Hunting for treasures.
In God of War, just released on PS4 and PS4 Pro, there are plenty of collectibles to collect. Among these, the most interesting are the treasure maps, as they represent the only opportunity to obtain unique items and upgrades.
The only difficulty is having to interpret the design imprinted on the parchment, for this reason, also thanks to the help of PS4Trophies, we have decided to write a small guide on how to obtain all the maps and related treasures.
By the way, if you are looking for other God of War themed guides you are in the right place. Here's what's currently available on Soultricks.com:
- God of War PS4 guide: armor, stats and how to get the Mist Set
- God of War, Aegir's guide to infinite gold and silver
- God of War, guide to unlock all skills and infinite experience
- God of War guide: where to find and how to defeat the nine Valkyries
- God of War - Guide, how to get the Golden Talisman of Protection and the Amulet of Kvasir
- God of War, guide to the legendary baskets
The Kingdom of the Hunter
You'll find the treasure map on the beach southeast of Lake Nine near the Watchtower.
The treasure is instead located near the door protected by the runes in the southern part of Veithurgard.
The Captain's Key
You will find yourself near the map the first time you visit the Stone Falls. The map is located in the southeastern part of the Lake of Nine, behind a large rock.
To get the treasure, you will have to go southwest to the Isle of Death. Once you disembark, climb the cliff and you will find a wreck in front of you. The treasure is in the wreck!
Dead and Swollen
The treasure map is hidden in the Volunder Mines, in the southeastern part of the Lake of Nine. Once inside the Mine you will need to look for a partially collapsed wooden bridge that leads to a locked door with runes. To your right is a ledge, drop down and next to a large wooden wheel you will find the parchment.
The treasure instead is located to the south near the Cliffs of the Corvo. It won't be hard to find as it is close to a Troll's body.
Homage of the Turtle
You shouldn't have much trouble finding the treasure. The map is located in the Grotta delle Streghe, roughly southwest of the Lake of Nine, near a large chest.
To collect the treasure, you will have to go to the southwest, near the shores of the lake. Here you will find a large Turtle with a Tree on its back (the Witch's house), the treasure is located near its left front paw.
Kneeling in front of Thor
The treasure map can be found in the Landsuther Mines southwest of the Lake of Nine.
The treasure instead is located south of the lake and more precisely at the foot of the large statue of Thor. To collect it, however, you will have to solve an environmental puzzle.
Island of Creation
The scroll with hints for finding the treasure can be found near the Iron Bay dock, southwest of Lake of Nine. Once moored, the parchment will be on the ground next to some wooden crates.
The treasure instead will be found on the island south-east of the lake. Here, too, you will have to solve a small environmental puzzle and face some enemies.
The Historian
The map is located on the northern shore of the Lake of Nine and more precisely to the northwest of the Ruins of the Ancients.
The treasure instead is located to the north-east near the Fafnir Deposit. Once inside, a little further on there is a mound of earth next to a Dragon's head, the treasure is right next to it.
Compensation (Finder's Fee)
You will find the scroll in the Forgotten Caves, in the northern part of the Lake of Nine. As soon as you have found the Mystical Door, turn left and enter a dead end tunnel. The map is near a chest.
The treasure instead will be found in the Northern Fortress, in the far northern regions of Midgard, on top of a tower.
Isle of Light
The scroll can be obtained by visiting a quay in the northern part of the Lake of Nine, west of the bridge. The beach will be easily identifiable, as it is near a blue statue. Once you disembark, go left and you will see the scroll near the rocks.
The treasure instead is located on an island to the northwest, near the Light Elf Outpost. You will have to go to the outside of the outpost, cross some walkways to get to the top, and then drop into a cove near the lake.
The last place they would look
The map is really hard to miss. It is located in a tunnel that leads to the Mountain.
The clue provided by the scroll is not very useful, it speaks of Valkyries, but in the game there are 9 Valkyries, all located in different positions. However, there is only one place called the Valkyrie Council and that's where you need to go. It is located to the north and will be accessible when the water level of the lake has dropped. To find the treasure you will have to climb.
The oarsmen of Njord
The treasure map is hidden in the Northri Fortress in Midgard, northwest of the Lake of Nine. The entrance to the Northri Fortress is in the Ruins of the Ancient Midgard area. You will need to find a Viking ship. The map is next to a corpse with a sword impaled.
The treasure instead is located to the north-west of the Temple of Nyr, near one of the statues of the rowers.
Don't blink
The parchment is found near the Fafnir Vault near a pedestal at the foot of which is a corpse.
The treasure will be found on the way to the mountain and more precisely south of the Lake of Nine. To get it you will need the Light of Alfheim as you will need to clear some of the fog.
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