The most anticipated event of the year!
Il Black Friday is still far away, about a month to gomost anticipated event of the year. Offers, sales, promotions and so on and so forth. Black Friday is now a constant for the FIFA franchise as well. For six years now, starting exactly with the chapter of FIFA 14, EA Sports delights players with truly sensational offers. Usually something new is released every 24 hours; promotional packages, flash SBCs (perhaps with guaranteed IFs or with Icons), daily and weekly goals and much more.
Black Friday is a very important event for the FIFA community as, in addition to taking place close to two other important events, namely FUTMAS and TOTY, represents the first real downturn in the market, the so-called Market Crash.
Black Friday has officially started at EA Sports. Promo packs, SBC Challenges and more will be available every hour:
Prime Gold Players Pack available now (global limit) #BlackFriday #FUT # FIFA19 pic.twitter.com/1Qcc4d27Pb
- EA SPORTS FIFA #stayandplay (@EASPORTSFIFA) November 23, 2018
What to do?
Although Black Friday will take place on November 23, the market is already beginning to suffer several weeks earlier. The event should cover the entire weekend and is likely to end on November 26 with the Cyber Monday. In those four days, there will be mass unpacking. Many users are already starting to prepare, keeping credits and / or FIFA Points to spend during the BF. The possibilities are currently different. We can aim to create an important squad by taking advantage of a substantial reduction in prices. Or, if you already have a competitive squad, you may decide to invest heavily in a number of players who will then tend to rise in price in the following months.
The market will strongly influence NIF cards, while IFs and Icons are expected to maintain their value without any particular price changes. IFs could be key in terms of SBC. We cannot be certain about it but there will almost certainly be SBCs that will release a guaranteed IF or even challenges dedicated to Icons. Making an investment in IF at a reduced price is a possibility. Minimum risk and guaranteed profit. Better to avoid the higher cost IFs as they could have a significant, albeit very low, price reduction. As for NIFs, on the other hand, one possibility could be investing in players with Overall 83/84/85/86. While sales of the 83 and 84 have not yet taken off, some SBCs will certainly require players with this rating in the future.
On the other hand, as regards the 85 and 86, we cannot have the certainty of earnings but if we consider the Player of the Month, a recognition now extended to other leagues: Liga and Bundesliga, if purchased at a good price, will surely be necessary for the challenges next months.
Target the players of your dreams
The drastic reduction in prices is a succulent opportunity to buy the players you want most. Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar, Lionel Messi. Players who currently cost a blunder and are not within everyone's reach. About a week, ten days before Black Friday, the market will crash. Why just a week earlier? Because players will tend to sell their squads, selling off the teams they use. The same will then go to buy back the players during the BF, taking advantage of the price reduction. It goes without saying that the available packages will be well below the demand of players in the community and therefore everyone will buy on the market and consequently the prices will then tend to rise.
For this reason, we must monitor the market in the week / ten days before Black Friday otherwise we could find ourselves in the opposite condition. Rising prices and goodbye chance for bargains. For example, considering some of the most desired players last year, they have experienced substantial swings in their price. Cristiano Ronaldo, it cost 1.800.000 and began to drop in price, reaching the minimum peak, 1.600.000, about 12/13 days before Black Friday. Its price returned to grow on November 24, the date of Black Friday, recovering almost 200k and in a short time even exceeding 2.000.000 credits. This shows how important the timing of the purchase is.

Credits to E2A
Furthermore it must be considered that in the Weekend League of 9-10-11 November, the players after having concluded it, approximately at 8 o'clock on Monday 12, will sell their players. Perhaps this will be the best time to buy, perhaps sniping some players at an even lower price. Exactly as happened last year. If you have a competitive squad, participate in the next Weekend League and then sell your precious pieces, so as not to get lost particularly and then take advantage of the price reduction.
Below we leave you to the E2A video that explains in detail what will happen during the BF:
In summary:
- Make a list of objective experimental players on Futbin;
- Mark the price you want to spend;
- Wait for the target player to reach the price you set and buy it without beating around the bush;
- Remember that the best times to complete your purchases are: Monday 12th, after the Weekend League, and Thursday 15th, after the release of the FUT Rivals prizes (9 am) and after the release of the WL prizes (20 pm) ;
- Try to sell your players before November 12th;
- Always keep an eye on the market, as you could get some really good deals.
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