Ready to conquer the Underworld?
The trophies / achievements that make up the road to 100% completion of the PlayStation 4, XBOX One and PC versions of Doom are 34 in total, and range from killing certain types of enemies (bosses) to completing certain areas, passing through extreme difficulty levels and number of kills with a certain type of weapon.
The challenge rate is not very high, also because there is no goal (except "A step into madness") that requires you to complete the entire game on the highest difficulty, that is Ultra-nightmare.
To you the complete list of trophies / objectives of the new Doom and some useful tips to get the better of the various boss fights.
What kind of game is it? Review link: HERE.
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- 12
- 5
- 1
Meats consumed
Collect all trophies.
Complete the first mission of the campaign.
In death up to the neck
Complete the Campaign on 'Too Young to Die', 'Hurt Me', 'Ultra Violence' or 'Nightmare' difficulty.
A step into madness
Complete "The UAC" on Ultra Nightmare difficulty.
Basically, by selecting the highest difficulty, the game will be set to "Nightmare”But with a small variation: if you die during the campaign, you will have to start the game from the beginning. Fortunately, all you have to do to achieve this is complete the first mission, which shouldn't have too high a challenge rate.
NB: the best tactic, precisely because at the highest level of difficulty and our Doomguy will leave us the feathers after 1 or 2 hits, is to "lure" the enemies and prevent them from gathering in a group.
For the video demonstration, click HERE
Close combat
Kill 50 enemies using the chainsaw.
Master a weapon modification.
Master all weapon mods.
Wide choice
Acquire all weapon mods.
Find all logs.
Perfect timing
Use the explosive barrels to kill 100 enemies.
In every corner
Find all collectibles.
Argent overload
Fully upgrades health, armor, and ammo capacity.
Demon Argent
Fully upgrade health, armor, and ammo capacity in a single campaign.
Gift from beyond
Acquire a rune.
The circle closes
Acquire all runes.
Fully upgrade a category of Praetor Armor.
Fully upgrade all categories of Praetor Armor in a single campaign.
Hard knuckles
Get 200 epic kills.
To get the goal, you will have to eliminate 200 enemies with epic kills: just weaken the enemy, which will begin to glow, stagger and / or kneel, get close to it and annihilate it.
It rips and tears
Get epic kills on all types of common campaign enemies.
Don't worry: to get the goal you will need to kill only common enemies, so the game bosses are not included.
A small change
Kill 150 enemies using powerups.
Luck reversed
Upgrade a rune.
Can't you do better?
Complete all challenges in a single campaign.
Win a multiplayer match.
Combat tested, approved
Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer.
Create and publish a SnapMap map.
No rest
Play 5 published SnapMap maps.
Complete the SnapMap basic and advanced tutorials.
Secret Trophies [SPOILER]
Shoot him until he dies
Defeat the Cyber Demon.
Strategy to defeat the Boss: The Cyber Demon represents the first real boss in the game. The clash consists of two phases: in the first, quite simple, the Cyberdemon will try to attack you using his gun, a barrage of missiles (not difficult to avoid) and only occasionally will try to hit you physically and / or using some sort of energy beam that if you are "lucky" you will be able to avoid.
The second phase, on the other hand, could involve some small headaches, as the enemy will try to find you in a sort of stone corridor and to avoid his attacks it will be necessary to always remain in motion and jump and crouch when necessary.
NB: The super shotgun is the weapon we recommend to complete the boss fight, although it will be necessary to get close to the enemy; alternatively you can use the BFG or the Rocket Launcher (especially using the loaded shot).
For the video demonstration, click HERE
Surrounded? No problem.
Defeat the Hell Guards.
Strategy to defeat the Boss: The Hell Guards represent the second Boss in this Doom reboot. This boss fight also consists of two distinct phases and, if the first happens, the second will be quite easy to complete. In the first phase, you will only fight one of the two enemies, who will try to attack you with melee attacks and may occasionally use fire to track you down and kill you. Keep moving and counterattack immediately after the enemy attacks as, using a powerful shield, it will be almost impossible to hit.
In the second phase, the battle becomes slightly complicated as you will have to face two enemies at the same time. Use the same tactics you used in the first part of the boss fight and try to avoid their attacks, counterattacking when you can because neither of the two enemies will have a shield to defend themselves.
NB The best weapons to approach the fight are: the Gauss Cannon, through which you can (so we advise you to add the viewfinder to the weapon) hit the Boss in the head and the inevitable BFG.
For the video demonstration, click HERE
Who's next?
Defeat the Supreme Arachnoment.
Strategy to defeat the Boss: Arachnoment is the final boss of the game and represents a tough enough enemy to defeat even at the lowest difficulty levels, as its laser attacks are very difficult to avoid (although it turns out to be very similar to Cyber Demon, which can easily be defeated by jumping and crouching to then counterattack). His weak point is his own brain and the best strategy is to use the shotgun, causing considerable damage; be careful how much he tries to defend himself by swinging his arms, as this action can cause a huge amount of damage.
When the Arachnoment starts throwing a series of bombs, stop shooting them and try to focus solely on how to avoid such attacks. When instead it starts poisoning the floor, hurry up to climb the surrounding pillars and attack it with repeated hits from afar that will cause really considerable damage. Finally, almost at the end of the fight, the enemy will start launching a series of energy attacks: avoid them because if they hit you, they would be really devastating.
NB Target the brain; before getting to the boss fight, stock up on bullets for the BFG, the Gauss Cannon and the Gatling gun.
For the video demonstration, click HERE
Towards the unknown
Teleport to the Underworld.
An old friend
Acquire the BFG.
Location: It will be possible to find the BFG during the eighth mission, after meeting with Dr. Samuel Hayden in his office.