analysis and review Digimon Story Review: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory A new adventure between hackers and Digimon. At least once the nature of a video game manages to confuse even the most skilled reviewer. Let's take for example Digimon Story: Cyber […]
analysis and review Hidden Agenda Review PlayLink? Yes thanks! Sony recently launched the project PlayLink, creating a series of "party games" designed for all the family and friends. The particularity and innovation of the […]
analysis and review Shadow of the Colossus review A severe test. Shadow of the Colossus is one of those titles that enter your heart, which manages to convey emotions and sensations like few other games can do. The work of Smoking Ueda, […]
analysis and review Uncharted 4 Review: A Thief's End One last, exciting adventure. Version tested: PlayStation 4. There is a time when any self-respecting videogame saga must come to an end, and this happens when with a new chapter you […]
analysis and review Catherine: Full Body, our review Catherine: Full Body is a complete package perfect for both newcomers and fans of the game. Almost nine years after the original was launched Catherine on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, […]
analysis and review PS4 Review, The Playroom and Playstation Camera What a room can do. So sang Max Gazzè ... yes ok, not really like that but you will allow a small license as the incipit of this review dedicated to Playroom, one of the games that PS4 users […]
analysis and review Metal Slug Anthology Review A nice anthology of the most famous scrolling shooter in the world. PlayStation 4 tested version. 1996: an extraordinarily fun and noisy title arrives in the arcades, Metal Slug. As […]
analysis and review InFamous First Light (DLC) review A dark ray of light. PlayStation 4 tested version. Abigail "Fetch"Walker. A fragile girl, abandoned by everyone, even by her parents. Only one person has always remained by her side: […]
analysis and review Knack 2 review Sony tries again, with a title for adults and children. The first crack accompanied the PlayStation 4 in its initial launch window in 2014. And let's face it, it's not like it was all […]
analysis and review Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, the review Ratchet and Clank are back in a new and epic adventure, this time on Playstation3 Tools of Destruction Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is the first installment in the […]
analysis and review Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package review Oh, what the hell ... Dead Rising has always brought to mind Microsoft and Xbox. This is no longer the case as the franchise has gone cross-platform. In fact, after the remastered versions […]
analysis and review Gran Turismo Sport Review Sports as eSports. Gran Turismo e Sony, two brands that have lived through every videogame era in unison. Since its inception twenty years ago, Gran Turismo and PlayStation […]
analysis and review Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 review Version tested: PlayStation 4 Pro "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 is one of the best remakes released this year as it manages to keep its original roots intact but by modern standards." The […]
analysis and review Dragon's Crown Pro, our review The return of a masterpiece! Originally released in 2013 on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, Dragon's Crown Pro a few weeks ago he also landed on PlayStation 4. The title was developed […]
analysis and review Uncharted Review: The Lost Legacy Enjoy your retirement, Nate! Good Nathan Drake has definitely (or maybe not?) abandoned his "glorious" career as a treasure hunter, but that doesn't mean the Uncharted universe will cease […]
analysis and review God of War Collection (PS Vita) review … And Kratos launched himself from the highest mountain in all of Greece. PS Vita tested version. "After (almost) ten years of suffering", Kratos he returns once again to retrace the […]
analysis and review How To Survive 2 Review Grab a baseball bat and hit the street - the party begins. Version tested: PlayStation 4. After a few months in hiding and the disappearance from the radar, 505 Games has kept its promise: […]
analysis and review Yakuza Kiwami 2, our review Yakuza returns, and is in better shape than ever. The day will come when the Yakuza will be released on PlayStation 4 (or PlayStation 5) at the same time all over the world: now is not the […]
analysis and review Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Review Two and a half years after the Japanese release, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT has finally arrived in the West. final Fantasy it is certainly one of the most famous videogame series ever. […]
analysis and review Dungeon Travelers 2: the Royal Library and the Monster Seal review One hundred percent Japanese. PlayStation Vita tested version. Nippon Ichi Software, you know, it is a typically Japanese software house (the name itself, on the other hand, indicates […]
analysis and review Secret of Mana Remake Review Let's rediscover a great title from the past. Years go by but loves remain. At least that remained for Secret of Mana, role-playing video game that now has its good years behind it. You […]
analysis and review The Solus Project Review Last hope for humanity Released just over a year ago on PC e Xbox One, finally comes up too PlayStation 4 The Solus Project, with full support also to the PlayStation VR. The Solus […]
analysis and review The Last Guardian Review Sturm und Drang, storm and impetus PlayStation 4 exclusive. The Last Guardian, the latest effort by Fumito Ueda, father of unforgettable masterpieces for PlayStation 2 such as ICO e Shadow […]
analysis and review Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration review The beloved Lara Croft celebrates 20 years of career. Version tested: PlayStation 4. Almost a year after the launch as a temporary exclusive XBOX One, the new adventure of Lara Croft, […]
analysis and review Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Anime Collection Review Two masterpieces, one package. Version tested: PlayStation 4. It was the distant 2010 when Heavy Rain landed for the first time on PlayStation 3: the creation of Quantic Dream, directed […]
analysis and review Uncharted Review: The Golden Abyss A new adventure from Nathan Drake in portable version! PlayStation Vita tested version. There are titles that forcefully enter the videogame panorama making its protagonist a reference […]
analysis and review Toukiden Review: The Age of Demons Oni Hunter PS Vita tested version. THEHunting Game, born as a sub-genre of action RPGs, has found such fertile ground in the Japanese public first, and then in the Western one, to become […]
analysis and review PS2 Review, Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 Testing is the second chapter of the Namco Bandai game available on the European market starting next October 18th. Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto We had been to give you the news of […]
analysis and review Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Review; Birth3: V Generation Welcome to the legendary 80s! PlayStation Vita tested version. The triumphal ride of CPUs continues with the landing of Hyperdimension Neptunia Re; Birth3: V Generation on PS […]
analysis and review Oddworld review: Soulstorm Tested Version: PlayStation 5 Announced in June 2020, Oddworld: Soulstorm brings the legendary and unforgettable Abe back to players' homes. We remind users that the title in question […]
analysis and review The Inpatient Review A dark journey inside the Blackwood Sanatorium. The videogame 2018 seems to be promising really well, with great blockbuster titles that will accompany us throughout the year. Already […]
analysis and review The Sly Trilogy (PS Vita) review The return of the thief (raccoon) gentleman. PS Vita tested version. sucker Punch he never stopped loving his first child. Yes, it is true that it is not quite the first, but let's face […]
analysis and review God of War 3 Remastered review It is time for Olympus to fall apart. PlayStation 4 tested version. The God of War series does not need many introductions: since the days of the PlayStation 2 it has established itself […]
analysis and review God of War, our review The ghost of Sparta is back! It was the year 2005 when the first chapter of God of War came up PlayStation 2. It hasn't been many years since then, but in gaming terms, a lot has changed. […]
analysis and review Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, the second review arrives A little lower than the previous one. A few days ago we published the first evaluation a Uncharted 3: drake's deception and NAughty Dog's appeal not to spoil parts of the game. Today another […]