But how the hell does it open?
Resident Evil 3 Remake will not only force you to face ravenous hordes of zombies, but also to sharpen your wits to obtain essential items in the continuation of your adventure. In this chapter they are present only 3 safes e 2 lockers which will require special codes.
Before moving on to the gist of the article, if you need other help you can also take a look at the other guides on Resident Evil 3 Remake that we have prepared for you:
- Guide to trophies and achievements
- Where to find all Mr. Charlie's
- Guide to the location of all weapon upgrades
- Guide to the location of all documents
- How to get infinite ammo
- Guide to cheats and bonuses
- Where to find all the bags
- Guide to puzzles
- 5 tricks to beat Nemesis
Safe n. 1 (City center)
Go to the building opposite the pharmacy. Take the steel stairs to enter and once inside you will find the safe in a corner of the room.
9 left - 3 right - 7 left (patch 1.03 installed and following)
9 left - 1 right - 8 left (before patch 1.03)
Inside you will find a very useful sight for your gun.
Safe n. 2 (Police Station, 1F, West Office)
Enter the offices of the police station and head to the chief's room; behind his desk you will find another safe.
Combination: 9 left - 15 right - 7 left
Open it and you will be rewarded with a precious borsello.
Safe n. 3 (Hospital, 2F, Nurses' Room)
Enter thehospital and head to the second floor. Behind the counter in the nurses' room you will find the last safe in the game.
Combination: 9 left - 3 right
Inside there is a double magazine for your assault rifle.
The lockers inside Resident Evil 3 Remake are several, but only the following require a particular code.
Cabinet n. 1 (Police Station, 3F, Corridor)
Arrive at the top floor of the police station up the stairs next to the safe room and continue to the end of the corridor to find the locker.
Combination: DCM
Inside there will be some profits ammunition for your submachine gun.
Cabinet n. 2 (Police Station, 2F, Showers)
Head to the second floor of the police station going up the stairs next to the safe room, then continue down the corridor and open the door on the right. As soon as you enter you will see a series of lockers, the one we are interested in is the first one starting on your right.
Combination: POSTAL CODE
Inside you will find a stun grenade.
Finding these safes and lockers will be particularly useful if you want to obtain the achievement "Burglary Queen ". To accomplish the feat, however, it will also be necessary to open all the other safety devices scattered throughout the game (15 in total).
Although it is a short guide, we hope it will be useful for you to 100% complete the game.
Let us know in the comments if you have already purchased the game, if not, you can find it on Steam, PSN and Xbox Store.