Some friends on Telegram they no longer seem to be actively responding to your messages and this has made you a little suspicious. Investigating a bit, you discovered that some of them are actually making less use of the aforementioned messaging app; others have thehidden last seen and therefore you cannot tell if they are online and "ignore" you or if they are actually absent from the platform.
In this regard, you would like to know if and possibly how to see Telegram last seen even if hidden, so as to catch some "hint" here and there that can allow you to better understand what is happening with the people who seem not to want to answer you.
Obviously the solutions I am about to offer you are all legal and not harmful to the privacy of others. However, I invite you to use the information in this article without "trespassing" the limits of common sense: if someone doesn't want to chat with you continuously, respect their choice. Do you understand? That said, let's proceed!
See last seen on Telegram even if hidden it is disarmingly simple in case you have hidden yours. In this case, in fact, the reason why you don't see the last seen of all your contacts is precisely due to this factor. The setting we are talking about, in fact, provides for a reciprocity relationship. In a nutshell, by restoring the last access view, others will be able to know when you are online on Telegram and you will be able to do the same with others (obviously provided that they have not actually hidden their status in the app).
To reactivate the activity status on Telegram, go to the Telegram application on your mobile device or access Telegram Web / Desktop from a PC, press the button () placed at the top left and then on the wording Settings on the screen that opens or on the symbol ofGear located at the bottom (depending on your operating system), select items Privacy & Security > Last Seen & Online and select the option All (Or My contacts). From now on you will have the possibility to see the last access performed by a user on Telegram. Remember to save the changes made (if your device requires it), by pressing the symbol check.
But what about those who hid their last seen? How can you try to figure out when they last logged in to Telegram and not see the generic “Last logged in recently” message (or a similar one)? Below I will provide you with some useful “tricks” for this purpose. Bear in mind, however, that in fact you will not be able to know when the last access was made (at least not always), but you can still try to infer this aspect from the "clues" that you will get.
See online status in Telegram and using this data as a "trace" relating to the last access is quite expensive as a practice but, in fact, it is one of the few ways to understand when a user actually accesses Telegram.
To watch a user's online status, all you have to do is open the Telegram application on your smartphone or tablet or access Telegram Web / Desktop from a PC, press thepen icon or the comic (depending on the device in use) and, after possibly pressing on the icon magnifying glass, write the name of the person you are monitoring.
Subsequently, press on the correct occurrence and, therefore, see if the wording appears in the upper part of the screen (under the user's name). On line: in this case it means that the person in question is active on Telegram and this is the moment in which he last accessed the platform.
Furthermore, from the screen where all Telegram contacts are visible, you can see the online status of one or more users thanks to the presence of a colored dot in his correspondence.
Send a private message and seeing when this is read offers an important clue as to when the user is online in Telegram. After sending the message, if the double ticks below the message, it means that the person has read it and, therefore, you can use this data to infer when they may have last seen it.
For example, if you sent a message to this person at 11:00 and until 13:00 the message appears to have not been read, but at 13:30 it has, apparently the user was last logged in between 13pm and 01pm.
Keep in mind, however, that if the user you want to "spy" is clever, he may be able to read the message without being seen, perhaps by operating from the lock screen, from the notification curtain, with the virtual assistant, etc.
Take advantage of common groups can be a smart way to tell when a user was last logged in to Telegram. By sending a message on a Telegram group in common, in fact, it is possible to see who has read the message. However, keep in mind that the information in question is visible for a maximum of 7 days from reading the message.
How can you see who has read a message sent on a Telegram group? Open the chat in which you sent the "bait" message, tap on the message (from a smartphone or tablet) or do click destroy on it (if you are acting as a computer), press on the item [N]have read and see who among the users actually read the message.
Keep in mind that the moment of the reading is not indicated, so you will always have to monitor the thing as I explained in the previous chapter, for private messages.
You have come to this tutorial to understand how to hide last seen on telegram? If this is your goal, I will help you achieve it in no time. First, however, I want to remind you that by hiding your last seen you will not be able to see that of others.
To proceed, go to the Telegram app on your device or access Telegram Web / Desktop, tap the button () located at the top left and then on the item Settings on the screen that opens or on the iconGear placed at the bottom (based on the device in use) and, after tapping on the items Privacy & Security > Last Seen & Online, choose the option Nobody or My contacts. If necessary, press the symbol of check to save the changes made.
Optionally, you can add exceptions by selecting entries Share with o Don't share with and select contact or whole groups which are exceptions and will override the settings applied just now. More info here.
If you've reached this point in the guide, you may have been a bit "dry-mouthed", as you thought I was going to describe how app to see last seen on telegram even if hidden. Well no, I've decided not to, as you can see, and for two very important reasons.
First of all, these applications don't work because Telegram (for obvious reasons) doesn't allow you to control the account of its users. Secondly, behind solutions of this kind there are often potential risks for privacy (when the insertion of personal data is requested), scams (when the insertion of one's card or other payment system data is requested) and malware (when asked to download apps or other). For all these reasons, therefore, stay away from solutions of this kind!