In this guide we will show you how to get all the miracles and magic in the PS5 remake of Demon's Souls, in order to unlock the gold trophies Trophy of the saint e
Wise man's trophy. First you will have to save 3 NPCs in order to access the various "shops", namely the essay Freke witch Yuria and holy Urbain. To find out how, we refer you to our trophy guide where you will find those relating to the various characters with a lot of explanation.
You will also need to run multiple runs to purchase everything as some miracles and spells share the same boss soul.
Below is the number of souls of each boss required to get everything:
- Soul of the Storm Demon (King of the Storm) - 1 soul
- Soul of the Yellow Demon (Old Monk) - 3 souls
- Soul of the Leech demon (Leech) - 2 souls
- Soul of the Dragon demon (Dragon God) - 3 souls
- Soul of the Swollen demon (Referee) - 1 soul
- Soul of the Thoroughbred demon (Astraea) - 3 souls
- Soul of the Hero Demon (Old Hero) - 1 soul
- Soul of the Eroded demon (Unclean Colossus) - 1 soul
- Soul of the Dura demon (Armored Spider) - 2 souls
- Soul of the Silver Demon (Piercer) - 2 souls
- Soul of the doll demon (False Idol) - 1 soul
- Soul of the Iron Demon (Knight of the Tower) - 1 soul
- Soul of the Maiden in Black demon (don't kill her at the end of the game) - 1 soul
In addition, you will also need to 3 colorless souls to buy a specific miracle. You can get them by killing i primeval demons, which appear only with pure black tendency in the world. You find one in each archstone:
- In the third area of the Boletaria Palace, where you recovered the officer's hat, go up the stairs on the right.
- In the first area of the Stonefang tunnel, enter the area under the falling boulders. Use the crank and take the elevator from the balcony to meet another one.
- In the swamp in the second area of the Latria Tower, guarded by a large human centipede.
- In the second area of the Crypt of Storms, go down to the left of the place where the first Reaper is. Follow the passage on the left until you come across an illusory wall. Go through it, kill the skeleton with the double katana and keep following the path to meet the primeval demon.
- In the swamp in the second area of the Valley of Corruption, near the snail nest.
Now that you know how to get everything you need, we can move on to the requirements for purchasing miracles and magic.
Affordable miracles from any dedicated teacher:
- Antidote - 3.000 souls
- evict - 20.000 souls
- Healing - 5.000 souls
- Hidden soul - 3.000 souls
Affordable miracles only from the saint Urbain:
- Anti-magic field - Soul of the Storm Demon
- Ban - Soul of the Yellow demon
- Remedy - Soul of the Leech demon
- Wrath of God - Soul of the Dragon demon
- Recovery - 3 colorless cores
- Regeneration - Soul of the Swollen demon
- Resurrection - Soul of the Thoroughbred demon
- Second chance - Hero demon soul
Purchasable spells from any dedicated teacher:
- cloak - 500 souls
- Demonic joke - 500 souls
- Flamethrower - 1.000 souls
- He loves weapons - 5.000 souls
- Protection - 5.000 souls
- Arrow of the soul - 1.000 souls
- Veil of water - 500 souls
Purchasable spells only by the essay Freke:
- Acid cloud - Soul of the Eroded demon
- Cloud of death - Soul of the Thoroughbred demon
- Fire ball - Soul of the Dragon demon
- Fiery jet - Soul of the Dura demon
- Arrow of the guided soul - Soul of the Yellow demon
- Weapon of light - Soul of the Silver Demon
- Poisonous cloud - Soul of the Leech demon
- Soul ray - Soul of the Doll demon
- Guard - Soul of the Iron Demon
Purchasable spells only from the witch Yuria:
- abusive weapons - Soul of the Silver Demon
- Firestorm - Soul of the Dragon demon
- Fire - Soul of the Dura demon
- Relief - Soul of the Thoroughbred demon
- Drain of the soul - Soul of the Maiden in Black demon
- Thirst for souls - Soul of the Yellow demon
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- Demon's Souls (PS5) - Trophy Guide
- Guide: where to find all the rings
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