If you've been curious to see who visits your profile on Telegram for a long time, don't worry: in this article we'll explain how to do it
We human beings, you know, are a bit curious. We love to know what is happening around us and, because of ours sociability, we want to know who are the people who think of us the most. In the age of social media and instant messaging all of this is projected onto our smartphones.
One of the applications of instant messaging most famous and used is certainly Telegram. The Russian-inspired app is great for sending large files, guarding your sensitive conversations, and messaging with your friends. But you know how to see who visits your profile? That's how.
Here's how to see who visits your Telegram profile
With the growth of users registered on the platform, the number of friends who own and use the same instant messaging service. For this very reason, you would like to know who of your friends visit your Telegram profile. Here's how.
Telegram is widely used by users not only thanks to its leggerezza and simplicity of use, but also thanks to the multiplicity of Skills offered. Among these is the possibility of realizing groups up to 200.000 components e create accounts with a fake nickname and hide your phone number.
If you want to understand if a particular person guard your profile on Telegram, unfortunately this one It is not possible. But if your intention is to "to come in" in another user's application to figure out who he's messaging with or to find out more about his contacts, this is possible but illegal.
Indeed, there are Skills which offer the possibility to use the Telegram application of a specific phone number from another device. These services are especially recommended for those parents who, worried about their children, want to protect them from dangerous content or contacts.
Let's see better together what happens inside Amici's talent show, where the legendary Maria also had to intervene.

As we know, the program that looks for new talents in the world of the arts broadcast on Canale 5 is a real school.
And as often happens, especially among very young boys, we fall in love, but let's see better together what's going on between Carola and Luigi.
Let's start by saying that in the very first weeks of the Friends program, an incredible friendship had developed between Carola and Luigi.
Maria between Carola and Luigi
So much so that Maria De Filippi herself made very healthy gossip about the two of them, but when he spoke about it in the studio, the two boys tried to explain themselves better.
Carola has indeed stated that it is only friendship and nothing more profound or romantic, also because only dance exists for her.
Luigi, same thing, answered practically along his lines, so at the moment it seemed to be all over there, i.e. they were friends.
But during the various daytime the couple appears increasingly united and complicit, obviously many people on the web hope that something will happen.
Even because they always look for each other, and tease each other, maybe only one of the two is really infatuated with the other?
In yesterday's appointment, Maria decided to intervene and connect directly with the house, telling Carola that a story could never be born with Luigi.
It seems, from what she said, that she had spoken to him earlier, and asked for her help to make her understand how things really were.
Carola confessed that he is a point of reference within the school, so Maria makes her listen to a little piece of a legendary song by Raffaella Carrà who says:
"If he leaves you, you know what to do, you'll find someone more beautiful, he has no problems"

It seems, perhaps, that Carola has understood, and maybe she will take her friendship relationship more lightly.

Crisanti: this is how you should celebrate the New Year
The microbiologist from Padua is more optimistic Andrew Crisanti. The scientist, for his part, suggests that Italians celebrate Christmas and New Year "in person". However, we must not indulge too much with those who have refused the vaccine. In practice Crisanti recommends enjoying the holidays but only among vaccinated subjects, excluding those who have made a different choice. A type of "Green Pass with the family" In short. Crisanti - speaking on the sidelines of the Il Tempo della Salute event - asserted "Celebrate Christmas and New Year but only among vaccinated people". You also explained that the dynamics of the transmission depend on two factors: the number of people protected and the duration of the protection. The expert, a few days ago, in fact raised the question of the protection given by the vaccine Johnson & Johnson which, contrary to what was thought, does not go beyond two months. But also the vaccines of other companies – according to the microbiologist – protect six months and then the protection begins to wane: “The number of protected people does not coincide with the number of vaccinated people. A vaccinated person is 95% protected and does not transmit the infection. After six months this protection drops to 4%”. Hence the need for one third dose and maybe even a fourth, a fifth and so on if after six months the protection drops.

According to astrology, the hands represent the map of our life and of our future, they are the tool used by fortune tellers and seers for reveal our destiny to us, yet they hide much, much more. In the hands you can hide a message from the universe and from nature, which favors some human beings above all others. The sign and proof of this is found right in the presence of an Musually on the left hand. Here's what that means.
Look at your hand - Can you see an M on your palm?

Palmistry was born in India many years ago and has incredibly strong and ancient roots. According to tradition, on the hand it is possible to see the line of the life,love and luck which – in most people – occurs separately. Yet, they exist very special human beings, connected perfectly with one's essence and confident about one's future. If by observing the palm of your hand, you can clearly see an M, means you are blessed by fate.
In fact, according to palmistry, whoever possesses this natural sign is perfectly fit harmony with heart, head and life; as a result, he has the talent to make his own existence spectacular. Generally, in antiquity, the M on the hand was associated with great leaders, prophecy and notable personalities.
Moreover, especially with regard to women, whoever has this sign has a lot intuition, empathy, ability to understand others and, consequently, to discover deceptions, lies and misdeeds. In essence, the M – usually found on the left hand – represents a true blessing from the Universe.