PlayLink? Yes thanks!
Sony recently launched the project PlayLink, creating a series of "party games" designed for all the family and friends. The particularity and innovation of the project is given by the possibility of using your smartphone as a controller, downloading the appropriate apps and making everything more immediate and accessible even to those who are not used to video games.
PlayLink it is certainly a courageous experiment that is slowly growing. Currently there are only five titles available, but a sixth is already in the pipeline, called Frantics, which will arrive in the first months of 2018.
Today, however, we will talk about the last title, in chronological order, to enter the family PlayLink di PlayStation and, in all likelihood, even the most successful. We are talking about Hidden Agenda, investigative thriller created by Supermassive Games, mostly known for having previously made the excellent Until Dawn.
With Until Dawn the developers surprised everyone by creating a highly narrative and cinematic interactive adventure, capable of keeping up with the excellent works of Quantic Dream.
Supermassive Games will be able to amaze us for the second time with Hidden Agenda? Find out in our review!
The investigation begins
If you've already had the chance to play Until Dawn for good or bad, you'll feel comfortable with it too Hidden Agenda. The play structure will be essentially the same, with decisions to be made in-game which, inevitably, can lead to different narrative crossroads and conclusions. If on the one hand you will therefore find, essentially, the same characteristics in the gameplay (albeit adapted to a more "casual" smartphone nature), the topics covered will change completely compared to the past.
Hidden Agenda in fact, as already mentioned, it is a particular investigative thriller that puts the player (and the players, if played in company) on the trail of the Manipulator, a serial killer who is leaving behind a long trail of particularly violent deaths.
The adventure, which will be shaped through the actions of the players, will revolve around the figures of Becky Marnie, police officer in charge of the case, and Felicity Grames, district attorney hired to put an end, once and for all, to the case of the serial. killer. Therefore, following the perspectives of the two protagonists, the players will be able to experience an adventure full of investigations, twists (more or less successful) and key decisions to be made, sometimes at the limit between life and death, in order to discover the truth. behind this long series of murders.
The plot is undoubtedly the key element of Hidden Agenda and stands quietly on excellent levels. Despite the pace with which it is told is quite "staid" and slow, the adventure created by Supermassive Games it is certainly thick, thanks also to an impeccable characterization of the characters and to some not indifferent narrative ideas.
How I change your life with a smartphone
But how decisive is the factor PlayLink? A lot, considering the "party game" nature that distinguishes this new category of PlayStation 4 titles.
It is possible to play in Hidden Agenda alone or in the company of friends, up to a maximum of six people. Once the application on the smartphone is started, each participant will be able to choose a color that will represent him on the screen during the different sections of the game. From this moment on, each player will use their device as a controller, dragging their finger on the touch screen to move their colored cursor on the TV screen at the same time. The phone will also become a real "agenda", on which will be added, as the adventure progresses, useful tests, objectives and psychological profiles of each character.
Moving on to the actual gameplay, Hidden Agenda wisely combines different mechanics, adding to the already mentioned choices to be made investigative sections, in which you will have to look for hidden objects in the scenario, and some action sequences, in which the alertness will be fundamental.
Each time the players are called to a choice, the answer with the most approval will be the "winning" one, with the exception of sporadic situations in which the title will require unanimity of the vote. It is precisely in these moments that the game manages to give its best, leading the participants to discuss possible solutions to be undertaken.
The manipulator has been arrested ... and now?
Hidden Agenda, given its characteristics and its short duration, it can easily be considered a good detective "film". Although it will take you about two hours to get to the credits, the title has a fair replay value, dictated above all by the presence of various endings and by an interesting competitive mode.
The latter will significantly liven up the evenings, especially if a large group of people will participate. Periodically the game will secretly assign to certain participants the "secret plan", that is a series of objectives to be achieved through certain choices in the dialogues.
If the player in possession of the "secret plan" manages to complete his objective, he will get a large amount of points, which will determine the winner of the game at the end of the adventure.
Ultimately, the competitive mode is certainly an interesting addition, but which inevitably loses its depth if you do not have the opportunity to play in a group.
Almost a movie or better than a movie?
Technically speaking Hidden Agenda turns out to be a great product. The boys of Supermassive Games they once again convinced us, especially as regards the creation of the characters and the expressiveness of the faces. The settings are less accurate, few and certainly do not stand out for their originality.
On the other hand, Spanish dubbing has been promoted to a number of votes, proving to be qualitatively valid and inspired. The music that will accompany the players for the duration of the adventure is also excellent.
Unfortunately, despite the quality of the title, Hidden Agenda it is not free from defects. During our games we encountered some slight, albeit annoying drop in frame rates in the most chaotic situations. Furthermore, in group sessions, the numerous on-screen cursors could create quite a few problems, especially during the investigative and action phases. Nothing particularly serious and that, after all, does not change the quality and goodness of the title in the least.
Hidden Agenda is confirmed to be the best title PlayLink currently available. Supermassive Games has hit the mark once again, creating a narratively excellent and playable title completely in the company of friends and / or family. Unfortunately, the short duration and not excellent replayability, combined with some small technical and conceptual flaws, do not allow the title to rise to perfection. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a party game suitable for anyone, with a solid and intriguing background story you can rest assured that Hidden Agenda it will not disappoint you.