To complete the game smoothly.
Limbo, the game developed by Playdead may cause some headaches for some of us. If you are still imprisoned in the darkness of this title, and you can't get over it, here we at Soultricks.com, thanks to the release of the game also on Nintendo Switch, we offer you our complete solution, including guide to goals to end Limbo unscathed.
Happy reading.
Chapter 1
Once the game has started, press the A button to get up off the ground. Run left to collect the egg and unlock the “Wrong Direction” achievement.
Continue to the right, go past the log and slide down, being careful to jump over the moat at the end of the descent.
Continuing to go to the right you will come to a wooden scaffolding, pull the box to the left with the B key and use it to go up and use the rope to go down. Once on the wooden platform, go down to the left then jump over the moat and continue to the right.
You will find a moored boat, get on it and get carried to the opposite bank, then get off and drag the boat close to the rock to be able to go up. Climb the wall, jump left on the rope until you reach the top.
You will notice on the ground two adjacent traps, approach the first and move it to the left, so you can easily jump between the two traps.
You will come to a hanged corpse, under which you will find another trap similar to the ones seen before. Pull the trap under the body, jump on the rope so that the corpse is caught by the trap and quickly climb up to get to the edge.
Continue your path to the right until you find a tree trunk; climbing on it you will make it slide, jump immediately to the left to avoid the boulder of rock. Climb the rock and continue to the right until you reach a wooden box and a body of water.
Chapter 2
Pull the box on the left out of the water and leave it under the rope attached to the branch, then use the box to grab onto the rope. Pressing left and right will start to swing, jump on the left branch, from here you have to jump on the other branches until you get to a broken trunk, push it to the right and it will fall below.
Before going down, from where you dropped the trunk, run to the left, you will notice a rope that camouflages itself among the vegetation. Use it to jump to a platform in the upper left, where you will find another egg that will unlock the “Altitude is Loneliness” achievement.
Back on the ground, push the log into the water, jump on it and pass the body of water.
Chapter 3
Going to the right you will notice a trap hanging from a branch, you will need it to pass the spider that you will find a little further on. Approach the arachnid slowly, when it lifts a leg back slightly so that it hits the ground. Do this a couple of times and the trap will fall off the branch. Now you just have to use the trap to detach the legs, always being careful not to be skewered. By successfully using the trap three times the spider will leave, allowing us to move forward.
At a certain point you will notice that you will no longer be able to move. In fact, the spider will come to capture you in its web. Once it's gone, swing into the cocoon until you drop. Now you have to go on being careful to jump over the ravine that you will find a little further on.
Chapter 4
You will find a boulder and a tree a little further on, push the boulder to the right and be ready to return to the left to prevent the trunk from crushing you. Now continue to the right.
Stand on the big rock and roll it over the ravine: the secret is to stay in the center of the rock as it rolls. At the end of the path jump on the ground as soon as possible so as not to get caught by the spider.
You will find yourself sliding down a slope, thus freeing yourself from the cobweb. You will find a body, approach it and you will fall down.
Now you will notice a rope connected to a trap, jump to the rope and immediately jump to the left. Use the rope to continue.