A search by no means trivial!
Detroit Become Human, the exclusive waiting license plate Sony e Quantic Dream, Has 46 magazines, which if collected all, will allow you to unlock the trophy: "Bookworm / Bookworm". It is impossible to find all the magazines in the first playthrough because they depend on our choices. Some of them will in fact affect game events, which means that if you choose decision A you will receive magazine A - if you choose decision B you will receive magazine B (in the exact same place a different magazine will be generated). The requirements are all highlighted in our guide. Take what you can during the first run and then, through the chapter selection function, pick up what you missed.
If you have forgotten a specific magazine, you must repeat all the chapters from the point where the important choice takes place. You cannot skip the middle chapters as progress is not saved in this way. After you find a magazine, you need to go through the chapter to the end to get it registered in the flow chart (it is not possible to exit the main menu immediately). Make sure you have the save function enabled when searching for these through chapter selection, otherwise it will not register the journals in the flowchart.
This guide lists them in chronological order by chapters as well as the numbers and names the magazines have in the Extras menu. In the Extras menu, you can check which magazines are missing at any time. You can also check the flowchart of each chapter, they are listed there too.
Important: you have to read each page and check both covers of each magazine. They usually have two topical topics listed on the cover. Swipe down on the touchpad to turn pages and swipe right to view the other cover. Even if they are in the same magazine, they count as separate collectibles!
Shades (Shades of Color)
- # 10 - Tech Addict: Secrets of Androids
- # 19 - Green Earth: Climate Change-Up
The first time you will impersonate Markus, you can find the magazine on a bench located on the right side of the park. Press the R2 button, to make a scan, thus the magazine will be highlighted by a yellow icon. Be sure to read all pages and check both covers.
New Home (A New Home)
- # 22 - All Sports: Android Power!
- # 1 - Century: Connecting the Dots
The magazine is on the living room table after Kara enters the house.
- # 23 - All Sports: Android QB
- # 11 - Tech Addict: The Price of Life
Upstairs, more precisely in the father's room, the magazine will be placed on a wardrobe.
The painter (The Painter)
- # 2 - Century: The North Pole
- # 27 - Detroit Today: Life Found on Titan!
Downstairs, this magazine sits on the living room table in front of the TV.
Colleagues (Partners)
- # 25 - Gossips Weekly: Android Sex Officially Better!
- # 12 - Tech Addict: Is Your Android Spying on You?
In the house where a murder was committed and in which you have to investigate to find the 10 clues. Go to the kitchen, the magazine is right there.
- # 3 - Century: The Bee-Line to Disaster
- # 26 - Gossips Weekly: It's Time to Face the Music
Inside the laundromat, on a cupboard next to the door you entered through.
Waiting for Hank ... (Waiting for Hank ...)
- # 28 - Detroit Today: Famous Detroit Painter Dies
- # 30 - Detroit Today: Ivanoff Says “Niet”!
You will find it on a desk in the police station, use the R2 key to scan it and highlight it.
Notice Well: the magazine can only be obtained if Markus did not attack Leo in the chapter "Broken".
- # 29 - Detroit Today: The Three Laws of Robotic Parenting
This magazine will replace # 28 if Markus attacks Leo. The magazine will be in the same spot as the police station but will show a different cover.
On the Run
- # 31 - Detroit Today: Cyber Wildlife
- (Not Numbered) - Canada: Canada still Android-Free Zone
If Kara and Alice slept in the abandoned house, the magazine will be next to where Alice is sleeping. On the other hand, if you have decided to sleep in the motel, then the magazine is next to the TV. Finally, if you decide to sleep in the car, it will be right in front of it.
- # 32 - Detroit Today: Android on the Run!
- # 13 - Tech Addict: Android Astronauts
After Markus gets off the train, the magazine is on a bench right at the train station.
Please note: Cover # 32 will only be available if in the seventh chapter "A Stormy Night", Kara escaped from the abandoned house and in chapter thirteenth"Runaway“, You were seen by the police and crossed the highway to escape.
- # 15 - Tech Addict: Cyberlife's Fortune Teller Computer
The magazine is in the same place as the previous one.
The # 15 will appear in place of the # 32 when, in the chapter "fugitives", Kara will have spent the night in the abandoned house and in the chapter"Runaway”She will have managed to cross the highway without having been spotted and chased by the police. The magazine in question can also be found towards the end of the game, in the chapter "Meet Kamski".
The Nest
- # 20 - Green Earth: Past the Tipping Point
- # 33 - Detroit Today: Red Ice Epidemic
When Hank kicks the door to the apartment, immediately check the small side room on the right (before entering the room with the many birds). The magazine will be on a table hidden behind the door, beware the collectible is easy to lose.
- # 34 - Detroit Today: Arctic Tensions Escalate
- # 35 - Detroit Today: Now Androids Alter Your Brain
Upstairs in the bedroom of Zlatko's villa. You can go there after Zlatko resets Kara.
Please note: # 35 will only spawn if Kara was detected by the police in the "Runaways" chapter and escaped via the highway.
- # 41 - Detroit Today: AX400 Getaway
Cover # 41 will always be found on the upper floor of Zlatko's villa but the ways to obtain it are different. Also in the role of Kara, in the chapter "Fugitives", Kara and Alice must have spent the night in the abandoned car or in the motel and also, in the chapter "On the Run" you must avoid all the police, without ever being seen. For this reason, more runs are required to obtain the collectibles of the chapter.
Russian Roulette
- # 5 - Century: Time to Pull the Plug
- # 4 - Century: Tainted Love
Inside Hank's house, in his bedroom (after you take him to the bathroom and bring him some clothes). When you freely explore the house while vomiting, you can take the magazine.
The Eden Club (The Eden Club)
- # 14 - Tech Addict: The First Immortals Are Among Us
- # 36 - Detroit Today: The New Super-Powers
Inside the warehouse, after tracing the Tracis. The magazine is on a box at the back of the magazine. Make sure you grab the magazine before following the blue blood droplets to the end.
The Pirate's Cove
- # 37 - Detroit Today: USS Iowa Missing
- # 24 - Gossips Weekly: All-Android Band Tipped for Music Prize
After Luther kicks in the door of the pirate house (short cutscene), the magazine will be on the barrels where Kara has placed her flashlight.
The Bridge
- # 8 - Century: The Mysterious Mister Kamski
- # 40 - Detroit Today: Markets Predict War
After Connor gets out of the car, the magazine is on the bench opposite. Make sure you get it before you talk to Hank.
The Stratford Tower
- # 6 - Century: President Warren A Woman in Trouble
- # 38 - Detroit Today: GI Android
Take the elevator and head to the 47th floor; you will find the magazine resting on a counter in the restaurant area. You can get it after wearing the uniform in the bathroom.
Public Enemy
- # 16 - Tech Addict: Bleeding Blue
- # 21 - Green Earth: Clean Food Craze
The magazine is inside the kitchen in the broadcast room.
Midnight Train
- # 9 - Century: World War Three
- Not Numbered - Treat Yourself!
On the kitchen table, but it can only be read after Rose leaves the house. Be sure to grab the magazine before opening the door for the cop.
Capitol Park
- # 39 - Detroit Today: Who is It?
- # 7 - Century: An Android for President?
At the beginning of the chapter, as soon as you take control of Markus, turn left immediately without taking any steps. You will find the magazine on a box next to you. Just take 2 steps and the magazine will be lost!
Meet Kamski (Meet Kamski)
- # 17 - Tech Addict: Space Tourism on the Rise
- # 15 - Tech Addict: Cyberlife's Fortune Teller Computer
In the entrance to Kamski's house (after Chloe has let you in), look at the picture on the right wall. After viewing the image you can read the magazine which is located just below the image on a cupboard. It is only available after viewing the picture!
Freedom March
- # 42 - Detroit Today: Android Riot
- # 18 - Tech Addict: The Eastern Space Race
At the beginning of the chapter. after taking control of Markus, take 1/2 steps, the magazine is on the floor to the left.
Please note: This magazine will only be available if, as Markus, you have freed the androids from the shop and made a violent demonstration in the “Capitol Park” chapter.
- # 43 - Detroit Today: Detroit in Chaos
- # 44 - Detroit Today: Android Terror in Detroit
When Connor gets to Jericho, he can find the magazine on a box in the back. However, don't proceed to the ladder yet (which is nearby). Doing so will jump to a new scene without being able to go back.
Please note: the magazine will be available if in the "March for Freedom" chapter, Markus attacks the police.
Battle for Detroit (Kara Leaving Detroit / Kara Leaving Detroit)
- # 46 - Detroit Today: Civil War in Detroit
The magazine will be on the right hand side of the bus stop.
Please note: The magazine will be available only if, playing Markus and pressing the circle button, you have decided to start the violent revolution in the chapter “The Night of the Soul”.
Battle for Detroit (The Markus Demonstration / Markus Demostration)
- # 45 - Detroit Today: They Defy Us
On the right side of Markus' camp, if you chose the peaceful option instead of the violent demonstration. You will be able to read the magazine after sitting / kneeling in front of the soldiers, and after barricading yourself in the camp. The magazine will be located on a bench inside the camp itself.
Please note: The magazine will be available only if, in the chapter “The Night of the Soul”, Markus has chosen, by pressing the X key, the peaceful demonstration.
If you have followed all the advice of the guide to the letter, you will unlock the trophy: Bookworm / Bookworm.
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Detroit Become Human Survivors Trophy Guide
Source: Powerpyx