Purposes Telegram on your iPhone not only to chat with your friends, but also, indeed, above all to follow the topics of your interest, through the numerous channels available on the platform. For a few days now, however, something rather strange has been happening: you can no longer access your favorite channels and you would like to know if there is a way to deal with it.
This is precisely the situation and would you like to know if I can help you? Of course yes, there would be more! If you allow me a few minutes of your free time, I can indeed explain to you eat sbloccare i canali Telegram your iPhone in the simplest and most immediate way possible (within the limits to which we users must in any case submit).
So position yourself comfortably, take your "iPhone by" and immediately begin to concentrate on the instructions below. I sincerely hope that, in the end, you will be able to consider yourself very happy and satisfied with what you have learned and that, of course, you will finally be able to access the channels you loved so much again.
Preliminary information

Before getting to the heart of the tutorial, then going to find out eat sbloccare i canali Telegram your iPhone, it is my duty to make some clarifications regarding the channels of this popular platform and the procedures that can be put into practice.
To begin with, let's try to understand exactly what Telegram channels are. In case you still don't have very clear ideas about it, channels are, essentially, conversations similar in some ways to groups, but designed to be read by a large audience and to which users who decide to subscribe cannot take you participates actively, in the sense that they cannot insert content themselves, but are only able to view and interact with what is published by the owner and any administrators.
How to unblock Telegram channels on iPhone
first method

If you want to access a blocked Telegram channel from your iPhone, the first method I suggest you adopt is to take advantage of the service via the Web, directly from your device. From there, you won't have the slightest problem accessing the channels of your interest.
Therefore, the first fundamental step you need to take is to take note of the channel name you want to view, take your own iPhone, unlock it, access the home screen and start Safari or in any case it is the app you usually use to surf the Net from your smartphone.
At this point, go to the Telegram Web website and log into your account on the famous messaging service, typing your telephone number in the appropriate field, by tapping on the item NEXT located at the top right, then on the wording OK and typing il code received via message in the Telegram app in the field below the entry Enter your code.
Once logged in, tap on the symbol magnifying glass located at the top right, type the Telegram channel name you want to access in the field Search and select the most relevant suggestion among those that appear in the list. Once this is done, you will finally be able to access the channel. It was easy, right?
second method

As an alternative to the method described in the previous chapter, you can try to access Telegram channels that are blocked on your iPhone by implementing a second procedure: the one I am about to show you. However, it can only be followed if you are already subscribed to the channel you want to access. Also keep in mind that, unfortunately, the system in question is not always effective.
For starters, get yours iPhone, unlock it, access the home screen and touch theTelegram app icon, then select the conversazione relating to the Telegram channel of your interest and wait for the message to appear indicating that the channel is blocked.
At this point, close the Telegram app following the instructions I gave you in my guide on the subject, go back to the home screen, tap the icon Settings (Quella with l 'Gear) and deactivate the Wi-Fi and/or the data connection (depending on what is enabled on your device), by tapping, respectively, on the items Wi-Fi e Mobile Phone and carrying his OFF the switches that you find in the displayed screens.
As well as as I have just indicated, you can disable the Wi-Fi connection and the data connection from Control Center of iOS. To access it, swipe down from the top right corner of the screen (on iPhone X and later models) or swipe up from the bottom (on all other iPhone models), then press the button with the Wi-Fi cleats and/or on the one with theAntenna, so that from colored they become transparent, so as to deactivate, respectively, the Wi-Fi connection and the data connection.
Now, open the Telegram application on your device again, select the conversazione related to the channel of your interest and, if everything went the right way, you should finally be able to access the contents in it. Unfortunately, however, when you re-enable the Internet connection, the channel will once again be inaccessible.
In case of dubbi or problem

Did you slavishly follow my instructions on how to unblock Telegram channels on the iPhone but, during the work, did some hitch arise that you weren't able to deal with? Well, under the circumstances, the best suggestion I can give you is to take a look at Telegram's FAQ section, where you can find numerous ready-made questions that might help you.
In addition to the browser, the Telegram FAQs are also accessible directly through the Telegram app for iOS. To access it, just open the Telegram application on your "iPhone by", tap on the item Settings which you find in the lower right part of the main screen and then on the item Telegram FAQ.
If even proceeding as I have just indicated you can not solve, I advise you to consider sending an email signal to the Telegram staff: to do this, visit the appropriate web page, type the message (preferably in English) you want to send, in the text field located under the heading Please describe your problem, enter your email address in the field located below the heading Your email, indicate your telephone number in the field below the item Your phone number and, finally, click on the blue button Submit, in order to forward your report.