At this article you can find out if the Telegram channels that offer you cryptocurrency cryptocurrency earnings in exchange for your online actions are scams or real job scams or real job opportunities. By reading all the way you can find out how my experiment went and the figures, converted to euros, that you can figures, converted to euros, that you can actually earn this way.
How Telegram channels work to earn cryptocurrencies
Searching the Internet for less recommended sites it is very easy to stumble upon promises to earn online via Telegram. At compared to traditional social networks, Telegram immediately embraced the use of bots that manage Telegram immediately adopted the use of bots that manage channels dedicated to every topic, from travel to online earning.
The The possibility of earning money by performing simple functions within everyone's reach who wouldn't want to make money by productively spending their free time? There used to be pens to assemble at home, today there are Telegram groups in which to earn cryptocurrencies.
Being aware that Telegram channels for earning money through simple tasks could be scams, we simple tasks could be scams, I decided to do an experiment. So so I registered in different channels with the same goal: to earn cryptocurrencies in exchange for cryptocurrencies in exchange for website visits or messages, in order to get my curiosity curiosity and write this article.
If you also want to try it, I anticipate that you will not get rich, but you will learn how these channels work. However, to recover your profits, you will need a dedicated cryptocurrency wallet, such as Coinbase. If sign up from my Coinbase referral link, you can get $10 free for every $100 invested. 10 free for every $100 invested and, unlike the income you can earn through the you can get through Telegram groups, this is real money! real!
The actions required to earn on Telegram channels.
To earn on Telegram, you are generally required to perform simple actions. In this article, I discuss Telegram channels that require you to visit websites, join you to visit websites, join groups or send text messages to other bots. bots. However, there are also there are also other ways to earn on this social network, such as Telegram channels dedicated to Telegram channels dedicated to recording phrases for voice recognition.
Staying within the scope of the required tasks, the bots will generally offer you:
- visit an external website
- subscribe to a Telegram group or channel
- send messages to Telegram bots
You can perform all these activities without leaving the Telegram app, directly on your cell phone. Note that it will take you 5/10 seconds for each task. At some cases, you must remain in the Telegram group or channel for a defined number of hours to for a defined number of hours to collect your earnings, in others, you are required to remain on a website for at least 10 or 20 seconds, which wastes more of your time. This makes sense because it is probably in the interest of the commissioner to have the the visit to be recorded in the website's statistics.
Which websites and groups you need to visit to win
Websites, chats and groups to join to earn Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are likely scams. The same bot that manages the channel informs you, before it addresses you with a message like: "Don't trust anything that promises to make money. make money. You are using the following website at your own risk".
My advice, if you want to give it a try, is to take the required actions without stopping at the stopping at the flattering promises of earnings from websites and Telegram groups. Telegram groups. During my experiment I ended up in groups to earn free Bitcoins every hour, cryptocurrency giveaways and channels that point out the right time to invest and divest, and to invest and divest, just to give you some examples.
The geolocation of the suggested Telegram channels and the websites to visit are generally to visit are generally Nigeria, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore, always outside the European Union. This alone should make you realize that maybe the proposed income opportunity is not really of income proposed is not really that real or legitimate. Also because otherwise you wouldn't get paid to be found!

How Telegram channels that pay you for your online activities work.
But now let's take a look at how these Telegram channels work technically for earn cryptocurrencies in exchange for performing certain actions. First first of all know that on Telegram there are many groups that offer you earnings for visiting websites or adding you to group chats, I have tried some of them to write this I have tried some to write this article, but the operation is almost always the same and is is almost always the same and it is handled completely automatically .
The bots that manage Telegram channels of online income.
The Telegram channels to earn money online are always managed by bots, automated programs that by bots, automated programs that notify you of the tasks to be performed and record your actions. and record your actions. Never there is never a human person or a customer service behind you that you can identify you that you can identify with, only a bot that speaks to you in English. If the bot malfunctions, you run the risk that it will not record your tasks correctly.
Without However, a computer program such as a bot is better than a dishonest agent, even if it does not agent, even if not everyone likes to talk to a machine. Without However, by themselves, bots are not wrong and are accurate, so it's very possible that your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency profits cryptocurrencies are recorded correctly after each task you are assigned. assigned. The problem, according to my experiment, is not so much the bot's performance, but the actual profit that you can actual profit you can get, not commensurate with the actual time you spend on Telegram. on Telegram.
How Telegram group owners earn money to make money online.
Earlier before I talk about the numbers you can earn, I'd like to ask you for one more moment to understand how Telegram channels dedicated to online earnings work. dedicated to online earnings work. As a user you are redirected to other channels or websites, so there are those who pay for you to perform certain actions.
The owners of Telegram channels or sponsored websites have an interest in your have an interest in you registering to directly promote their services, sometimes not entirely services, sometimes not entirely legitimate, as we have seen. The channel owner who offers you online income earns precisely from these sponsored ads.
The earnings of the channel owner are a few cents for each task requested, but they are but it is a completely automated income, a real passive income, which is probably passive income, on which probably not even taxes will be paid, because all the taxes because all transactions are carried out entirely in cryptocurrencies. cryptocurrencies.
If If you wish, you can create promotions in these Telegram groups yourself, for example, to promote yourself, for example, to promote your website, but for websites and blogs that have nothing to hide. but for websites and blogs that have nothing to hide, they can benefit from Google's algorithm so that potential Google's algorithm so that potential readers find them naturally. natural way.
How much can you earn in cryptocurrencies through Telegram?
Having clarified how Telegram's channels work to earn cryptocurrencies through simple cryptocurrencies through simple trades, it's time to quantify how much you can actually how much you can actually earn with this method. The money actually arrives, and in the amount specified, with minimal transaction fees, so it can't be minimal transaction fees, so it can't be called a scam.
The problem, if anything, is how much money you can get from this work. Because it's true that it's just a matter of visiting websites or joining Telegram groups that you can Telegram groups from which you can unsubscribe, but to do these activities takes time. activities takes time. Although free time can be considered free, once you convert your earnings into euros you will into euros, you will realize that it is not worth it at all.
For example, in my three-day experiment I earned €0.03 from a Telegram channel that paid in LTC Litecoins and Telegram channel that paid in LTC Litecoins and 0,02 € from a Telegram channel channel that offered BCH Bitcoin Cash. At practice, several hours of work - it doesn't matter if I clicked while I was in the while I was in the bathroom or on the bus, it's always working hours - was only worth 5 euro cents to me. worth 5 euro cents.
It took me took me a week to earn the same amount in DOGE Dogecoin, whereas for other cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies, such as BTC Bitcoin or ZEC ZCash, I gave up and left the Telegram channel before reaching the payout threshold because in more than a week I hadn't made it. a week I hadn't made it. it didn't even reach €0.01 profit!

These amounts are clearly indicated in the currency of the channel, it is up to you to you to understand that 0.00021345 LTC equals 0.031 €. The Telegram channels that offer payments in cryptocurrencies certainly gain from the gain from the confusion about the real value of the coins and the compensation offered, however, they are compensation offered, however, they are very clear right off the bat about potential earnings, at least the ones I tested for writing this article. article.
Subscribe to Telegram channels to earn cryptocurrencies: YES or NO.
If you skipped the whole article to read directly my conclusion, you should know that Telegram channels to earn by performing simple tasks are not a scam, but they also do not offer a real profit, that is, an amount of money that may correspond to the time. spent clicking on the links indicated. So better engage in other sources of online income!