Assassin's Creed Valhalla has just landed on store shelves a few days ago and as stated by Yves Guillemot is already achieving some success. The twelfth iteration of the historic Ubisoft saga, which we had the pleasure of previewing and reviewing, is a title that hides many secrets.
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Among these, the most important concern the hiding places of the members of the Order of the Ancients (a sort of Templar Order ante-litteram), reaching its members and eliminating them all, you will get the trophy / objective The Disorder of the Ancients.
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ATTENTION: Some parts of this guide may contain spoilers, so in case you don't want to anticipate anything about the game experience, we ask you to read this guide when you need it.

You can check how many Ancients you have killed and see your next targets and complete the quest "Destroy the Order" that the good Hytham will entrust to you, by checking the dedicated menu. The evidence that will be provided to you will read statements such as "Investigate the Farm in Aelfgarstun". This request will lead us to search for a useful document to discover the next clue and so on.
Finding all the clues is not strictly necessary for the appearance of these dark enemies, unless we will indicate it to you in this guide. In most cases, in fact, you will be able to ignore the clues provided and find the evildoer. We remind you that some of them do not always remain in the same place and at first glance they seem like very normal civilians (not even the Eye of Odin will be able to help you). For this reason, collecting clues is still useful.
Within this guide, we'll give you the clues you need to find all the Ancients and get rid of the Order. First, before you get the materials needed to find the first members, you will need to kill the six people who lead to them.
The members of the Order of the Ancients are 45, divided into two types:
- Zealots: There are 15 in total and they move within a certain portion of the map;
- Members of the Inner Circles: They are 30 and unlike the Zealots they can be found in specific places.
The former have no clue that leads to them. Fortunately, you can distinguish them thanks to the helmet icon, visible when the enemy is a few hundred meters away. As soon as you see this symbol appear, activate the Eye of Odin and your enemy will be permanently marked on the screen. By following this system, you can decide whether to attack it immediately or upgrade slightly and make everything faster.
We will list all the members of the Order of the Ancients by analyzing the individual branches. First the 15 Zealots (top left, bottom left, top right and bottom right), then the Members belonging to the inner circles (left, top left, top right, right, bottom ).
Better to be hunted or hunters?
If you were a defenseless prey, the answer might seem obvious, but in Assassin's Creed Valhalla you will be wearing the heavy robes of Eivor Wolf Bite, a powerful Viking warrior who does not fear death. This introduction is actually a piece of advice, in fact, during your wanderings you will have to make an important choice, which will lead you to be sought by the Zealots or to be ignored.
During the part of the plot that will take you to Ledecestrescire (the first Region you will reach in England), you will have to face the main mission "Heavy is the head" and decide whether to kill Leofrith or save his life. At this point we advise you to kill him and have the Zealots chase you, at least you will find them more easily.
Zealots (Left Branch)
Woden (Cent)
He is riding along one of the roads in the Cent Region. As we told you above, the path of these enemies is random, however we recommend that you head to the main roads of the Region. You will find it only on beaten roads, it does not like scrub.
Heike (Essexe)
You'll find her on horseback too, and like Woden she loves the beaten track. We therefore advise you to follow the same advice that you followed for the Zealot who wandered in the Region of Cent.
Bercthun (Hamtunscire)
Like all Zealots, it does not have a fixed zone and in the same way as the two predecessors it prefers the beaten roads. Also in this case we cannot tell you for sure where you will find it, but waiting between Wincestre and Fearnhamme you will have a good chance of finding it.
Hrothgar (Suthsexe)
Unlike his companions, this member of the Order of Ancients will be waiting for you in a specific place: in the woods of this region.
Cudberct (Oxenefordscire)
Let's go back to the Ancients on horseback, as always, they are characters in constant motion, but they respect a series of patterns. In fact, like his predecessors, he prefers the roads and never goes through the underbrush. As always, based on the images provided below, you can set a trap for him knowing that sooner or later he will pass by.
Horsa (Oxenforscire)
Here is another Zealot who does not wander on horseback, but he too will circulate on the beaten roads avoiding the scrub. The images below indicate its location southwest of Ravensthorpe, you can try to wait and see if it shows up.
Osgar (Lincolnscire)
This man will move within the Region in question, staying on the beaten track and never crossing the brush. You can find it northwest of Cruwland, as seen in the following image. So if you have time, an ambush would make it easier.
Kendall (Grantebridgescire)
Like all other Zealots on horseback, it will be difficult to understand its path, but in its wanderings, it will limit itself to following the beaten paths. You can then choose whether to check street by street or rely on the images below and wait for it to pass.
Zealots (Right Branch)
Beorhtsige (Glowecestrescire)
The branch dedicated to the Zealots continues, as you may have understood, it is not possible to tell you with absolute certainty where you will find these characters, therefore, we advise you to use their respective habits against them. In this case, as in the previous ones, our man rides only on beaten roads, zooming in on the map you can see all the roads in the Region. Or, if you want to simplify things and have a good amount of patience, you can wait for him at the point indicated by the map.
Wealdmaer (Sciropescire)
Like all other Zealots on horseback, Wealdmaer avoids brushwood and only frequents the beaten track. For the rest, if you want to find it, you have two choices: look for it throughout the Region or wait for it in the area indicated by the map, the choice is yours.
Unlike other Zealots, Cola will be harder to find, in fact, the woman rides near a river that runs from the southeastern corner of Eurviscire to the west of Lincolnshire. If you prefer not to go crazy and find it right away, the map below will show you where you can wait for it.
Callin (Eurivscire)
He will ride along the roads of the Sciropescire Region. We advise you to look for it in the main street of Eurivicscire. Like many of the aforementioned Zealots, Callin prefers the beaten path.
Eorforwine (Grantebridgescire)
The Zealot warrior will ride around the main roads of the Region. We advise you to scan with the Eye of Odin any person you see on horseback, sooner or later you will see that he will make his appearance. In any case, you can always follow the directions on the map below and ambush this member of the Order of the Ancients.
Redwalda (Ledecestrescire)
This warrior too, like her brothers, wanders on horseback crossing the main regional roads. If you have difficulty finding it, try to post at Venonis and with a little patience you can try to eliminate it.
Wuffa (East Anglia)
As with all other Zealots, as itinerant members of the Order of the Ancients, we advise you to scan all the characters on horseback present in the aforementioned Regions. In case you have problems finding it, you can always resort to ambush, a method that is certainly not very honorable, but very effective.
Order of the Ancients - Left Branch (Guardians of the Faith)
Yohanes Loukas
Clue 1: Kill the Zealot Hrothgar
Clue 2: You will find it on a table in Hamtunscire east of Henge Farm. Nearby there is a mini-game dedicated to drinking;

Clue 3: You will find the last clue always in Hamtunscire, at Readingum Abbey. Once in the area you will find a well with a wooden lid, destroy the latter and go down. Once you reach the bottom of the well you will find a written note.
You will find Yohanes Lukas in Hamtunscire, at the stables of the Fearnhamme Ruins. He has a habit of sleeping outside, behind the stables.

Heika of Friesland (The Scythe)
Clue 1: Kill the Zealot Woden
Clue 2: You will find it at the eastern edge of Essexe (Maledun Camp). Inside there is a barn with a barred door, climb up from the back and shoot an arrow that goes through the window and hits the lock on the door. Once done, go back to the door, open it and climb the ladder inside. Use the Eye of Odin and grab the item with the white glitter around it.
You can find Heika aka La Falce in Essexe, near the town of Colcestre. He will be waiting for you near the market to the west of the city.

Beneseck of Bath (The Bell)
Clue 1: Kill the Zealot Bercthun
Clue 2: You will find it at the eastern edge of Essexe (Maledun Camp). Inside there is a barn with a barred door, climb up from the back and shoot an arrow that goes through the window and hits the lock on the door. Once done, go back to the door, open it and climb the ladder inside. Use the Eye of Odin and grab the item with the white glitter around it.
The location of La Campana is visible from the Assassin's Creed Valhalla menu dedicated to the Order of the Ancients. In any case, he hides at the Brimclif Monastery and will control the area in the company of some guards. If the fight is interrupted, he will flee, so we advise you to act stealth. You can also use the arrows, the important thing is to confirm the kill.

Hilda (The Feather)
This member of the Order of the Ancients is eliminated during the Wincestre story arc (Mission: Tear the Pen). So, you can't miss this kill.
Selwyn (La Gallows)
This character will also be eliminated by Eivor during the main storyline (Wincestre Narrative Arc).
Ealhferth (The Knife)
Pure The Knife is defeated during the historical arc of Wincestre. It will therefore be impossible to miss the killing of this member.
Order of the Ancients - Upper left branch (Guardians of Wealth)
Havelock (La Roncola)
Clue 1: Kill Order member Ealhferth
Clue 2: You will find it in the village of Aelfgarstun (Lincolnscire Region). Go inside one of the open houses and scan the barrels with the Eye of Odin.
Havelock can be found from the Order menu. In any case, it is located in Lincoln in the Lincoln Region. There is a house northeast of the city. You will find him busy walking or sleeping.

Patrick (The Anvil)
Clue 1: Kill the member of the Leofgifu Order;
Clue 2: You will find it at the Saint Albanes Abbey in the Oxenefordscire Region. At the northwest corner of the square in front of the church, you will find an outdoor forge. The clue is above the latter's table.

The member of the Order of the Ancients known in Assassin's Creed Valhalla as The Anvil is hiding in the town of Oxeneforda (located on the western edge of the Oxenfordscire). You will find it inside one of the three houses in the area. We advise you to attack it at night, while it sleeps.

Mucel (The Lathe)
Clue 1: Kill Horsa (Zealots)
Clue 2: You will find him by defeating a player in Orlog (the fun dice game in Assassin's Creed Valhalla) in Buckingham, a town in the Oxenefordscire Region. If you have never played Orlog before, you can repeat until you are lucky.
Clue 3: You will always find it in Oxenfordscire, within a small settlement in Eatun Barn (in the town of Oxenforda). In this city you will find a destructible wall that will lead you to the entrance of a mine. It won't be hard to spot, it has a giant red "X" painted on its surface, grab one of the nearby oil jars and blow the whole thing up. Now, just follow the path to the point where you have to move a boulder from the path. Behind, inside the last room is the last clue.
You can find The Tornio in Buckingham, just behind the inn where you met the Orlog player. During the day he likes to sit on some wooden benches by the river.

Gifla (The Ash)
Clue 1: Kill Wuffa (Zealots)
Clue 2: You will find it in East Anglia, at the Ruins of the Tower. At the bottom of the same (the entrance) there are 4 enemies ready to attack. Moving to the left of the entrance, you will find a wagon with the clue inside. By activating the Eye of Odin you will find it immediately.

Clue 3: You will also find this in East Anglia, at a small, unnamed enemy camp 175 meters southeast of the fast travel point at the Clock of Britannia. Next to the treasure chest full of riches will also be the clue.

Gifle (The Ash) is hiding in East Anglia, near the Hideout of the Forest. In the same place you will find other enemies and a chest containing new equipment.

Wigmund (The Heel)
Eivor will kill this member of the Order of Ancients in Assassin's Creed Valhalla during the story arc that takes place in Grantebridgescire (Mission: An Island of Eels).
Bishop Herefrith (The Pastoral)
Again this is a kill that you cannot miss. However, the timing may change based on your choices. In fact, during the narrative arc that takes place in Lincolnshire you will be able to vote among three people for Earldorman: Aelfgar, Hunwald, Bishop Herefrith. If you want to find the member of the Order to be eliminated as soon as possible, choose Aelfgar or Hunwald.
Order of the Ancients - Upper right branch (Guardians of the Law)
Eanbhert (The Parchment) - Glowcrow
While it is possible to receive clues, this member of the Ancients can be killed without them. In fact, you will find it inside a locked house near the Glowecestre quay. The only way to enter the house is through an opening in the roof. It will be alone in the house, easy. no?

Tata (The Dart)
Clue 1: Kill Eanbhert (Member of the Order);
Clue 2: You will find it in Sciropescire, at the second synchronization point starting from the south of the Region. Halfway up the tower, you can climb up through an open window in order to go inside and find the clue.

The Dardo hides in Quatford, in the stables near the Sciropescire Region.

Gunilla (The Ax)
Clue 1: Kill Cola (Zealots);
Clue 2: You will find it by completing the drinking competition in the Ledecestrescire Region at the city of Ledecestre. It doesn't matter how many coins you bet (the minimum is 100). After winning, you will automatically get the clue in the menu.

Clue 3: You will find it in the Cweornric village (southwest corner of Ledecestrescire), inside a house guarded by some soldiers.
The member of the Order of the Ancients known as The Ax Assassin's Creed Valhalla is located in Repton (northwest corner of Ledecestrescire). You can find her sitting on the quay.

Abbess Ingeborg
You will kill her during Jorvik's story arc, so it will be impossible to miss the goal.
Grigorii (The Needle)
This killing will also be accomplished during Jorvik's story arc.
Audun (The Safe)
As for the two previous Ancients, Audun will also be eliminated during the narrative arc of Jorvik (Mission: Closing the Safe)
Order of the Ancients - Right Branch (Guardians of War)
Kjotve the Cruel
This is the first boss battle you will face during the Eivor adventure, therefore it is a kill that you cannot miss. In fact, Kjotve will be the first member of the Order of the Ancients of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Leofgifu (The Sheath)
The clues relating to his presence will be unlocked when you build a place dedicated to the Occult inside the camp. By doing this you can mark it on the map. Either way, you'll find it in the Grantebride Region at a military camp outside Utbech.

Hunta, Son of Hunta
Also in this case you will unlock the clues to find it once you have built a place dedicated to the Occult. You can find it in Ledecestrescire, at the Ledecestre market square.

Sister Friedswid (The Leech)
You can kill this member of the Order of Ancients during the story arc that takes place in Lunden. Hence, it will be impossible to miss.
Avgos Spearhand (The Arrow)
This member of the Order can also be killed during the Lunden story arc.
Vicelin (The Compass)
Also within the Lunden story arc, you can eliminate this dangerous member of the Order of the Ancients present in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Order of the Ancients - Branch below
Sister Blaeswitch (The Rake)
Her location will be revealed when you eliminate the 6 members linked to her (Yohanes Loukas, Heika, Beneseck, Hilda, Selwyn and Ealhferth). Once done, you can mark it on the map and look for it in the Cent Region northwest of Canterbury.

Fulke (The Instrument)
You can kill this fighter during the story arc that takes place in Suthsexe.
Reeve Derby (The Vice)
You will reveal the location of this member of the Assassin's Creed Valhalla Order of Ancients by eliminating 6 members linked to him (those from the upper right Branch). You can find it near a waterfall in Picheringa, a town in the Eurvicscire Region.

Gorm Kjotvesson
Before revealing his identity you will have to eliminate the 6 members of the Order of the Ancients connected to him (Kjotve, Leofgifu, Hunta, Sister Frideswid, Avgos, Vicelin). Once done, you will unlock a new main mission (A Strange Land). This mission will ask you to speak to Hytham at the Hidden One's lair, which in turn will lead you to speak to Randvi.
You will have to ask Randvi to show you the Alliance map and you will discover that a new territory has appeared, Vinland. Head there, and talk to a woman near the dock of your camp. In order to defeat Gorm, however, you will have to complete two important quests: The hunting grounds, Hunter of beasts. As a good coward, the son of Kjotve the Cruel will not be visible on the map, but it will not be difficult to find him. In fact, he hides near a camp in the west called "Narfljot".

The father
You will discover his identity only after you have eliminated the other 44 members of the Order of Ancients present in Assassin's Creed Valhalla and finished the main story. In fact, once all this is done you will need to reach Hytham at the Longhouse in Ravensthorpe. The Assassin will give you a letter from an informant and start a new mission "The Poor Soldier".
Go to Aethelnay (Hamtunscire Region) and talk to the guy marked with the mission icon. A cutscene will start, which will reveal the identity of The Father, it is in fact King Alfredo, who inherited the title of Grand Master of the Order of the Ancients from his brother, but his hatred for the Order and for everything that it represents, led him to provide information to the Occult.
At the end of the cutscene you will automatically receive the last medallion, in addition, you will get the coveted trophy / objective "The Disorder of the Ancients".
Bring the last medallion back to Hytham and he will reward you with Thor's Cloak, useful together with the other pieces of armor to obtain the Mjolnir, the iconic hammer of the Thunder God.
We hope this guide will help you complete the adventure you will face in the company of Eivor in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Let us know in the comments if you like the title or are still undecided. In the latter case, we refer you to our review.