Shall we turn it on?
“Yes, life is all a quiz”, sang Renzo Arbore in the 80s. How to blame him on the other hand: real life and videogame are full of choices, it is up to us to make the right one and even the recent Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot does not deny this theory.
What is this preamble for? To announce the questions of King Enma (or Yemma for purists) to access the long and winding Way of the Snake in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
In this guide we will tell you the 5 answers to give to King Enma to access the Way of the Snake.
1. Where was Raditz sent?
The correct answer is: Inferno. In case you have any doubts, you should go to a good psychologist ...
2. Who is more powerful?
The correct answer to give is: King Enma. In some cases you just have to be a good liar, you don't want to upset the landlord, do you?
3. Who is judged after death?
All. The answer is quite obvious, and for this very reason one might think of a trick question.
4. Is there a way to bring the dead back to life?
The correct answer is: Si. In case you have any doubts, just ask the good Krillin, he should have an idea.
5. How many questions are we?
No, it is not a question taken by the Pupa and the Nerdy, the great King Enma just wants to verify that you can count. In any case, the definitive answer is ... Five.
This last answer will be part of the contestation by the red judge of the Afterlife, but continuing the discussion, he will understand that the mistake is his and will let you proceed towards the long Path of the Serpent and the small planet of King Kaioh.
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