HackBoss is a malware that manages to steal cryptocurrencies via the app instant messaging Telegram. By now this type of currency has entered our lives and they are here to stay. And it is for this reason that many people strive to be able to obtain them illegally, so as to have the your wallet always full.
HackBoss is simple, effective and illegal
According to what was discovered by the Avast antivirus, it seems that the mastermind behind HackBoss managed to steal around 560 thousand dollars in cryptocurrency. How? By distributing the malware via a Telegram channel. In fact, there is one one-sided chat called HackBoss, which advertises a tool that should allow you to crack bank accounts. But not only that, too dating apps and digital wallets.

All messages contain a file in .ZIP format shared and downloadable via a cloud service. When the user executes the .exe file, he will find the “tool” in front of him. The problem is that by the time you start handling with this executable, the malware download will be active and located in some Windows folders. The next time your PC starts, the malware will be ready to steal.
HackBoss controls the various clipboards so as to look for any addresses in digital wallets. When the unfortunate user uses the address to send cryptocurrency sums of money, HackBoss will do a very simple action: will replace the recipient's address with that of the thief. By doing so, it acts silently and manages to obtain five types of virtual currency:
- Bitcon
- Dogecoin
- Litecoin
- Monero
- Ethereum
At the moment the HackBoss's Telegram channel has around 2800 subscribers and it was created three years ago. After this series of news given by Avast, the minds behind the antivirus recommend double-checking the recipient's address before sending any amount of money in cryptocurrencya.

Obviously, use two-factor authentication for access to the digital wallet, so as to be alerted in case of external intrusion. Last but not least, using an antivirus that can detect these malware is also the coup de grace to these cybercriminals.
This is certainly a bad blow for Telegram, which despite having had its moment of splendor with the issue of WhatsApp data security, now we discover heavy flaws in Telegram.