They will give you a hard time.
While most of the campaign's Doom Eternal will be spent killing hordes of demons and other villains, players will face some powerful enemies: Gladiator, Doom Hunter, Reaper, Khan Maykr and the Icon of Sin.
This powerful enemy is dangerous and hard to die. If you want to defeat the Gladiator, you need to be really prepared as his list of attacks is more diverse than other bosses. He is armed with a shield and a powerful scourge that you will have to pay close attention to. Luckily, there are some actions he will take to increase your counterattack chances during combat.
How to defeat the Gladiator
During the first phase of the battle, the Gladiator will move quickly. Use your dash skill to escape his attacks and try to hit the eyes on his shield. When they flash green, the Gladiator is about to attack. Avoid the attack and then take a moment to shoot and stun him and then completely empty the magazine on him. Also watch out for incoming demon spawns. While fighting the Gladiator, you will need ammo and health. Eliminate his "minions" by using the chainsaw or pulling out a Glory Kills when necessary.
After reaching a certain point in the fight and hurting the Gladiator enough, he will drop the shield and pick up a second scourge. When this happens, the Gladiator will become much more aggressive. Keep dealing damage to him and avoid his attacks by continuing to move. The Gladiator will swing his flails, blocking any incoming projectiles. As the fight continues, watch for the Gladiator's eye as it will flash green as the eyes on the shield did before it attacked.
At some points during the second phase of the fight, the Gladiator will place his flails on both sides, blocking you. Try jumping or crouching under the shock waves it will emit. Keep dodging and attacking, we advise you to use machine gun and plasma rifle, until the Gladiator collapses. Congratulations on completing your fight with one of the bosses in DOOM Eternal.
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Doom Hunter
The Doom Hunter is the latest creation of the infernal priest Daeg Ranak. This menacing-looking boss has a propulsion sled that he uses to move and two weapons for hands. However, he is not invincible and can be taken down with the right strategy and the right weapons.
How to defeat the Doom Hunter
When you start the battle for the first time, the weaknesses of the boss will be indicated. These are his energy shield and the propulsion sled. Damaging them both will allow you to easily face the rest of the battle.
The Doom Hunter has a variety of both medium and short range attacks. One of his arms has a laser cannon that fires a beam directly at the Doomguy, while the other arm is a chainsaw that he uses for melee attacks. At closer range, which is what the boss will mostly try to do, his melee attacks are very dangerous and can devastate us with just a few hits.
Before going into battle, you will need two main weapons for this fight. The first is the plasma rifle, while secondary options can be shotgun, heavy cannon and rocket launcher. The most obvious tactic, to begin with, is to target the Hunter's Shields or the sled. Destroying his energy shield will temporarily stun the boss and allow you to inflict the most damage. But the energy shields will return to his defense after a while.
On the other hand, if you destroy the sled, the Doom Hunter will lose most of its abilities and open up several counterattack opportunities for you. From this point on, you will have to reload and fire repeatedly to disable its energy shields and then switch to fbird or heavy cannon to inflict a considerable amount of damage on it. When the boss is vulnerable after his shields have been lowered, its weakest point is the head, and that's where you'll need to focus to inflict maximum damage.
In the second phase of the fight, the Doom Hunter will move away from his sled and move even faster. However, it is more vulnerable to your attacks. Stick with the rocket launchers or heavy cannon micro missiles it can easily reduce his health to 50% in a short time.
When the Doom Hunter is defeated, you will be taken to a new area and you will have to face two more Doom Hunters. While the tactics and moves of the two bosses remain the same, you will have to face another challenge, which is to dodge the two bosses. The best way is to focus on one boss while taking cover from the other Doom Hunter until there is only one left. In this new area there are many points of cover and you can defend yourself easily.
The Reaper
This boss is easy enough to beat when you know the tactics and approaches to use. As always, dodging and keeping in motion is essential to complete the fight in one piece.
The Reaper it has only a few attacks in its arsenal and it requires you to learn only one tactic to defeat him. The boss battle is not tough and can be completed in minutes.
Below we have detailed how to defeat the boss in question
How to defeat the Reaper
The Reaper is a boss who can make use of three different attacks. It will choose the attack to use depending on the distance we are at. For close range combat, he will use his shotgun. If we are distanced from the boss, he will emit a rapid wave of red energy. At medium range, he will favor melee attacks with his mighty ax.
The best strategy in this battle is to stay at a medium distance to face the fight. This is because the only weakness this boss has is when he swings the ax at medium range. This attack is also indicated on the screen by a flash of green light that will be emitted from the boss's eyes. Shooting just when his eyes are flashing green is the only way to deal considerable damage.
The best weapon for this fight is the Super Shotgun, as it deals maximum damage and remember that using any type of Super Weapon will be useless in this fight. The Reaper is excellent at defending himself using his shield, so you will necessarily have to wait for him to show his unique vulnerability and for his eyes to flash green otherwise every attack will be practically ineffective.
During the boss fight, you will also have to face smaller enemies that will not only help the boss in question, as it should be, but also you, as they will drop health and ammo after being killed by the glorious kills. Keep moving and always stay within medium range of the boss to trigger his ax swing attack. Wait for the green eyes to blink and then fire a nice Super Shotgun to deal damage. Repeat this process until the boss weakens over time. Eventually, the will start blinking, indicating that you can finish it with a Glory Kill.
Khan Maykr
In the last part of the game, you will face the Khan Maykr, and in this Eternal Boss guide, we will explain how to defeat this boss.
How to defeat Khan Maykr
You will face Khan Maykr at the end of the “Urdak” mission. When all the teleporter rings are properly aligned, the dimensional door to Earth will open.
Samuel will beg you to leave quickly for Earth as there is not much time left to save him. He will ask you to go to the landing pad and leave. On the way to the platform, you will be attacked by some small creatures that you have to defeat. Keep going to the platform after wiping them out. When you reach the checkpoint, a cutscene will play after which the fight against Khan Maykr will begin.
You will fight Khan Maykr in a large circular arena. It will float as it launches various types of attacks at you. It has an attack that will set the ground ablaze and head towards our position. Move to escape the attack. In another attack, it will launch bullets from its Wings. It will fire multiple bullets at the same time. If you successfully dodge all the bullets, using platforms and columns that make up the game scenario, you will have a useful window to attack her while she recovers from her attack.
The best way to deal damage to it is by using the Super Shotgun and the Blood Fist. In the meantime, you must also send the Maykr Drones to the creator, useful for obtaining resources including health and ammunition. Repeat the action over and over to defeat her easily. Recommended weapons? Rocket Launcher with the “Homing Burst” modification and machine gun.
The Icon of Sin
The Icon of Sin is literally the biggest boss in the entire game. The Doom Slayer has a certain reputation and the final battle serves to commemorate the efforts it has made to save the world. The Icon of Sin has been foreshadowed throughout the game to be the final boss and the most engaging fight of all. Unlike many other enemies and bosses in the game, the Doom Slayer has to take down the mammoth enemy piece by piece to get the job done. The Icon of Sin was a recurring villain in previous series entries before it was restarted. It was initially just a giant goat head that players could take down. Its design is now much more powerful and intimidating than its 1994 counterpart. In DOOM Eternal, Khan Makyr summons the Icon of Sin before being defeated by the Doom Slayer.
This guide will give you what it takes to defeat this intense final boss.
How to defeat the Icon of Sin
The Icon of Sin opens the fight by provoking the player before it begins. There are more floors to explore. Within each floor there will be health, armor and ammo if needed (you will need to trust them). We recommend that you explore the landscape to familiarize yourself with the possible escape routes before the battle begins. The Icon of Sin will summon weaker enemies; try to divide the attention between these enemies and the main boss, as focusing too much attention on one or the other will prove harmful. The body of the icon of sin will be covered with armor. To damage him, focus the fire on the various parts of his body. This includes arms, legs and chest.
Damaging each part enough will reveal the skin of the Icon of Sin. Although, regardless of the armor removal, the player cannot damage the boss directly until each piece of armor has been removed. Use the attack Sticky Bombs on Shotgun or Rocket Launcher to heavily damage his armor. Getting too close to the boss will cause him to advance. Avoid this by hiding behind the building debris. It will also evoke hellfire from his hands and it will level an entire floor. To avoid this move, go to the upper or lower floor. Using sprint is an excellent way to quickly escape. Break every piece of his armor and eventually the Icon of Sin will retreat into the distance. Jump into the green portal to start the second phase of the fight
The second phase of the fight is very similar to the first, only this time the environment is different and instead of attacking the armor, the player must attack each part of his body individually. Once a body part has been destroyed, it will be exposed to damage, which means that you will need to focus fire only on that body part until it explodes. This time around, however, the Icon of Sin will summon more powerful minions to attack the Destiny Slayer. Do some quick work on these using the ice grenade and sticky bombs. The Icon of Sin will also sometimes hide behind buildings as its minions attack.
This is the perfect opportunity to rush in and collect armor, health, and ammo, but his minions will continue to attack as he hides, so watch out for his surroundings. Wait for it to come out again to attack. Keep attacking every part of her body until she is destroyed. It will become clear to the player when a part of the body of the Icon of Sin has been destroyed because it will be shown by its internal organs, including seeing the inside of its bones. The battle will end when the health gauge reaches zero. The player will then be rewarded with the ending of the game.
Doom Eternal isn't afraid to be gory. Even in the final boss, parts of his body start falling off the buildings, revealing his rib cage, heart, and every bone. This is partly because fans are so fond of this franchise. The Gore is a fundamental component of the identity of the series. Tearing the hearts of enemies and throwing them at another is not something that players see every day. This game can be completed in about 10-15 hours, depending on the player's skill level. While the game is short, every second is filled with quality and fun. Each moment will make the player's heart pound as he continues to free the world from the invasion of ravenous demons.
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