![How to search channels on Telegram](/images/posts/1a05c9e25086a2d5032b76702231747d-0.jpg)
Want to start using Telegram but don't know how to search for channels? Find out how to do it here.
If you've heard of Telegram and you'd like to use it, but you don't know where to start for search for channels on the platform, read on.
Telegram is a free instant messaging app, very similar to WhatsApp, available for both mobile and desktop devices that allows you to interact with one or more people at the same time. Furthermore, thanks to the synchronization of messages on the cloud, you can use the app on multiple devices, always having sent and received messages available. This synchronization is performed for all your conversations, including groups and channels, with the exception of secret chats, which use end-to-end encryption and therefore can only be used on the device on which they were received. Find out here what secret chats on Telegram are and how they work.
Also, if you want to know everything about this app and its many features that differentiate it from other instant messaging applications, read the article on how Telegram works.
What are Telegram channels
I Telegram channels they are chats in which only its creator can write. All other members can only receive the notification, marked by the name and photo of the channel (therefore not of the user), upon receipt of a new message.
Through i Telegram channels it is possible to send a message to several contacts at the same time and create a broadcast list, i.e. a list of users to whom the same message will arrive simultaneously, without the need to create a group (it works similar to that of a mailing list).
How to search for Telegram channels
Search for Telegram channels it's really simple. You must first know that there are two different types of channels on Telegram: public and private. There are different ways to search for Telegram channels, depending on the type and device with which you want to search. However, in any case, it is necessary to have a Telegram account in order to proceed with the search and with the registration and the application, available free of charge both in the desktop version and in the mobile version (for iOS and Android), installed on the own device.
Read on to find out how to find telegram channels in a few simple steps.
that's how search public Telegram channels from smartphone:
- Enter the application,
- Click on the lens icon at the top right,
- Write the name of the channel of your interest,
- Browse the list that will appear under the heading Global search.
that's how search public Telegram channels from computer:
- Open the application,
- Click on Search at the top left,
- Type the name of the channel of your interest,
- Choose one of the results that will appear under the heading Global search results.
Once you have found the channel of your interest, just click on Join. All content shared in public channels is visible even before subscribing, but you must join the channel to receive real-time notifications.
However, it is not possible search for private Telegram channels neither from a mobile device nor from a computer. It can only be accessed through an invite link (which can also be shared within a public group) or by direct addition by the channel creator.
Instead, find out how to create a Telegram channel by following our guide.