The finer things in life are soaring
As you surely know, Days Gone, the new PS4 exclusive created by the guys at Bend Studios, will put you in the role of Deacon St. John.
Our Deek is an all one piece biker, measuring his waist in gasoline and Furiosi sizes. An element of no small importance will be the motorbike, a real adventure companion.
Proper management of the bike will allow you to survive the horde of enemies that will want to skin you.
Gasoline is becoming more and more expensive… well, refined things cost!
Wandering around Oregon can be beautiful, the endless woods and roads as far as the eye can see will make this journey to hell less bad.
However, you will always have to keep an eye on the fuel gauge, in fact if you find yourself short of this precious resource, you will have 4 choices:
- Go to the nearest camp and pay the full;
- Find some petrol cans (look near the vehicles);
- Refuel at a distributor (often you will first have to disinfect them from the presence of the Furiosi);
- Go to the Mount O'Leary camp for free refueling.
Sounds easy, doesn't it? The problem arises when you are in the exploration phase and run into a horde of Furiosi or some group of strays.
The game will often take you on missions after missions, all to accumulate credits and buy weapons or upgrade your bike. So it could happen that you forget this very important resource.
As mentioned in this short guide, to save fuel and gain a few more kilometers, take your foot off the accelerator if you are going downhill.
How to get petrol? The game won't introduce you to this mechanic directly, except by hinting at it during the long initial loading. Once you have a tank with you or you are close to a petrol pump, just press circle and the good Deacon will do the rest.
The bike in Days Gone is an essential element and no aspect must be left out or you will find yourself running on foot in the middle of nowhere.
Luck has it that our Deacon St. John is a skilled connoisseur of the mechanical world and is able to fix that rumbling junk.
To save scrap and time, follow these precautions and your travel companion will thank you.
First commandment: Drive clean
Often the roads of Oregon or the vicissitudes of life as a survivor will force you to travel along dirt roads or places full of obstacles. In these moments you must remember that even a single blow will compromise the health of your bike.
Second commandment: Keep an eye on her
To proceed in the adventure you will often have to leave your beauty alone, but you will have to be careful of the bad guys. In fact, the survivors as well as make your skin will try to disassemble your bike piece by piece. In any case, if you are forced to get out of the saddle, be sure to have it well hidden from prying eyes.
We hope this guide has been useful to you, other useful guides will soon arrive to help you in this difficult adventure.