, we are happy to announce that […]