God of War, guide to the new armor of the new game plus.
The latestupdate of God of War, in addition to introducing a new game mode NG + that will allow you to start the story from scratch without losing the progress of the character, armor, skills and everything you just conquered during the first run, but with a higher degree of difficulty, also introduced new loot, talismans and spells and, most importantly, two mythical armor. that will make happy all completists: the armor of Zeus and the armor of Ares. In this guide we will see how to collect all the missing items for armor construction and some of the enchantments needed to dramatically raise your strength and runic level. Finally, we'll take a look at the other armors present in the game, upgraded in NG+ mode.
If you're looking for more God of War themed guides, here's what's currently available on Soultricks.com:
- Guide to the best NG + armor build.
- Guide on how to get the armor of Zeus, Ares and all other NG + armor.
- God of War guide: where to find and how to defeat the nine valkyries.
- God of War, Aegir's guide to infinite gold and silver
- God of War, guide to unlock all skills and infinite experiences
- God of War, guide to all treasure maps.
- God of War - Guide, how to get the golden Talisman of protection and the Amulet of Kvasir.
- God of War, guide to the legendary baskets.
How to get the Armor of Zeus in God of War, get the complete armor set.
Zeus armor schemes are unlocked by defeating three Valkyries in NG + mode and in particular:
- Gloves of Zeus - Gondul (Muspelheim).
- War Belt of Zeus - Hildr (Niflheim)
- Breastplate of Zeus - Sigrun, the queen of the Valkyries. Therefore, the last piece of armor can only be unlocked once all the other Valkyries in the game have been defeated and released.
The basic features of the new armor are truly unique. The description (see below) defines it as a blessing and a curse at the same time, here's why:
- Crystal Catapult: significantly increases the damage dealt by Kratos' attacks, but at the same time intensifies the damage received by opposing blows. The more armor items used, the more these effects are enhanced.
- Strength - 40
- Defense - 40
- Runic - 40

Armor of Ares
The armor of Ares, the Greek god of war, increases your strength and defense stats, as well as luck and runic skills recharge, however, it lacks vitality. Specifically, the new armor, in the favorite color of the god of war, red, allows Kratos to greatly enhance the effectiveness of the fury of Sparta and the damage caused, but at the same time the duration is shortened. The positive and negative effects increase if you use more elements of the armor.
To find the blueprints for the Ares armor, you must defeat the mountain dragon.
Resources needed: 75,500 Silver and 24 Skap scum a material that can be found by opening the red baskets, continuing the story, closing the gaps in the kingdom and especially by completing the challenges of Muspelheim. Since the challenges can be repeated several times, choose your favorite and repeat to get the most out of it Scum skap can, you will need it given the cost of the armor.
- Strength - 40
- Defense - 70
- Luck - 20
- Recharge - 30
- Spell Configuration - 3

In addition to these two armors, the New Game Plus has added new armors and improved existing ones; below is the full list.
List of all armors present in God of War 4's New Game Plus and their stats.
Below is the list of new armors present in the game and divided by categories, with stats and resources needed to forge them. If you want an infographic of the new armor, you can find it at this address.
New Game Plus mode: armor and shoulder straps
There are 15 additions to the chest armor. All of these offer some additional benefits which are listed below:
1) Shoulders of the Ancients +: Reinforced plates imbued with the power of an elder's heart grant the armor resistance to all elemental damage.
- Elemental Shield: 33% resistance against FREEZING, BURNS AND POISONING. (Up to 85% maximum)
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 3 Hearts of the Ancients and 24 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 50
- Defense - 80
- Spell Configuration - 3
2) Wanderer's Breastplate +: Fortified with battle-hardened metal shards from the Wanderer's armor. Increases the vitality of warriors strong enough to use.
- Walker Protection: Slowly regenerates a protective barrier that absorbs a single attack.
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 5 Wayfarer armor scales and 24 Skap Slag.
- Strength-18
- Defense- 80
- Vitality - 60
- Spell Configuration - 3
3) Armor of the lost unit of Tyr +:armor forged from an offering to Tyr, blessed with Tyr's luck.
- Luck of Tyr: low chance to activate a brief increase in strength, defense or runic powers.
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 1 offering to Tyr, 24 Aegir's Gold and 24 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 16
- Defense - 65
- Vitality - 9
- Runic - 16
- Luck - 24
- Recharge - 20
- Spell Configuration - 3
4) Ivaldi's Cursed Mist Overcasting +: Echoes of the Mist infuses this armor with great power and increases your resistance to Nilflheim's cursed mist.
- Regenerative Essence: Adds a small amount of health regeneration (stacks up to 5 times).
- Resources: 75.500 Hacksilver, 5 Nilflheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusted Armor
and 24 Skap scum. - Strength-22
- Defense - 65
- Runic - 50
- Spell Configuration - 3
5) Ivaldi's Eternal Mist Breastplate +: Echoes of the Mist infuses this armor with great power and increases your resistance to the cursed mists of Niflheim.
- Regenerative Essence: Adds a small amount of health regeneration (stacks up to 5 times).
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 5 Nilflheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusty Armor
and 24 Skap Slag. - Strength-25
- Defense- 76
- Vitality - 35
- Spell Configuration - 3
6) Smoky Sulfur Chest +: Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Upgrade with Burning Embers to unlock its true potential.
- Aura of Fire: Moderate activation chance of Aura of Fire grant perk, increases FORCE and restores a small amount of health when dealing damage. Equip full armor to increase your chances.
- Resources: 75,500 hacksilver, 24 smoldering embers and 24 skap scum.
- Strength - 48
- Defense - 70
- Vitality - 20
- Spell configuration - 3
7) Burning Embers +: Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Upgrade with Burning Embers to unlock its true potential.
- Magma Shield: Moderate activation chance perk to create a shield of fire that deals FIRE damage to enemies and prevents attack interrupts to damage. Equip the complete set to increase your chances.
- Resources: 75,500 hacksilver, 24 smoking embers and 24 skap scum.
- Strength - 25
- Defense - 74
- Recharge - 40
- Spell configuration - 3
8) Chest of Lost Ashes +: Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Upgrade with Burning Embers to unleash its true potential.
- Fire Retaliation: moderated ability to activate the perk to inflict consecutive FIRE damage to nearby enemies. Equip the full set of Lost Ashes to increase your chances.
- Resources: 75,500 hacksilver, 24 smoking embers and 24 skap scum.
- Strength - 25
- Defense - 95
- Spell Configuration - 3
9) Sindri's royal dwarven armor +: Dvegraeikr breastplate, made by Sindri. Rare metals favor RUNIC and FREEZE.
- Arcane Protective Barrier: Perk's moderate activation ability to grant Protective Barrier, preventing damage from enemy attacks, when using a runic attack.
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 1 Last Sacrifice and 24 Skap Slag.
- Runic - 44
- Defense - 75
- Luck - 14
- Recharge - 34
- Spell Configuration - 3
10)Royal Dwarven Armor of Brok +: Breastplate of Dvegraeikr, made by Brok. Rare metals promote LUCK and STRENGTH.
- Sparta's Fury: increases the rate at which ENRAGED is acquired by 10% (stacks up to 30% max).
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 1 Last Sacrifice and 24 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 44
- Defense - 85
- Luck - 25
- Spell Configuration - 3
11) Ivaldi's Cursed Mist Overcast +: Echoes of the Mist infuses this armor with great power and increases resistance to the cursed mists of Niflheim.
- Regenerative Essence: Adds a very small amount of constant health regeneration (stacks up to 5 times max).
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 5 Niflheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusted Armor and 24 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 33
- Runic - 27
- Defense - 68
- Vitality - 20
- Spell Configuration - 3
12) COD Of War Tunic: A curious garment with unusual properties.
- Great Splash: the use of a regenerative stone or rage stone creates a powerful blast that inflicts SCARCH and FIRE damage to all nearby enemies.
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver and 24 Skap Slag.
- Strength-20
- Defense- 80
- Vitality-20
- Luck- 50
- Spell Configuration - 3
13) Armor of Ares: Armor forged in the style of the Greek god of war. A blessing and a curse.
- Fiend of Fury: greatly increases the fury gained, but reduces the fury bar and increases absorption during the wrath of Sparta. These effects increase significantly the more pieces of armor are equipped.
- Resources: 75,500 silver and 24 Skap scum.
- Strength-40
- Defense- 70
- Luck- 20
- Recharge - 30
- Spell Configuration - 3
14) Valkyrie Armor +:The armor of a true warrior forged from Valhalla metals. Favor of the Valkyries improves stats.
- Unstoppable Warrior Aura: Low chance to activate Unstoppable Aura, which prevents enemy attacks from being interrupted with each successful hit.
- Strength - 25
- Defense - 84
- Runic - 20
- Vitality - 12
- Recharge - 31
15) Armor ofZeus: Armor forged in the style of the king of the Greek gods. A blessing and a curse.
- Crystal Catapult: greatly increases Kratos' standard damage, but also intensifies the damage received. Both effects increase the more pieces of Zeus' armor are equipped.
- Strength - 40
- Defense - 40
- Runic - 40
New Game Plus mode: bracelets and gloves
There are 15 additions to the wrist armor. All of them offer some additional benefits, as you can read below.
1) Gloves of the Ancients +: Reinforced plates imbued with the power of the Hearts of the Ancients, guarantee the resistance of this armor to all elemental attacks.
- Elemental Shield: 33% resistance (up to a maximum of 85%) to ICE, FIRE and POISON attacks.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 8 Ancient Rubble and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Runic - 20
- Defense - 50
- Spell Configuration - 3
2) Walker's Gloves +: Reinforced with hardened metal from the traveler's armor. Increases the VITALITY of warriors strong enough to wear them.
- Increased damage with bare hands: Increases the damage inflicted by all attacks with bare hands by 6% (maximum damage attainable 18%).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 8 traveler's ghoul trophies, 3 traveler's armor shards and 20 Skap scum.
- Strength - 14
- Defense - 60
- Vitality - 45
- Spell Configuration - 3
3) Gloves of Tyr's Lost Union +: Gloves forged thanks to an offer made to Tyr: Blessed with Tyr's luck.
- Tyr's Luck: Minor benefit activation that offers the ability to provide a small boost to STRENGTH, DEFENSE or RUNIC when taking damage.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 1 Tyr's Offering, 18 Aegir's Gold and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 12
- Defense - 48
- Vitality - 7
- Runic - 12
- Luck - 18
- Recharge - 15
- Spell Configuration - 3
4) Ivaldi's Cursed Mist Bracers +:Echoes of the Mist grants great power to this armor and increases your resistance to the cursed mists of Niflheim.
- Regenerative Essence: Adds a small constant health regeneration (stacks up to 5 times).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 5 Niflheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusty Armor and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 18
- Defense - 45
- Runic - 40
- Spell Configuration - 3
5) Ivaldi's Infinite Mist Gauntlet +: Echoes of the Mist grants great power to this armor and increases your resistance to Niflheim's cursed mist.
- Adds a very small constant health regeneration (stacks up to 5 times).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 5 Niflheim Garters, 1 Ivaldi Rusty Armor and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 58
- Vitality - 25
- Spell Configuration - 3
6) Smoldering Gloves of Sulfur +:Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Ignite them with smoldering embers to exploit their full potential.
- Aura of Fire: Moderate chance of activating Aura of Fire, which increases STRENGTH and allows you to recover a small amount of health when taking damage. Equip the full set of Smoky Sulphur to increase the odds.
- Resources: 56,600 hacksilver, 18 smoking embers and 20 skap scum.
- Strength - 37
- Defense - 51
- Vitality - 15
- Spell Configuration - 3
7) Burning magma armor +: Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Ignite them with smoldering embers to exploit their full potential.
- Magma Shield: Moderate chance to trigger the generation of a fire shield that deals FIRE damage to enemies and blocks attacks when taking damage. Equip the full set of Burning Embers to increase the odds.
- Resources: 56,600 hacksilver, 18 smoldering embers and 20 skap scum.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 54
- Recharge - 32
- Spell Configuration - 3
8) Gloves of Lost Ash +:Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Ignite them with smoldering embers to exploit their full potential.
- Revenge of Fire: Moderate chance to inflict FIRE damage to surrounding enemies when taking damage. Equip the full set of Fallen Ash to increase the odds.
- Resources: 56,600 hacksilver, 18 smoking embers and 20 skap scum.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 75
- Spell Configuration - 3
9) Sindri's Royal Dwarf Gloves +:Gloves of the Dvegraeikr, made by Sindri. Rare metals favor RUNIC and COOLING stats.
- Fire Mastery: Increases all FIRE damage inflicted by 15% (stacks up to 50%).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 1 Cry of the Innocent and 20 Skap Slag.
- Runic - 33
- Defense - 56
- Luck - 11
- Recharge - 26
- Spell Configuration - 3
10) Brok + Royal Dwarf Gloves: Gloves of the Dvegraeikr, made by Brok. Rare metals favor LUCK and STRENGTH stats.
- Furious Rage: increases the rate at which you gain 10% rage (stacks up to 30%).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 1 Cry of the Innocent and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 33
- Defense - 64
- Luck - 19
- Spell Configuration - 3
11) Ivaldi's Gloves of Deadly Mist +:Echoes of the Mist grants great power to this armor and increases your resistance to the cursed mists of Niflheim.
- Regenerative Essence: Adds a small constant health regeneration (stacks up to 5 times).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 5 Niflheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusty Armor and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 26
- Runic - 21
- Defense - 50
- Vitality - 15
- Spell Configuration - 3
12) COD Of War Tunic:A curious garment with unusual properties.
- Sea Change: If Kratos' health bar is full, the use of health stones will restore rage. If Kratos' rage meter is full, the use of the rage stones will restore health.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver and 20 Skap Slag.
13) Ares Gloves: Armor forged in the style of the Greek god of war. A blessing and a curse.
- Fiend of Fury: greatly increases the fury gained, but reduces the fury bar and increases absorption during the wrath of Sparta. These effects increase significantly as more armor pieces are equipped.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 30
- Defense - 52
- Luck - 15
- Recharge - 22
- Spell Configuration - 3
14) Gloves of the Valkyries +:The armor of a true warrior forged with Valhalla metals. Favor of the Valkyries improves stats.
- Unstoppable Warrior Aura: Low chance to activate Unstoppable Aura, which prevents enemy attacks from being interrupted with each successful hit.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 63
- Runic - 15
- Vitality - 9
- Recharge - 23
15) Gloves of Zeus:Armor forged in the style of the king of the Greek gods. A blessing and a curse.
- Crystal Catapult: greatly increases Kratos' standard damage, but also intensifies the damage received. Both effects increase the more pieces of Zeus' armor are equipped.
- Strength - 30
- Defense - 30
- Runic - 30
New Game Plus mode: belts
There are 15 additions to the belts. The suits offer various benefits, as you can read below.
1) Belt of the Ancients +: Reinforced plates imbued with the power of an ancient heart grant this armor resistance to all elemental damage.
- Elemental Shield: 33% resistance against ICE, FIRE and POISON attacks (up to a maximum of 85%);
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 8 Ancient Rubble and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 50
- Recharge - 20
- Spell Configuration - 3
2) Traveler's War Belt +: Reinforced with battle-hardened metal shards from the traveler's armor. Increases vitality for use by sufficiently strong warriors.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 12 Traveler's Ghoul Trophy and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 14
- Defense - 60
- Vitality - 45
- Spell Configuration - 3
3) Tyr's Lost Unit Belt +: Belt forged from an offering made to Tyr: blessed with Tyr's luck.
- Luck of Tyr: activation grants a quick boost to STRENGTH, DEFENSE and RUNIC when you take damage.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 1 Offering to Tyr, 18 Aegir's Gold and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 12
- Runic - 12
- Defense - 48
- Vitality - 7
- Luck - 18
- Recharge - 15
- Spell Configuration - 3
4) Ivaldi's Cursed Mist Warbelt +: The echoes of the mist imbued this armor of great power and increase your resistance to the cursed mist of Nilfheim.
- Regenerating Essence: adds a smooth and constant health recovery (up to a maximum multiplier of 5).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 5 Nilfheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusted Armor and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 18
- Defense - 45
- Runic - 40
- Spell Configuration - 3
5) Ivaldi's Infinite Mist Warbelt +:Echoes of Mist imbued this armor of great power and increase your resistance to Nilfheim's cursed mist.
- Regenerating Essence: adds a smooth and constant health recovery (up to a maximum multiplier of 5).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 5 Nilfheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusted Armor and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 58
- Vitality - 25
- Spell Configuration - 3
6) Burning Stone Battle Belt +: Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Ignite it with smoldering embers to unleash its true potential.
- Aura of Fire: activation can grant you the Aura of Fire ability, which increases FORCE and regenerates a small amount of health when taking damage. Equipping the full set of the Burning Stone increases the chance of activation.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 18 Smoking Ember and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 37
- Defense - 51
- Vitality - 15
- Spell Configuration - 3
7) Burning Magma Warbelt +: Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Ignite it with smoldering embers to unleash its true potential.
- Magma Shield: activation can grant the ability to create a shield of fire that deals FIRE damage to enemies and reduces the chance to stab when taking damage. Equip the full set of Blazing Magma to increase the chance of activation.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 18 Smoking Ember and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 54
- Recharge - 32
- Spell Configuration - 3
8) Warbelt of Fallen Ashes +:Armor forged in the Realm of Fire. Ignite it with smoldering embers to unleash its true potential.
- Fire Retaliation: activation can grant the ability to inflict consecutive FIRE damage to all nearby enemies when taking damage. Equip the full set of Fallen Ash to increase the chance of activation.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 18 Smoking Ember and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 75
- Spell Configuration - 3
9) Sindri's Royal Dwarf Belt +:Belt of Dvegraeikr, forged by Sindri. Rare metals favor RUNIC and RECHARGE.
- Frost Mastery: Increases all frost damage by 15% (to a maximum of 50%).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 1 Dragon Fury and 20 Skap Slag.
- Runic - 33
- Defense - 56
- Luck - 11
- Recharge - 26
- Spell Configuration - 3
10) Brok + Royal Dwarven Belt: Belt of Dvegraeikr, forged by Brok. Rare metals promote LUCK and STRENGTH.
- Choleric Rage: increases Wrath's charge speed by 10% (to a maximum of 30%).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 1 Dragon Fury and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 33
- Defense - 64
- Luck - 19
- Spell Configuration - 3
11) Ivaldi's Deadly Mist Warbelt +:The mist echoes imbued from this armor grant great power and increase your resistance to the cursed mists of Niflheim.
- Regenerative Essence: Adds a small, constant health regeneration (up to a maximum of 5 times).
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver, 5 Niflheim Alloy, 1 Ivaldi's Rusted Armor and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 26
- Runic - 21
- Defense - 50
- Vitality - 15
- Spell Configuration - 3
12)Waistwar COD: An unusual ornament with strange powers.
- Weeping Haddock: the use of a health or rage stone provides a defensive barrier that prevents damage from enemies.
- Resources - 56,600 Silver 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 15
- Defense - 60
- Vitality - 15
- Luck - 37
- Spell Configuration - 3
13) War Belt of Ares:Armor forged by the Greek god of war. At the same time, it is a blessing and a curse.
- Demon of Anger: drastically increases the Anger gain, but reduces the Anger bar and increases the Anger consumption rate. The more pieces of the set that wear out, the more this effect increases dramatically.
- Resources: 56,600 Hacksilver and 20 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 30
- Defense - 52
- Luck - 15
- Cooldown - 22
- Spell Configuration - 3
14) Belt of the Valkyries +: a true warrior's armor, forged from Valhalla metals. The essence of the Valkyries grants a balanced stat boost.
- Arcane Rune: grants a blessing of RUNE damage when using a runic attack.
- Strength - 20
- Defense - 63
- Runic - 15
- Vitality - 9
- Recharge - 23
15) War Belt of Zeus:Armor forged by the king of the Greek gods Zeus. At the same time, it is a blessing and a curse.
- Glass Ballista: significantly increases the damage of Kratos, as well as the damage received. The more pieces of the set used, the more this effect increases dramatically.
- Strength - 30
- Defense - 30
- Runic - 30
New Game Plus mode - Talismans [CRISTIAN].
There are 13 additions to the Talisman. Below is the full list and their stats.
1) Hvergelmir Stone +: Summons a purifying mist that restores a small amount of health and increases the amount of time Kratos can stay in the cursed fog of Niflheim.
- Resources: 56600 Hacksilver, 8 Mist Echoes and 23 Skap Slag.
- Vitality - 20
- Enchantment socket - 1
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
2)From Sinmara Ash +:Summons a raging maelstrom of Muspelheim that prevents Krato's attacks from being interrupted, reduces the amount of damage he takes, and deals normal and BURN damage to all nearby enemies.
- Resources: 56600 Hacksilver, 14 Smoking Ember and 23 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Enchantment socket - 1
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
3) Talisman of Unleashed Potential +: Upgrades all reuse times of Runic Attack. Also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that increases RUNIC when a Runic Attack is on cooldown.
- Resources: 56600 Hacksilver, 4 Dust of Realms and 23 Skap Slag.
- Runic - 20
- Enchantment Plug - 1
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
4) Talisman of Eternal Fury +: Gains Rage Burst. Also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that increases the amount of Rage gained from combat, as well as the duration of Spartan Rage.
- Resources: 56600 Hacksilver and 23 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 20
- Enchantment socket - 1
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
5) Treachery Talisman +: Activate it while trying to slow down time. Ranged attacks in this mode are more powerful.
- Defense - 10
- Cooldown - 14
- Activate - R3
6) Heimdall's Horn +: Unleashes a powerful attack that deals STUN damage and knocks down nearby enemies. It also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that reduces the reuse time of this Talisman on successful blocks and parries.
- Defense - 18
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
7) Amulet of Kvasir +: A last second dodge activates Realm Shift, which temporarily slows surrounding enemies.
- Defense - 12
- Vitality - 18
8) Talisman of Concentrated Vitality +:Gain a burst of health.
- Defense - 12
- Vitality - 18
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
- Runic - 20
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
10) Shattered Gauntlet of Ages +: An ancient relic of Hel deemed too powerful to remain whole, fragments of its former strength lie scattered across the realms.
- Defense - 18
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
11) Talisman of the Realms +: Summons a realm shift that temporarily slows surrounding enemies.
- Cooldown - 20
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
12) Aegir's Protection +: Creates a small defensive zone that prevents Kratos' attacks from being interrupted and reduces the amount of damage he takes. When upgraded, it also restores a small amount of health.
- Defense - 17
- Activate - L1 + CIRCLE
13) Golden Talisman of Protection +: Activate it immediately after taking a hit to recover faster. It also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that increases the time window on parries and greatly increases DEFENSE when blocking.
- Strength - 12
- Defense - 18
- Activate - L1
New Game Plus Mode: Axe Knobs
There are 9 additions in the Ax Poms section. Below is the full list with related stats.
1) Versatile warrior + handle:
- Expert warrior: increases STRENGTH, DEFENSE and LUCK. Upgrade to increase additional stats.
- Strength - 16
- Defense - 16
- Luck - 16
2) Forbidden Time Management +:
- Word of Time: an ancient relic that increases all of Kratos' stats. Adds a powerful wave at the end of a combo done with R1.
- Strength - 14
- Runic - 14
- Defense - 14
- Vitality - 14
- Luck - 16
- Cooldown - 14
3) HR / EZLA Handle of Farmadr +:
- Increased warrior health: low chance of activating a perk that grants each successful axe attack an increase in health.
- Strength - 14
- Vitality - 14
- Luck - 20
4) Breath of Ymir +:
- Ymir's vengeance: low chance to activate a perk that creates a frost explosion on each successful axe attack.
- Strength - 14
- Runic - 18
- Luck - 14
5) Reward +:
- Queen's Rage: R1 axe throwing becomes incredibly powerful. Low chance of perk activation allowing you to hit with a powerful blast after each successful attack.
- Strength - 16
- Luck - 16
- Cooldown - 20
6) Wing of the Fallen +:
- Power of the Valkyries: average chance to activate the perk that grants the power of the valkyries after each successful kill. The maximum usable benefit 3x increases the stats of RONIC and STRENGTH.
- Strength - 22
- Cooldown - 16
7) Valkyrie Power +:
- Valkyrie Attack: moderate chance to activate the "Valkyrie Attack" perk on each successful Executioner's Strike. The attack causes a powerful explosion.
- Strength - 16
- Runic - 16
- Luck - 22
8) Bringer of Ruin +:
- Curse of the Mist: low chance to activate the perk to hit with a powerful blast that causes enemies to weaken with each hit.
- Strength - 16
- Runic - 16
- Defense - 20
- Luck - 22
9) Tanngiost + Handle:
- Thor's Fist: low chance to activate the perk that allows you to attack with a lightning bolt, the attack inflicts SHOCK damage to all nearby enemies after each successful hit with the axe.
- Strength - 16
- Runic - 22
- Luck - 16
New Game Plus mode: Chaos Swords Pomi
There are 7 additions to the Blades of Chaos knobs. Below is the full list and related stats.
1) Doom Guard +:
- Explosive Ruin: low chance to hit with an explosion that causes weakness in enemies after each successful hit.
- Defense - 20
- Vitality - 16
2) Valkyrie Handle+:
- Power of the Valkyries: low chance to activate the Power of the Valkyries perk after each successful hit from the chaos swords, which increases the STRENGTH and EXECUTION stats by a maximum of 3 times.
- Strength - 16
- Runic - 16
- Cooldown - 20
3) Cursed Flame Handles+:
- Gift of Fire: low chance to activate the perk that allows you to place fire bombs (with explosion after 3 seconds) after each successful Blades of Chaos attack.
- Strength - 16
- Runic - 22
4) Explosive fire handles +:
- Fire Tongue: low chance to activate the perk that allows you to place fire bombs (with explosion after 3 seconds) after each successful Blades of Chaos attack.
- Strength - 16
- Runic - 22
5) Forgotten Flame Handle +:
- Aura of Fire: moderate ability to activate Aura of Fire after each successful hit, the perk will increase STRENGTH and allow you to regain a small amount of health.
- Resources: 75,500 hacksilver, 14 smoldering embers and 19 skap scum.
- Strength - 16
- Vitality - 22
- Luck - 16
6) Handles of the Labyrinth +:
- Purifying Light: very high chance of regaining protection against Niflheim's cursed fog after each death. Also grants resistance to Cursed Mist.
- Resources: 75,500 Hacksilver, 1500 Mist Echoes and 19 Skap Slag.
- Strength - 14
- Vitality - 14
- Luck - 20
7) Surtr + Flame Handles:
- Rage of Flames: low chance to activate Rage of Flames after each successful hit. This perk greatly increases FORCE, restores a small amount of health and launches energy surges during normal attacks.
- Resources: 75,500 hacksilver, 14 smoking embers and 19 skap scum.
- Strength - 16
- Runic - 22
New Game Plus mode: spells, recipes
There are 15 additions to the spell recipes. Below is the full list with related stats.
1) Frozen Fragment of Bestla +:Purchase a perfect spell that offers a bonus to a random stat and a high chance to trigger a brief increase in STRENGTH when using the Mists of Helheim runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
2) Icy Fragment of Hymir +: Purchase a perfect spell that offers a random stat bonus and significantly increases the duration of the Blessing of Frost runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
3) Buri's Frozen Fragment +:Purchase a perfect spell that provides a bonus to a random stat and significantly increases the duration of the Old Frost Wrath runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
4) Frozen Fragment of Hrodr +:Purchase a perfect spell that provides a bonus to a random stat and increases the damage dealt by the Breath of Thamur runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
5) Perfect Mark of Kvasir +: Changes the fully upgraded Kvasir + Amulet to a perfect spell that activates Kingdom Shift, which temporarily slows surrounding enemies with a last second dodge.
- Resources: 40,000 Hacksilver and 1 Kvasir + Amulet.
- Level 9 upgrade: Defense 8 and Vitality 18.
6) Tyr's Perfect Mark +: Changes Tyr's fully upgraded armor set to a perfect spell that offers a moderate chance to trigger a short FORCE, DEFENSE or ROUND boost when taking damage.
- Resources: 40,000 Hacksilver, 1 Tyr + Lost Unit Chest, 1 Tyr + Lost Unit Gloves and 1 Tyr + Lost Unit Belt.
- Level 9 upgrade - Strength - 8, Runic - 8, Defense - 8, Vitality - 8, Luck - 15 and Cooldown - 8.
7) Traveler's Perfect Score +: Exchanges the fully upgraded Traveler + armor set for a perfect spell that slowly regenerates a protective shield that can absorb a single attack.
- Resources: 40,000 silver coins, 1 traveler + breastplate, 1 traveler + gloves and 1 traveler + war belt.
- Level 9 upgrade - Strength - 10, Defense - 20 and Vitality - 10.
8) Perfect Mark of the Ancient +: Exchanges the fully upgraded Ancient + armor set for a perfect spell that offers 85% resistance against ICE, FIRE and POISON attacks.
- Resources: 40,000 Hacksilver, 1 Ancient + Backplates, 1 Ancient + Gloves and 1 Ancient + Belt.
- Level 9 upgrade - Strength - 20, Runic - 10 and Vitality - 10.
9) Perfect Mark of Protection +:Changes the fully upgraded Golden Talisman of Protection + to a perfect spell that increases the stopping time window and significantly increases DEFENSE when blocked.
- Resources: 40,000 Hacksilver and 1 Golden Talisman of Protection +.
- Level 9 upgrade - Strength - 8 and Defense - 18.
10) Aurvandil's Fire Fragment +: Purchase a perfect spell that offers a random stat bonus and increases the duration of the Apollo's Gift runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
11) Jarnsaxa's Fire Fragment +:Purchase a perfect spell that offers a bonus to a random stat and adds an explosive bomb to Artemis' Wrath Runic Attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
12) Flaming Fragment of Dagr +:Purchase a perfect spell that provides a bonus to a random stat and increases the damage of the Rage of Tartarus runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
13) Hyrrokkin's Fire Fragment +:Purchase a perfect spell that offers a random stat bonus and increases the damage of the Blast of Hephaestus rune attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
14) Fragment of Burning Borr +:Purchase a perfect spell that provides a bonus to a random stat and triggers a brief RUNIC boost when using Hel's Touch runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
15) Logi's Fiery Fragment +:Purchase a perfect spell that offers a random stat bonus and increases the damage of the Nemean Smash runic attack.
- Resources: 12 smoldering embers and 3 skap scum.
New Game Plus mode - Spell stats
There are 13 spell additions. Below is the full list and related stats.
1) Stormstone of Njord +:
- Kingdom Shift: chance to gain a slight bonus to temporarily slow nearby enemies when dealing damage.
- Runic - 8
- Luck - 8
- Recharge - 18
2) Scale of the Mighty +:
- Aura of Fire: high chance to gain an advantage in STRENGTH and VITALITY when Kratos' health drops to a critical level.
- Runic - 18
- Vitality - 10
3) Heart of Valkyrie +:
- Valkyrie Protection: chance to gain a slight bonus on each successful hit to gain Valkyrie Protection, granting 50% resistance to all enemy status effects and attacks.
- Runic - 8
- Defense - 18
- Vitality - 8
- Recharge - 8
4) Soul of Andvari +:
- Destroyer Health Blast: chance to gain a slight bonus to gain a VITALITY boost on each successful kill with a runic attack.
- Runic - 15
- Vitality - 8
- Recharge - 8
5) Fragment of Asgard's existence +:
- Fortification: holding L1 for a few seconds grants Fortification, which triggers an explosive reaction after the next successful block.
- Defense - 18
6) Eye of the Leviathan +:
- Axe Throwing Mastery: increases the damage of all axe shots by 6% (stacks to 18% max).
- Strength - 18
7) Chained shining scale +:
- Arcane Runic: Possibility to moderate the activation of benefits to gain a RUNE blessing when using a runic attack.
- Defense - 8
- Recharge - 15
8) Ivaldi's Corrupted Mind +:
- Aura of weakness: nearby enemies, up to fifteen meters, are weaker.
- Strength - 8
- Runic - 8
- Defense - 18
- Vitality - 8
9) Shining mark of the dragon +:
- Unstoppable Aura of the speedster: running for 3 seconds grants Unstoppable Aura, preventing it from being interrupted by enemy attacks.
- Strength - 15
- Recharge - 4
10) Feathers of the fallen servant +:
- Blessing of swiftness: slightly increases the maximum sprint speed.
- Luck - 15
11) Heart of Midgard +:
- Barehanded damage increase: increases damage dealt by all barehanded attacks by 6% (stacks to 18% max).
- Strength: 15
12) Heart of Vanaheim +:
- Lucky Strike: moderate chance of Perk activation to gain a slight RUNIC, FORCE or DEFENSE advantage on any hit.
- Strength: 15
- Recharge - 4
13) Eye of the Chosen +:
- Fast Evasion: gain a speed advantage that allows you to travel a greater distance.
- Recharge - 18
New Game Plus mode: Atreus armor
Atreus receives three new upgrades in the armor section, in detail:
1) Champion's Warrior: for a master of all disciplines. It greatly increases Atreus' melee damage and recovery speed and reduces arrow recharge time.
- Legendary Fighter: has all the benefits of the Legendary Fighter robe.
- Legendary Runic: has all the benefits of the legendary runic suit.
- Legendary Shooter: has all the benefits of the Legendary Shooter outfit.
Resources: 136,500 Hacksilver and 24 Skap Slag.
2) Hunter's outfit: the prey becomes a predator. Greatly reduces Atreus' arrow recovery time and increases recovery speed.
- Legendary Runic: has all the benefits of the legendary runic suit.
- Legendary Shooter: has all the benefits of the Legendary Shooter outfit.
3) Dress of the last Jotunn: In homage to the Jotnar left behind. Greatly increases Atreus' recovery speed and melee damage.
- Legendary Fighter: has all the benefits of the Legendary Fighter tunic.
Legendary Runic: Has all the benefits of the legendary runic suit.