For higher level structures.
The tenth world of Yggdrasil it's a beautiful but scary place. However, as you explore Valheim, there are a number of hidden and secret treasures to discover. In particular, buried treasures can provide gold, arrows, and more. Fortunately, finding them doesn't take too much effort.
You have to defeat Eikthyr, the first boss, before going on a treasure hunt. After taking him down, use the Horns he drops to create Antler's ax. This will be your "means" to dig up and obtain the coveted treasures. If you want to have a more precise location for the treasures, you could also take down the third boss, Bonemass. This, once defeated, drops the Wishbone, which can be used to locate buried objects.
Now head to the meadows and keep an eye on the stones protruding from the ground. Dig around there or take out the Wishbone - when the Wishbone begins to glow green and beeps, you'll know the treasure is near. Look for more protruding stones and dig around to unearth more loot. Alternatively, you can use the Wishbone to locate the silver minerals buried underground in the mountains.
How to build the craftsman's table
Many of Valheim's higher level structures can only be unlocked using the craftsman's table. Building it is a completely different story though. First, you have to kill Moderate, the fourth game boss, but to summon him you have to locate three dragon eggs and sacrifice them on the altar. Killing Moder will earn you Dragon Tears - two of these, along with 10 woods, can be used to craft the Craftsman's Table.
Once you build it, you can create structures like the windmill, the blast furnace, and the spinning wheel. The blast furnace is particularly useful as it can be used to transform black metal scraps into objects such as: black metal ax, black metal sword, black metal shield, black metal knife and the black metal Ategir. To create the blast furnace, make sure you have 20 precious woods, 20 stones, 10 pieces of iron and 5 Surtling souls along with the craftsman's table.
For the windmill, you will need 20 stone, 30 wooden and 30 iron nails along with the craftsman's table. Its main function is to turn barley into barley flour, which can be used to make bread, blood pudding, fish and meat pies. However, as it works with the wind that may not always be present in the game world, creating several windmills is the best solution to get the most out of it.
Finally, for the spinning wheel, you will need 20 precious woods, 10 iron nails and 5 leather scraps along with the craftsman's table. This will transform the linen into linen thread, which is needed to create the black metal and Atgier weapons, the padded greaves / breastplate / helmet, the linen cap and the porcupine.