A guide on where to find all the parts and supplements to upgrade weapons and abilities in The Last of Us Part 2.
Le parts and supplements are fundamental resources in The Last of Us Part 2 that allow, the first of add weapon upgrades and the latter of improve Ellie's skills. When exploring the game world, keep an eye out for a bolt and nut icon as it will show you where these updates can be found.
It is impossible to get all the components in a single playthrough because you would not be able to complete all the upgrades with the recovered items. In fact, in a single playtrough, you can get a maximum of 80%. To complete all upgrades you will need to play a new game with New Game +. Everything you have upgraded will in fact be transferred back and you can continue collecting items.
In total there are 1920 parts (i.e. components for upgrading weapons) e 1900 supplements. Finding them all will also be able to earn two gold trophies or "Extreme Survival" and "War Mastery".
Before we begin, you may also be interested in the other guides of The Last of Us Part 2:
| Which songs to play on the guitar
| Guide to the location of all diary entries
| Where to find all the supplements and components to upgrade weapons
| 7 tricks to survive
| Better weapon upgrades
| Guide to safes
| Better skill boosts
| Trophy Guide
| Guide to collectible cards
| How to open safes without having the combination
| Guide to collectible coins
| How to find all the easter eggs in the game
| Where to find all manuals
[Guide list being updated ...]
Chapter 1: Prologue
No supplements / parts in this chapter (it's just a short horseback ride with Joel).
Chapter 2: Waking up
Parts x7
On your very first mission as Ellie you have to follow Jesse, until the Tipsy Bison Bar. Before entering the bar, collect the components on the bench to the left.
Parts x3
Immediately after leaving the Tipsy Bison Bar on your right on the scaffolding (to the right of the entrance to the “Public Library” building).
Parts x5
After leaving the Tipsy Bison Bar, follow your friends to the end of the road to find some parts on a box, where a squirrel sits in the snow.
Chapter 3: The Overlook
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Patrol
Parts x5
After climbing to the top of the outpost with Dina, in the room on the right side (where there is a Bong).
Supplements x7 + Parts x8
When Ellie and Dina ride their horses for the second time (after leaving the first outpost), Dina will point out some houses to check. Dismount and go inside the camper to find some extras and parts.
Supplements x2
Same area as above. Leave the RV and check the abandoned house on the left (go upstairs) for 2 supplements in the bathroom.
Supplements x2
Still in the same area, in a house on the right. Go up to the first floor via the pickup truck parked outside (2 supplements on the bedside table).
Supplements x7
When Ellie and Dina dismount their horses to enter the Greenplace Market, kill the first infected in there. NO go through the door on the left again. Instead, go to the small side room on the right. The door is locked but you can climb out the window to reach it. You will find 7 supplements in the sink. Warning: if you go through the door on the left, you will not be able to go back to recover the resources.
Parts x4
From the previous area, go through the door that leads to the left. Here Ellie will throw a bottle at a Runner (mini scene). This room contains 4 parts.
Parts x7
Crawling under a truck, you will be attacked by an infected and Dina will save you. After that, turn around and get on the truck to get 7 upgrade parts.
Supplements x8
From the last location, enter the back of the truck to find an Artifact message and 8 supplements.
Parts x3
When Ellie and Dina put on their masks and enter the spore-infested area, there are 3 parts in the room to the left (also some rags and alcohol).
Parts x12 + Supplements x14
In the area where Ellie and Dina don their masks and enter the spore-infested area, check out the supermarket back office. There is a safe inside. The security code is 07-20-13, it also contains 14 supplements and 12 scrap parts.
Supplements x8
In a cabinet in the kitchen area just off the back office.
Supplements x25
In the room where Dina "gives you" a Molotov cocktail (check the shelves and tables around the room).
Parts x24
In the library in the room after breaking a window.
Parts x7
Inside the library, on a table in the room in front of the workbench. After turning on the generator to power up the first workbench in the game, head back to the previous room to get these parts.
Chapter 5: The Horde
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 6: The Chalet
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 7: Packing Your Bags
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 8: The Gate
Parts x7 + Parts x3
When you reach the end of the overgrown highway there is a large gate with graffiti and a sign: "WLF TRESPASSERS KILLED ON SIGHT!". You will find 7 parts on the leftmost truck (get on the back of the truck). Other 3 parts are located in the small gatehouse in the fenced area, also to the left of the large gate.
Parts x5
After climbing up to try to reach the other side of the gate, you arrive at the next tower NO go down the ladder again. Instead, turn left to find a hidden staircase leading up to the watchtower. At the top you will find 5 parts including some other articles.
Parts x4 + Supplements x7
Now go down the ladder in the watchtower to find yourself outside near a closed gate on the right and a trailer in front. Go behind the trailer to find a generator and a yellow power cable. Turn on the generator and grab the yellow wire. Before opening the fence door next to the generator, throw the yellow wire from the generator onto the building on the other side near the fence door. Now you can take the yellow cable and use it as a rope and climb the trailer building. The parts and supplements are on the roof.
Parts x12 + Supplements x17
In the next building where you enter the code to open the gate (0512) you can break the window to climb on the back. There you can climb a watchtower to find 12 parts and 17 supplements.
Chapter 9: Center
Supplements x10 + Parts x16
There will be quite a bit to explore here, head north to the broken highway bridge between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue. There is a fire truck on the bridge. Get on the military truck parked near the bridge, from its roof you can jump to the fire truck. Grab the fire hose and throw it off the bridge: towards a stretch of highway with an overturned truck. In it you will find the supplements and the waste parts.
Supplements x18 + Parts x7
Third block from the left between Colombia ST and Marion ST (Ruins). Go upstairs, smash the front window, go up to the balcony behind the window, jump to the next balcony to the right, go upstairs to reach the top.
Parts x13
Building between 5th Ave and 6th Ave (Valiant Music Shop). Search upstairs, smash the shop windows.
Supplements x1
3rd block from the left on Madison ST, there are some stairs you can climb to find a note from a corpse (north of Valiant Music Shop, south of Court House).
Parts x16
2nd block from the left between Marion ST and Madison ST, in a military tent.
Parts x17 + Supplements x20
2nd block from the left between Marion ST and Madison ST. While you are in Madison ST, there is a gate you can walk through, it is actually the left (west) end of Madison ST where the road ends. There you will find a safe (Code = 04-51) which contains these elements.
Parts x12 + Supplements x12
In the northernmost building (Ruston Coffee Shop), north of Spring ST (2nd block from the left on the map, top). Destroy the windows to enter the shop.
Supplements x18 + Parts x8
3rd block from the left between Marion ST and Madison ST, building east of the Valiant Music Store (Barkos Pet Store). To open the back door of the building you will need the 'Pet Shop Key' which is obtained by going to the bathroom of the 'Ruston Coffee Shop'.
Parts x12
Between 6th Ave and 7th Ave head north where the water / river comes from (small waterfall). There is a truck parked in front of the waterfall, Ellie will mark it on her map as a place of interest. Open the back of the truck to find 12 pieces.
Parts x10
2nd block from the left between Colombia ST and Marion ST (Dome). Head to the Duomo. Inside the dome on the ground floor there are 10 parts scattered around the shelves.
Parts x11
Still inside the dome (synagogue), after climbing upstairs (before using the rope to swing).
Supplements x8
Upstairs in the synagogue, after using the rope to swing and reach the balcony (mandatory part of the plot), check out the rabbi's office on the right (supplements are on the desk).
Parts x3
3rd block from left, between Madison ST and Spring ST (Court). After fighting in the room with some infected and clickers, you need to head to the downstairs area of the courthouse. At the end of the dark corridor, smash the windows to climb inside a side office.
Parts x7 + Supplements x19
Same room upstairs, there is a safe, enter the code 86-07-22, to find parts and components.
Parts x8
Same area, before jumping into the elevator, turn around to find 8 parts in the dark corridor.
Parts x7
Once you have the fuel, go back to “FUCK FEDRA GATE”, use the fuel to start the generator and go through the gate (Code = 5345). Proceed towards the Serevena hotel. 7 parts are on the ground floor, in a drawer.
Parts x11
Same place as the last parts, ground floor of the Serevena Hotel (Concierge room).
Supplements x18
Also in the Serevena hotel, upper floor, 1 bedroom, in the bathroom sink.
Chapter 10: Eastbrook Elementary
Parts x16 + Supplements x8
After the shooting in the corridor, go to an area covered with tall grass, some trees and enemies. Check out the coffee shop.
Parts x8
Immediately after the last position, on the roof to cross.
Parts x16 + Supplements x13
In the roof room.
Parts x11 + Supplements x3
After jumping on the balcony of an apartment, inside the apartment bedroom closet there are the parts and in the bathroom sink there are the supplements.
Parts x16 + Supplements x6
In the next apartment (bedroom closet to find parts, bathroom sink to find supplements).
Chapter 11: Capitol Hill
Parts x1
When the chapter begins, it is in the first house on the right (house with the number “3” above the door). In the kitchen drawer.
Supplements x8 + Parts x3
In the house with the number “6” above the door (house near the outdoor pool). 2 supplements in the downstairs bathroom, 6 in the upstairs bathroom, 3 parts in the upstairs bedroom.
Supplements x9
In the Motel apartment with the door open (ground floor).
Parts x15 + Supplements x3
To the right of the Motel there is a green dumpster. Interact with the dumpster and move it under the white balcony on the side. Go up on the dumpster and from there on the balcony, enter the apartment. 6 upgrade parts in the washing machine room, 3 supplements in the bathroom, 9 parts on the bed.
Parts x14 + Supplements x8
After jumping off the Motel (or using the dumpster to jump over the fence), head left into a gas station garage. There are many human enemies patrolling the gas station, so be careful. (14 parts in the gas station garage, 8 supplements in the gas station bathroom)
Supplements x3
Inside the bookstore opposite the gas station (in the bathroom), there are some infected in the corridor, including a clicker.
Parts x8 + Supplements x9
Keep going until you arrive in a lower area with a shop called Olive Street Market. In this building you will find 8 parts on a shelf in the locker room and 9 supplements behind the cash register. Beware of the infected in the building and humans outside.
Supplements x6
In the building of the Bank of Meridian, went right. Also recommended to avoid coming face to face with enemies.
Supplements x22
Bagel Bros Building, where a group of human enemies are found. 6 supplements on the ground floor on the bar shelf, 10 on the top floor in the copy room, 6 on the top floor table near the exit.
Supplements x7
After the cutscene, you will arrive in an area with booby traps. In the shop on the left there is a safe in the back office (Code 55-01-33).
Chapter 12: Channel 13
Parts x7
At the beginning of the chapter, 7 parts can be found on the back of the “Channel 13 News” Van (before entering the TV station).
Supplements x12
Inside the TV station, end of the 1st floor in a side room. Just before climbing through the air duct hole.
Parts x15
Inside the TV station, on the 1st floor, in the news room where the cameras are located. Check the control booth, 15 parts on the floor.
Supplements x10
Inside the TV station, the same floor where you find Leah's body.
Chapter 13: The tunnels
Supplements x12
After the encounter between humans and clickers, Ellie and Dina will open a train door together and enter a compartment. There are 12 supplements throughout the train.
Parts x7
Shortly after crawling under a train, you will enter a room with a red light. To continue you have to climb the ladder. Instead of picking up the yellow cable on the left, check the side room on the right for a workbench and 7 parts.
Supplements x8
After using the yellow cable / jump rope, check the room to the right.
Parts x12
After defeating the first two Bloaters (new enemy type) go through the gate. Next, enter the first room on the right. There is a fenced area, which you can enter by crawling under the desk on the right side of the room and then crouching through a hole in the fence.
Supplements x15
After exiting the area you will find yourself in the metro station. Go through the first blue train and check the back.
Chapter 14: The theater
Supplements x9
Theater - ground floor, in the bathroom.
Parts x4
Theater - 1st floor, in the projection room.
Parts x6
Theater - Roof, after going outside, is in the room where you need to turn on the power generator.
Chapter 15: The Birthday Present
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 16: Hillcrest
Supplements x18
At the beginning of the chapter, in the 2nd building on the left “Natural remedies” (3 in the shelf behind the counter, 7 in the shelf on the right, 8 in the bathroom you can enter through the cracked wall in the courtyard).
Parts x27 + Supplements x6
In the 2nd building on the right "Rosernont"(Clothing store). Go through the hole in the wall behind the counter to go down to the cellar.
Supplements x10
Go back out onto the road and get on the overturned truck to advance (mini scene with human enemies escaping in the jeep). You will see the "Ruston Coffee" shop in front of you. Immediately turn left and follow the path to the end. There you can get on a dumpster in "Caroline Paper Co." which contains these supplements. From the last position, take a step back towards the building you came from. As above (8 in the left drawer, 2 on the counter).
Parts x4
Go back to "Ruston Coffee". From the bathroom you can climb up a vent to reach the kitchen where the 4 parts are.
Parts x4
Keep up with the story. After the first encounter with the dogs and after going through the red door, the parties are on the right.
Parts x3
From the last position, you have to open a gated gate to drop a dumpster down the road (mandatory to progress in the story). Check the ground where the dumpster was before it slides down.
Parts x15
After pushing the dumpster to jump inside a building with a workbench, check the room on the right side (opposite the workbench).
Supplements x9
Exit the building where the workbench is located, you will find yourself on another street with 4 buildings (2 on the left: Velvet Tattoo, Shear Lux, 2 on the right: Goldstar Liquor, Pet Boutique). Enter the first building on the left “Velvet Tattoo”. You can find 9 Supplements on a blue box next to a chair in the tattoo parlor.
Parts x9
Enter the alley behind the tattoo parlor. Pull the green dumpster out of the door. Behind is a room with many infected and a safe. The parts are in the safe (code = 30-82-65).
Parts x5 + Supplements x7
In the back office behind the safe.
Supplements x8
In the second building on the left “Shear Lux”, the one next to the Velvet Tattoo. The supplements are on the counter.
Supplements x10 + Parts x4
In the 1st building on the right "Goldstar Liquor". At the back of the building you can go down to the cellar. There are 2 Shamblers here (poison spore infection). Kill them, then loot the cellar (2 parts on the left side on a small shelf, 2 parts on the right side on the table, 10 supplements in the basement bathroom).
Parts x11
In the next section with human enemies (after obtaining the bow). Walk to the last house on the right side of the road where many enemies are positioned. In the garage you will find these parts.
Parts x10
A little further down on the outskirts, where you encounter more enemies accompanied by dogs. There is a gazebo in a garden area and a green garden hut. There are 10 parts on the shelf.
Parts x3
In the suburbs (looks like a metal hut, the parts are on the table inside).
Chapter 17: Searching for Strings
No supplements / parts in this chapter
Chapter 18: The Seraphites
Parts x10
Immediately after going through the revolving door at the beginning of the chapter, climb up the boxes to the left on the roof. On the left you can find 10 parts.
Parts x5
In the first building "Quickmart" (supermarket). Check out the bathroom.
Parts x4 + Supplements x15
In the next building on the left “Kingsgate Brewing Co.”. Destroy the windows to enter and kill all the infected in there. There are 4 parts on a dining table and 15 supplements in the kitchen.
Parts x18
From "Kingsgate Brewing Co." enter the building across the street from "Conference Center". Go through the elevator shaft on the left and go up one floor. Destroy all the windows and use the bottles / bricks scattered on the floor to throw them on the glass covers outside. Once the windows and glass roofs have been destroyed, throw the rope on the now destroyed outer glass roof. Then climb the rope to swing into a locked room on the other side of the building. Here you will find many useful resources.
Parts x6
Leave the "Congress Center" and follow the main road. There is a yellow taxi under an overpass, approach it to find 6 parts on the asphalt.
Supplements x24
After passing the flyover on the main road (immediately after the taxi), turn left to reach a long apartment building. In front of the main entrance there is a parked truck. Climb to the roof, and then reach the condo. Jump to the balcony on the right and break the windows. At the back of this apartment there is a safe with 24 supplements. The code is 08-10-83.
Parts x5
On the same floor, in the apartment on the other side (there is also a workbench).
Supplements x29
Interacting with the workbench you will be attacked by a group of enemies. After defeating them, enter the room they exited from to find the supplements on the shelf / nightstand.
Parts x7
After placing the dumpster under a gate and climbing a wall, you will find yourself in the Seattle Conference Center. Jump on the scaffolding to reach the ground floor. There is a small office. Before continuing, destroy the window at the back of the office and enter to collect 6 parts on the desk.
Parts x15
As soon as you reach the sewers, dive under the metal bars on the left to reach a room with 15 parts (on the shelf).
Parts x13
After killing the enemies in the Park, enter the next building "Garden Suites 113". Go up the stairs and enter room 201, there are Parts in the closet and shelf closest to the balcony exit.
Supplements x35
From the last position, exit to the balcony and climb the fire escape to the room above to get 35 supplements.
Supplements x2
After killing a human mini boss with a pickaxe, keep moving forward until you reach a roof. Go down the ladder and enter the Weston's Pharmacy building on the left. There are 2 supplements on the counter.
Supplements x18
Same location, climb through the hole behind the counter into a dark room with the safe in the corner. Security code = 38-55-23.
Supplements x7
Same room, on a shelf in front of a workbench.
Parts x4
After killing the girl who plays PS Vita, on a box on the right.
Supplements x10
During the next enemy encounter, in the white tent on the right.
Parts x4
During the enemy encounter, in the watchtower.
Supplements x7
During the enemy encounter, inside the hospital. In the laboratory on the ground floor, left wing (under the microscope).
Supplements x3
Inside the hospital, after the enemy encounter, use the ladder to go up one floor. Enter the first upstairs room on the right to find 3 supplements in the corner.
Supplements x11
After exiting the air duct, check the shelf behind you.
Chapter 19: St. Mary's Hospital
No supplements / parts in this chapter
Chapter 20: Road to the Aquarium
Parts x3
After leaving the theater, following Jesse into the first building on the right “Frontier Rental Car” (in the back office drawer).
Supplements x17 + Parts x17
When you go through the “WDL” shipping and packaging shop, after going through the first door of the building there are 17 supplements in the cafeteria (cupboard) and 17 parts in the bathroom.
Supplements x6
From the last position, enter the next room on the right (still inside the “WDL” building). Some rubble blocks the way but you can crawl under it. This room contains a trading card, workbench, 6 supplements.
Part x1 + Supplements x11
Before exiting the library, turn around and crawl under the broken floor (1 part left on the rubble, 11 Supplements left behind the rubble).
Supplements x18
During the next enemy encounter, go to the large shop on the right “Rachel's Fabrics”. Upstairs there are 18 supplements on a desk in the corner.
Parts x15
After the next dive, you will enter the ruins of a warehouse. Upstairs are 15 upgrade parts next to a workbench.
Parts x10
From the last point, go up one floor to find 10 upgrade parts on a metal shelf.
Chapter 21: The Flooded City
Supplements x7
At the beginning of the level, before entering the first building with the boat, take a sharp right turn to find an open truck next to an ambulance.
Supplements x17 + Parts x7
Inside the first house of this chapter, where you are forced to stop the boat to open a chain gate. Go up the stairs (to the left of the gate), push the cart to reveal a pile of rubble that you can crawl through. Going down the other side you will find a safe. The security code is 70-12-64.
Parts x18
Leave the last building and continue by boat. After your boat's engine has shut down, the next building you will see is “Seattle Sleep Warehouse”. PRIMA to enter this building, take the alternative route to the left and stop the boat in front of the dark garage. Here you will find 4 parts on a shelf next to a workbench and 14 underwater parts to the right.
Supplements x9
Continue by boat to the next area. On the right there is a building called “Carthy Hotel”. Inside you will find 9 supplements next to a dead body.
Supplements x17
Continue with the boat to the next section where you will see some enemies shooting. Instead of colliding with them, sail to the left, there is a wrecked train hanging from a bridge. Get on the train to find a rope, throw it on the door on the right, go up, go down through the roof of the next compartment of the train and you will find the supplements.
Parts x15
Scattered on the top floor of the Kingsgate Brewing Co. building.
Supplements x10
During the next boat stop in the arcade of “W&B Arcade” (the story forces you to leave the boat to open the gate). The kitchen features 10 supplements.
Parts x29
Also in W&B Arcade, go up the stairs to the upper floor of the Arcade. Here you find a workbench and 29 parts (1 in the junction box at the stairs, 7 crawling under the ball in the corner, 20 on the game table, 1 in the junction box to the left of the workbench).
Supplements x12
After facing the great Bloater, go upstairs and immediately turn right, there are 12 Supplements in the sink in the bar.
Parts x2
Still on the same floor, turn right and enter the “PC Cafe”. Here you will find 2 parts (on the left desk and on the right desk).
Chapter 22: Infiltration
Parts x9 + Supplements x6
After going through the first pool of water inside the Aquarium building, go up a ladder and then drop down into a dark area. There are 3 parts on the table, 6 parts + 6 supplements in the cabinet.
Parts x17
After you descend from a shaft, you will be attacked by a dog. Immediately to the left on the next shelf are 17 parts.
Chapter 23: Tracking Lesson
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 24: The Stadium
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 25: On Foot
Parts x14
At the beginning of the chapter, enter the next room (a large trading area). Check the left shelf in the Halloween section to find 14 parts.
Supplements x34
At the top of the large shelf with wooden planks that you will have to climb on, on the garden table with plastic chairs are 3 pill bottles.
Parts x9
After defeating a large group of infected by Shambler, you will be in the next section of the shop where your friends will pass (checkout the kitchen section), at the cash register.
Parts x10
Just before entering the Garden Center, turn right and check the shelves (7 parts to the right, 3 to the left).
Parts x61
Move on to the next section of the “Garden Center”. 61 Parts are scattered throughout the Garden Center. Check all the shelves, counters, tables, garden houses.
Parts x14 + Supplements x23
After using a rope to drop in a tool shop (2 pieces on the first shelf, 12 pieces on the other side of the same shelf, 23 supplements behind the cash register).
Parts x9
After leaving the previous room, to your left on a table.
Parts x18
From the last location, go into the corridor to the right. You will find a workbench. There are 18 parts on the tool table in front of the workbench
Supplements x18
From the last position, which is the workbench, turn right to find some stairs. Climb them. In front of you, you will find 18 supplements on a white desk.
Supplements x13
When you get to the top of the boat under construction, you should use a ladder to continue. Instead, to continue immediately, move the ladder to the wall opposite the boat (on the same balcony where you take the ladder). Go up to find a table with 13 supplements.
Supplements x8
After leaving the room with the boat hanging from the ceiling, you will reunite with Manny. On the right there will be a building called "MS Corporation Soft Drink Distribution Center". Go to the opposite side and enter through a gap in the wall. Here on the sink are some parts. There is also a safe (combination 17-38-07).
Chapter 26: The Forward Base
Parts x18
After going through the "Checkpoint" gate at the beginning of the chapter, enter the white tent on the left to find a workbench and 18 parts.
Chapter 27: The Aquarium
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 28: Hostile Territory
Supplements x12
In the first apartment you cross, in the bathroom drawer.
Parts x6
In the first apartment you cross, in the kitchen drawers (in the drawers).
Parts x18
After climbing a fence and splitting with Manny, check out the first building opposite called "Spicy Meatball". It has a total of 18 parts in the kitchen room (4 under the sink, 14 under the cash register).
Supplements x23 + Parts x3
After dealing with a clicker, there are 23 supplements in the bathroom and 3 parts in the living room drawer.
Supplements x20
After passing the last apartment, go right instead of left to the small guard post (supplements are inside it).
Supplements x12
From the last position, now follow the path to the left and go down into a courtyard with a painting of a woman's face saying “May She Guide You”. Check the room on the left (dryer).
Parts x7
Now enter the building to the right of the woman's wall painting. It is a hotel with a group of infected inside. On the bar table you will find 7 Upgrade Parts.
Supplements x31
After jumping over a wall, you will find yourself in a Chinatown neighborhood with Chinese shops. Enter the 1st shop on the left “Jasmine Bakery” to find a safe. Security code = 68-96-89. It also contains 31 supplements.
Supplements x20
Enter the 2nd shop on the left (Chinese Pharmacy). There are 3 pill bottles on the right side of the store.
Parts x16
Enter the 3rd shop on the left “Ruby Dragon”. Check to find 16 upgrade parts.
Parts x7
Also in the third "Ruby Dragon" shop, go up the stairs. There are 2 Clickers, kill them. Then jump to the balcony across the street, turn left and go down below (watch out for an infected who will attack you right away). In the back room there are 7 parts.
Parts x3
Leave the Chinatown area now. In the next section you will come to a truck decorated like a shrine, on the left there are 3 parts on a table.
Parts x1
Enter the room to the right of the decorated truck and go through the door. There is 1 part here.
Parts x4
In the next section there will be a fight with enemies, enter the building where the Seraphites are located and then go up one floor. The assets will be in the drawer of one of the tables with a sink.
Chapter 29: Winter Visit
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 30: The Forest
Parts x27
After fighting the energetic woman with a pickaxe, go to the next building in the “La Rosa Auto Shop”. There are a lot of weapon upgrade parts scattered around the same room and on the shelves.
Supplements x7
Enter the next corridor and turn right into a side office. Open the drawer to get 7 more supplements.
Supplements x11
From the last point, turn around and enter the corridor you came from. You can find the supplements on a shelf next to the Aqua Lime soda machine.
Parts x19
In the next room, there are many other upgrade parts; 1 on the right shelf, 17 on the shelf behind the cash register in the corner, 1 in the adjacent bathroom.
Parts x12 + Supplements x8
Leave the building. 4 Runners will come towards you. After killing them, enter the next building and turn left. There are 12 parts and 8 supplements on the tables.
Parts x9
From the last room, go down one floor to find 9 more Parts on a desk before interacting with a door.
Chapter 31: The Coast
Supplements x10
At the beginning of the chapter, after separating from Yara and Lev, jump over the fence and before entering the first building you will find the supplements inside a red container.
Parts x18
Inside the first building you enter, check the shelves.
Supplements x19
Enter the next room, check the small office on the left to find the gun holster on the desk (adds extra inventory space to carry more firearms). Behind on the same desk are 19 supplements.
Parts x9
During the first enemy encounter in this (infected) chapter you will find yourself in a container area. Check the right side to find a 9-part chest (behind a white truck).
Parts x6
In the cruise ship, immediately when you enter it in the first shelf on the left.
Supplements x16
In the cruise ship (lower deck), in the first room on the right on a stretcher.
Supplements x16
After getting the crossbow, go straight to the end of the corridor. There are 16 supplements on the floor.
Supplements x12 + Parts x17
From the last point, go upstairs. From the stairs, walk straight for about 3 meters and enter the storage room on the right. Here you will find 12 supplements on a blue file cabinet and 17 parts in a metal shelf.
Parts x16 + Supplements x18
On the upper deck of the ship, at the helm, inside the safe. Code = 90-77-01.
Chapter 32: Return to the coast
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 33: The Shortcut
Supplements x10
You will reach a flooded area with a small waterfall. Don't jump across the "islands" on the right yet. Instead, go to the blue bus on the left and go to the hole in the wall to find 10 supplements in a hidden kitchen.
Parts x8
After arriving on the highway, there will be 8 parts in the leftmost brown car.
Parts x8 + Supplements x7
After jumping off the highway to an apartment, enter the bedroom on the right. The parts are in a safe, the code is 30-23-04. There are also 7 supplements in the bathroom of the same apartment.
Parts x9
From the last position, go up the stairs to the roof. There will be a fenced area on the right. Here you will find the 9 parts on the ground.
Parts x28
After passing some "islands" again, you will arrive at a phone shop called "Interbay". Here are 28 parts scattered around (6 parts on the table to the right of the workbench, 11 parts on the table near the corpse, 7 parts in the cash register drawer, 4 parts in the drawer near the stairs).
Supplements x19
In the next building "Exam room". There are 19 supplements in the drawer (before going through the door where Lev is waiting for you).
Parts x7
From the last position you will have to climb a ladder, then cross a wooden bridge. After the bridge on the right there are 7 parts.
Supplements x13 + Parts x21
After an enemy encounter (by climbing the stairs inside a building), you will arrive in a santuario. In the room to the right of the sanctuary is the workbench, 13 supplements are on the shelf to the right of the workbench and 21 upgrade parts on the shelf in the opposite corner.
Supplements x10 + Parts x13
After the area with many human enemies on the rooftops, when you go through the door into the next room (Abby will put a pipe between the door handles to block it), check the area for a pill bottle and parts in the metal shelf on the left. . This is the room immediately preceding to the elevator.
Parts x6
After getting to the top of the building, there are 6 parts on the right as you exit the elevator.
Parts x11
After the first bridge, go right and climb the fallen structure, there are 11 parts.
Chapter 34: The Descent
Supplements x7
At the beginning of the chapter, go through the gym and turn right towards “Orchards Juice Bar”. You can find 7 supplements in the cash register drawer.
Supplements x17
From "Orchards Juice Bar" enter the next corridor (path necessary for the story). On the windows it says "Hotel Blacray". At the end of the corridor, near a desk, there is a green door. Go inside to find a closet with a safe. Enter the code 12-18-79 to open it and get the supplements.
Supplements x8
Immediately after the next cutscene in the stairwell (where Abby dons the mask and enters the spore area). Turn left and go straight, past the folded over sofa to find 8 supplements in one of the living room drawers.
Supplements x8
After walking on a metal beam and having through a crack, turn left and follow the path. 8 supplements are in the bathroom in a sink drawer.
Parts x14
In the living room where you find an intact gas mask for Lev (9 parts on the table, 5 parts in the cupboard under the TV).
Supplements x9
Exit the room and you will be attacked by a group of infected in the corridor. Walk to the end of the corridor and enter the bedroom on the right, the supplements are on the bed.
Parts x12
After using the fire hose to drop down, you will be attacked by a Clicker. In the same room as the Clicker there are 12 Upgrade Parts on the table.
Supplements x10
Still on the same floor, you can walk through a crack in the bathroom and step onto a wooden beam. At the other end is a Weapon, the Flamethrower and 10 supplements.
Supplements x7 + Parts x14
Go down one floor. Don't go into the room with the infected yet, turn around and go along the narrow ledge. In the bathroom there are 7 supplements in a drawer, then go to the room next to the ledge to find also 14 parts.
Parts x3
From the last point, go down another floor and walk up another wooden beam into a room with a Shambler. Kill him and check the drawer on the right for 3 parts.
Supplements x10
Where you met the Shambler move and climb a longer metal beam and jump down 1 floor (normal plot path). As soon as you get off, another enemy will try to attack you. After killing him, search the area to find 10 supplements under a table lamp.
Supplements x23
After going down another floor, you will find two pill bottles in the nightstand next to a bed (6 supplements + 17 supplements).
Parts x8
After opening the elevator shaft and jumping downstairs. Immediately after exiting, turn left to find 8 parts to the left of a vending machine.
Parts x18
Once the mask is removed you will find yourself in a bar area. There are 18 parts in the pavilion in the far right corner.
Parts x15
In the next building you enter after getting off a small ledge, directly to the left are 15 parts in a bathroom.
Chapter 35: Ground Zero
Parts x14
After separating from Nora at the Cancer Center (when you are alone again), go down the stairs one floor. The room where you will find yourself contains 14 upgrade parts on a shelf.
Supplements x12
From the previous position, instead of going through the yellow door, turn around and take the other road that leads to a chapel. The Chapel contains 12 supplements on the left.
Supplements x12
Now go through the yellow door and go to the quarantine tunnel. At the left end of the next area, enter the small lab and check the shelf for some supplements.
Supplements x6
Directly in front of the room where you recovered the previous supplements, go through the crack in the door, you will find yourself in the “Surgery” center. In the second room on the left, open the drawer to find the pills.
Parts x36
From the last position, climb over the broken wall and you will find 9 parts right in front of you, another 27 parts are located in the room to your left. It is the room where you must go to turn on the generator and restore the electrical energy of the plexus (unmissable part of the story).
Supplements x18
After turning on the power and going through the next door (entering the corridor with 2 clickers), immediately turn left into a room that was previously inaccessible (as the door required power). Contains 18 supplements on a shelf on the left.
Supplements x40
Exit the last room but stay in the same corridor where the Clickers were. At the end of the corridor, on the right, enter the supply room. There are some pills on the shelf and 3 pill bottles left behind the glass (destroy it), for a total of 40 supplements. Be careful, breaking the glass will attract all enemies to the area, but the flamethrower will help you take them out.
Supplements x20
After defeating the two bosses, leave the area and you'll come to a flooded garage. Turn left, you will find a small security gate. Destroy the windows to find a coin and 20 supplements.
Parts x16
Still in the same garage, in the back of a truck.
Chapter 36: Return to Aquarius
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 37: Marina
Supplements x16 + Parts x15
At the beginning of the chapter you will have to reach a tram station “Lenora St. Station”. Inside the tram are 16 integrators and 15 upgrade parts.
Parts x7
As you move through the water, there are 7 parts on the back of a truck.
Supplements x13 + Parts x8
After exiting the water, you will find yourself on the dock. PRIMA to go up the ladder, check the shop at the end of the pier. There are 13 supplements and 8 parts.
Parts x23
After using the trolley to take cover and escape the sniper, enter the building to collect the spare parts.
Chapter 38: The Island
Parts x14
After climbing the first ladder in this chapter, check the rear of the car on the left for 14 parts.
Supplements x16
Inside the first large wooden hut.
Supplements x19
In the first enemy encounter of this chapter there are 5 huts (2 on the left, 1 on the right, 2 in front). These supplements can be found in the 1 hut on the right.
Parts x7
In the first enemy encounter of this chapter there are 5 huts (2 on the left, 1 on the right, 2 in front). These supplements are located in the second hut on the left (ground floor).
Parts x13
In the first enemy encounter of this chapter there are 5 huts (2 on the left, 1 on the right, 2 in front). These supplements are located in the sawmill building, the last building in the area.
Parts x16
After seeing Isaac's boat in the distance, you will be attacked (if you move in time, you might as well avoid them altogether) by two other hyenas. Passed, continue and reach the watchtower, here you will find 16 parts.
Supplements x17 + Parts x11
In the next hut on the left.
Supplements x23
During the next enemy encounter (wheat fields), in the second hut on a table.
Supplements x18
In a hut on the main path, just after exiting the enemy cornfield area (it's the next hut). Two bottles of 18 supplement pills will be on the table.
Chapter 39: Escape
Supplements x17 + Parts x7
Shortly after the start of the chapter, in the second hut. Check out the only shelf inside the shelf for supplements and parts.
Parts x34 + Supplements x8
You will find yourself in a building where some enemies orient themselves by lighting the area with their torches, there are 25 parts and another 9 parts upstairs in the same building. There are also 8 supplements downstairs.
Parts x34 + Supplements x17
After the cutscene, immediately turn left to find 34 parts on a shelf and check the cabinet on the right for 17 supplements.
Parts x11
In the next enemy section, there are 1 part near the cash register on the right, 1 part on the bar counter on the right, 9 parts on the left on the meat grinder table.
Parts x9
Right after exiting the previous building, on the back of a truck which is covered with plants in the middle of the path.
Supplements x16 + Parts x11
After Lev helps you reach the ladder, you will find yourself in a room with a workbench, 16 supplements and 11 parts.
Chapter 40: Confrontation
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 41: The Farm
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 42: 2425 Constance
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 43: Pushing inland
Parts x22
When you pass the first chapter fence in an area with houses, check out the first garage on the right hand side.
Parts x9
In the house with a Clicker on the roof. Enter the villa and go down one floor. Watch out for the 2 Shamblers and other infected ones. On the kitchen table there are 9 upgrade parts.
Parts x9
Exit the last building and go to the street. You will notice a truck parked on the left side. Enter it, before going down, you will find 9 parts in the back.
Supplements x6
Immediately after the last position, as you go down to the valley, you will run into another truck, this time overturned. Check the back for supplements.
Chapter 44: The Resort
Parts x13
In the starting area, kill the first group of enemies. Then advance along the train tracks. There will also be a van with the logo of the enemy Rattler faction. To the left of the van, enter the shop to get a lot of ammo and 13 pieces. Watch out for the enemies inside this shop.
Parts x22
During the next enemy encounter, there is 1 upgrade part in the hut in the center of the area, 12 parts on the balcony of the building to the right of the workbench (ascent ladder), 9 parts outside on the container behind the counter to work.
Chapter 45: The Beach
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
Chapter 46: Epilogue
No supplements / parts in this chapter.
These are all parts and supplements that you can find in The Last of Us Part 2.