Great Dragon Shenron we call upon you ...
Do you want millions of Zeni, bring someone back to life or some women's panties? Well, the 7 Dragon Balls will surely help you, let's find out how to get them in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
In fact, the game could not overlook the presence of the iconic orange spheres, moving away in a rather heavy way from the famous series born from the pencil of Akira Toryiama.
In this guide we will tell you how to get them and how to express the coveted desires.
When to start the search
Can't wait to collect the 7 Spheres and make your request to the good Shenron? Unfortunately it will not be possible to do this right away, in fact it will be necessary to continue in the main story of the game.
You can only start your quest after finishing the Freeza Saga. In fact, after defeating the fearsome tyrant, the game will unlock a tutorial dedicated to the Dragon Balls, explaining in detail how to find them.
Magic spheres and how to find them ...
Since the position of the Spheres changes from game to game, it is not possible to tell you exactly where to find them each time, but in this case the map will help you.
In fact, the areas where it will be possible to find the Dragon Balls will be marked in orange on the map, so just consult the map to start collecting them.
How to summon Shenron and express wishes
So, even in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot you can summon the legendary dragon Shenron and make your wishes come true.
After having collected all 7 Dragon Balls, you will have to open the pause menu and select "Dragon Balls", once done you just have to choose three of the four wishes made available.
In fact, you can choose between the following options:
- Obtain Z Spheres of each color (green, red and blue), necessary to unlock special attacks;
- Get Zeni, to satisfy your shopping urge;
- Obtain Rare Items, useful for building vehicles;
- Bring a character back to life (by choosing this option you will be able to fight again with some enemies, from King Cold to the Ginyu Squad).
As in the animated series and in the manga, after you have expressed your wishes, the Dragon Balls will be scattered throughout the game world in random places.
Fortunately, you don't have to wait a year between summons. In fact, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will allow you to search again for the Magic Spheres after 20 minutes from your requests.
Let us know in the comments if you have already found the 7 Dragon Balls and what wishes you have expressed.
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