Let's see how to defeat the first 8 giants of the game.
Shadow of the Colossus it is a title that certainly needs no introduction. Great work of Smoking Ueda, the title comes back up for the first time PlayStation 4 proposing the same identical settings and events (as well as emotions) experienced in the original, but with a completely revised graphic design to adapt to the new generation. (If you haven't ordered it yet, you can do it at the best price guaranteed on Amazon at this address)
we at Soultricks we therefore thought of creating a guide for this remake of Shadow of the Colossus, to try to meet all those who find it difficult to kill a certain boss or who, for one reason or another, approach the game for the first time.
Before moving on to the actual guide, here are some useful tips to start your adventure in the best possible way Shadow of the Colossus:
Useful Tips
- Hit only the giants' weaknesses. Any other attack would fail.
- To reach the various giants, use the ray of light emanating from your sword.
- During the boss fights, once again use the beam of light from your sword to show the colossus' weak points.
- To reach the weak points you will often have to cling to the fur, any indentations or holds scattered on the body of the giants.
- Using a charged attack will do more damage to the behemoths.
- When you have done enough damage to one weak point, move on to the next one.
- Use R1 to hold on to the colossus, in case it wants to unseat you.
- Eat some fruit or lizard tails to increase your stamina.
Once the basic tips are finished, let's move on to the actual guide. In this first part we will analyze the first 8 giants of Shadow of the Colossus, showing you how to find them and the related strategies to take them down.
Once you start the game you will find yourself in a large room and pass through the Sanctuary of Adoration, a real central hub from which, from now on, you will leave for the hunt for the colossus.
The first colossus is very easy to find and defeat, so much so that this first phase of the game could be considered as a tutorial of the game mechanics. Then draw your sword, hold it up, and follow the beam of light. Your adventure in Shadow of the Colossus has officially begun!
Colossus # 1: Valus
Head south and, once you have learned some notions of movement, you will find yourself facing the first colossus.
The sword, as already mentioned, is one of the fundamental elements of the gameplay of Shadow of the Colossus. In addition to showing you the way to reach the giants, it will allow you to indicate their weak points and the various holds distributed along the body to allow you to climb them.
Speaking of the first colossus, you will find the first weak point in the fur, in the back of the leg. Once you have dropped the colossus, you are ready to attack the second weak point: the head. Climb your back, charge a powerful blow and send your friend to a better world.
To make things easier and more immediate we leave you to the video:
Colossus # 2: Quadratus the Mammoth
After defeating the Vagabond, the first colossus, you will find yourself again in the Sanctuary of Adoration, from which you will have to go west to a cave near the beach, where you will find the second colossus waiting for you: the Mammoth.
The sword will point you to the first weak point, right under his feet, where all you have to do is wait for him to lift them to hit them directly with a bow and arrow. By doing so you will be facilitated in getting on the colossus's knee and consequently on the back, once the Mammoth is on the ground. The second weak point, as in the first colossus, is in the head and when, once attacked, the target disappears then go back and attack the third and last weak point. The latter will be located towards the end of the spine, load the shot and the Colossus will be part of your collection of victories.
As for the first, we leave you the demonstration video:
Colossus # 3: Gaius the Knight
Okay, things are starting to get a little complicated here, but keep calm, you are not alone.
Head north from the usual Sanctuary, following the light of the sword, until you reach the foot of the mountains. Take the path and keep going up, until you reach a sort of island where you will face the Knight.
The latter has a huge stone club, with which he will try to hit you when you reach the center of the island, but for the gesture the colossus will lose a piece of armor, as you will see from the video that starts.
At this point, passing from the arm, you can get to hit his head until you halve the life of the colossus. The second weak point is located more or less at the height of the belly. Hit the target until it is defeated.
As before, we leave you to the video:
Colossus # 4: Phaedra the Horse
Even in Shadow of the Colossus, the rule that there is no good rider without a horse applies, he will be your next target.
The horse will be a colossus that won't take you a lot of time, but you can take advantage of the fact that it's not that smart, as you'll have to be smart to deceive it.
From the Sanctuary, follow the road south-east until you reach a dark path, take it and continue through the plain that will open up in front of you, until the colossus awakens. Did you notice any graves along the way? Well, it will seem strange to you but they will be useful to you in this fight. The only weak point of the colossus is at the base of the neck, you will have to carambulate a bit to be able to defeat it. For this reason we prefer to leave you the video, rather than explain the boss fight in detail and lead you to confusion.
Colossus # 5: Avion the Bat
If you thought that in Shadow of the Colossus the enemies were all with their feet (or paws) on the ground, we present the first flying enemy: the Bat.
It won't be anything too difficult, you just have to change your point of view and commit to jumping at the right time.
The road to get to the colossus will be partly the same as you did for the fourth, but this time you will have to stay on the left. How will you know you have arrived? We can suggest the lonely tree and the ravine to your left as reference points.
Follow the course of the cliff until you find yourself in front of a sanctuary that is half in the water. In this case, the video we will leave you will be more useful to get to the giant than to show you how to beat it.
Your enemy's weak point is on the tail, so when he is about to attack you you need to be agile to jump on his shoulder to be able to attack him directly.
Be careful, the bat being an aerial colossus will try more stubbornly than the others to unseat you, and at that point you will be forced to climb back up.
Once the tail is down, you need to focus on the wings, one of which is hairless. We do not promise that you will be able to defeat him in no time, but if you are good at calculating attacks it will not be that complicated.
Colossus n ° 6: Beard, The Giant of the Temple
Explaining how to get to this colossus could turn out to be much more boring than it really is, so follow the light that will show you the sword until you pass a sandstorm, from which you can glimpse a temple.
Enter and following the corridor you will find yourself in a large room, go all the way and you will meet the sixth colossus of Shadow of the Colossus: The Giant of the Temple.
The Giant will immediately try to attack you, trying to trample you, but escape by climbing on the ledges of the walls of the room. You will have to be fast and try to be always on the move, as the Giant will gradually destroy the ledges you have passed through.
Once you get to the base of a platform hide in the shadows, the Giant will look for you and when he drops his head it will be the perfect time to jump on his back and attack his weak point. Once the target on top of the head is gone, go down the back and attach it just under the left shoulder where the second weak point is.
Below is the video of the walktrougth of the sixth boss fight:
Colossus n ° 7: Hydrus the Catfish
We certainly cannot say that Fumito Ueda and all the creators have had shortcomings in terms of creativity. Shadow of the Colossus has already made us face enemies of land and air, perhaps you were hoping that at least the fish liked you. The seventh colossus is just a fish, a Catfish to be precise, and in order not to miss anything it also produces electricity.
To get to the Colossus you will have to go north from the Sanctuary, the farthest to reach. Follow the light of the sword until you reach a stone wall, an arch and a bridge that you will have to cross to reveal the colossus you will face: the Catfish.
Wait on the platform until the Catfish and its three electric fins are below you and jump to grab onto the back.
You will not have to aim at anything other than the tail, but be careful of the back and the three fins that if you touch will give you the shock, so you will first have to make them harmless by hitting them in the crack at the base.
As soon as you cling to the tail, the Catfish will dive into the water so hold down R1 and don't let go, when it re-emerges run along the entire back and hit every single weak point.
Calculate the times well, the secret is all in timing and knowing how to wait for the best moment to start attacking.
Below is the video of the clash:
Colossus # 8: Kuromori The Chameleon
You will find the eighth colossus by heading south-east of the Sanctuary of Adoration. You will have to redo the same road halfway as for the first one, but you will have to go further, pass through a narrow passage between the rocks until you reach a waterfall. Here go ahead until you find yourself in front of a building, the colossus will be inside, in the center of a kind of colosseum.
To keep up with this boss easily you need to have quick reflexes and archery skills.
The colossus has at its disposal two attacks that you can dodge very easily: a cloud of acid that will spit at you and the obvious lash with its tail.
The battle will be easy if you are quick, as soon as you have attracted the attention of the colossus, go up the two-story stairs until you find yourself in front of a crack in the wall.
From there you can see the boss trying to climb the walls, and this is the perfect time to hit all four legs with arrows. If the hits are successful the colossus will fall back to the center of the building, jump down from where you are to attach it to the glowing glyphs directly with the sword.
When you have dealt a couple of damage the colossus will try to get back on its feet to attack you, so be careful, try not to get attacked.
The weak point will move onto your back but all you have to do is use the same method to drop it and then attach it directly to the new weak point. Most likely you will have to do the same things four or five times but in the end you will also defeat the eighth colossus.
Our first part dedicated to Shadow of the Colossus boss fights ends here.
We want to thank you Boss Fight Database for the videos of the clashes with the giants.
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