Everything you need to know between Sentinel, Striker and Sunbreaker.
Destiny 2 has three main classes: the Titan, the Warlock and the Hunter. Each of them has subclasses, many of which were added on the occasion of the launch of the brand's sequel. Let's talk about the Titan Striker, Warlock Dawnblade and Hunter Gunslinger, therefore, one for each main class. In this guide we will go through each skill and characteristic of each of the main subclasses step by step.
First, however, it is advisable to do a brief review of the fundamental terminology common to all the characters:
- Super skill: is the main and active skill of your character. Requires charging before use, through battles or some potential modifiers. To activate it, simply execute the L1 + R1 command on the controller.
- Class Skills: these are the two options on the left, skills common to several classes at the same time. You will always have the choice between one of the two on the display, regardless of the subclass you will be using at that time. To activate them, hold down the X button. Only one can be active at a time.
- Passive skills: two groups of four skills each on the right of the screen. Only one group can be active at any given time, but all abilities in it can function at the same time.
- Garnet: modify or change the effects of grenades in use. You will see three panes at the top of the screen, but only one of the three can be active at any given time.
- Mobility: another group of three different commands. They modify or change the effects of the character's mobility, usually in regards to the hero's jump system. As with grenades, only one of the three can be active at any given time.
Sentinel Titan
The Sentinel Titan is a new class introduced in Destiny 2, also the first that you will get by playing with this type of character. It replaces the Defending Titan with its Super ability, known as the Sentinel's Shield, itself a replacement for the old Ward of Dawn bubble. Here is all the information you need.
Super skill:
- Sentinel's Shield. Summons a personal shield of the Void Light. To activate it use L1 + R1, to attack R1, L2 to parry, L1 to throw the shield.
Skill of the class:
- Towering Barricade: A vast barrier physically blocks access to certain areas, as well as acting as a cover.
- Rally Barricade: A small barrier that allows you to lean out to attack while remaining defended. Take advantage of it to reload quickly.
Passive Skills - Code of the Protector:
- Rallying Force: Melee skills restore health for you and nearby allies.
- Turn the Tide: Shield lasts longer and increases melee damage, as well as reload speed.
- Ward of Dawn: When the Super's energy is full, holding L1 + R1 will create a dome to protect yourself and allies.
- Defensive Strike: Eliminating enemies with melee attacks will create a defensive shield.
Passive Skills - Aggressor Code:
- Shield Bash: After sprinting for a short time, melee attacks will release a devastating Shield Bash that can disorient enemies.
- Superior Arsenal: Kills performed with grenades will recharge the energy of the grenades.
- In What Trenches: Kills while surrounded by enemies will reduce the cooldown of the Super.
- Second Shield: You will earn an additional Shield Throw as Sentinel Shield arrives.
- Magnetic Grenade; Voidwall Grenade; Suppressor Grenade.
- Catapult Lift: Gives Lift a significant starting boost.
- High Lift: increases the height of the Lift.
- Strafe Lift: Increases the mid-air control of the Lift.
Titan Striker
This character belongs to a revised class, that of the canonical Striker from the first Destiny. However, the changes deserve a little analysis.
Super Ability:
- Fists of Havoc - like the old knock on the ground; but now activating it you will only get a supercharge, you can then reactivate it to hit the ground several times in a row, or even to charge the enemies with a shoulder. L1 + R1 to activate, R2 to activate the ground strike, R1 to perform a shoulder charge.
Class Skills:
- Towering Barricade: A vast barrier physically blocks access to certain areas, as well as acting as a cover.
- Rally Barricade: A small barrier that allows you to lean out to attack while remaining defended. Take advantage of it to reload quickly.
Passive Abilities - Earthshaker Code:
- Seismic Strike: After sprinting for a short period of time, you can perform a shoulder strike with the R1 command, releasing an Arc explosion.
- Terminal Velocity: Fist of Havoc's ground strike releases ground that can cause damage, more consistent depending on how long it stays in the air.
- Magnitude: Gain an additional charge for grenades, increases the duration of their effects.
- Aftershocks: Damaging enemies with Seismic Strike will reload the grenades.
Passive Skills - Code of the Juggernaut
- Frontal Assault: Melee strikes reload the weapon and increase its stability.
- Reversal: Melee strikes trigger health cooldown.
- Knockout: Critical hits on enemies and breaking their shields increases the range and damage of melee hits.
- Trample: Eliminating enemies with Fists of Havoc will increase its duration.
- Flashbang, Pulse, Lightning.
- Catapult Lift: Gives Lift a significant starting boost.
- High Lift: increases the height of the Lift.
- Strafe Lift: Increases the mid-air control of the Lift.