Demon's Souls is the game that all PlayStation 5 owners want, in fact, despite being a decidedly frustrating genre, the work of the Bluepoint guys is too good and interesting to leave the game on the shelf.
If you have followed the events related to the remake, you will surely know that in the title you will find a door that was not there in the original video game. Through this guide, we will tell you how to open it and what rewards await you inside.
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Logically, this is a "spoiler" guide, so if you want to find out for yourself, we recommend that you come back later.

First, to open the door, you'll have to go inside Fractured mode, it is a mirror mode created specifically by Bluepoint. To do this, just bring 25 thousand souls at the statue of Nexus.
Once you enter this mode, you will have to align yourself totally towards White or Black, you will not be able to take half measures. After doing this, you will have to go hunting for 26 Ceramic Coins (objects not present in the original title). To do this you will need a couple of games a New Game + with the same character.
As soon as you can get all this, go to the Sparkly Crow at the Crypt of Storms and exchange them for a key. At this point, go back to the door present in the level 1-3 and open it, inside you will get the armor for boss Penetrator.
We solved the mystery of the hidden door! Thanks for making such a great secret to get all the community involved @bluepointgames Was awesome looking for the coins in SOTC Remake and again in Demon's Souls Remake? pic.twitter.com/gNpozqEztJ
- Distortion2 (@ Distortion_2) November 19, 2020Let us know in the comments if you are having fun in the company of Demon's Souls and what you think of the remake of the historical soulslike.