God of War is a wonderful game, full of twists and wonderful places to explore. In the last chapter of the series, however, the developers have also included an interesting RPG component that makes the combat system deeper. The combat skill development system is divided into three sections: ax combat, which in turn is divided into ranged and short range combat, shield combat and Atreus' skills. To unlock each of the skills it will be necessary to accumulate experience, defeating enemies and bosses and completing objectives.
One of these is to score at least 100 parrying with the shield, which is a counterattack with the shield, unlined with the right timing, which repels the opponent and makes him vulnerable to your next blow. Achieving this goal will grant you 3500 experience points. However, it is possible to dramatically increase the experience by exploiting a simple bug, or rather a feature of the rescue system that at each restart from the checkpoint (for example after a death in combat) does not cancel the experience previously gained. Thanks to this trick, which you see perfectly illustrated in the Edepot video below, you can easily unlock all of Kratos' abilities. Remember not to take advantage of it though, the game deserves all your effort.
By the way, if you are looking for other God of War themed guides you are in the right place. Here's what's currently available on Soultricks.com:
- God of War PS4 guide: armor, stats and how to get the Mist Set
- God of War, Aegir's guide to infinite gold and silver
- God of War guide: where to find and how to defeat the nine Valkyries
- God of War, guide to all treasure maps
- God of War - Guide, how to get the Golden Talisman of Protection and the Amulet of Kvasir
- God of War, guide to the legendary baskets