Walkthrough video in HD.
Video solution to 100% synchronization of Edward Kenway memories, game sequences in the present and video guide to the location and content of post-its scattered around the Abstergo Entertainment headquarters. For doubts or questions, you can contact us by commenting on the videos on our You Tube channel Soultricksit or by writing on the Soultricks.com Facebook page.Edward James Kenway
Sequence 1 - Capo Bonavista
Part 1/3 with treasures
Part 2/3 with treasures
Part 3/3 with treasures
Sequence 2 - Havana
Memory 1: Lively Havana
Remember 2: What about my sugar?
Memory 3: Mr. Walpole, right?
Memory 4: A man called Sage
Memory 5: What is due to me
Memory 6: The Treasure Fleet
Sequence 3 - Nassau
Memory 1: Novice Captain
Memory 2: Staff wanted
Memory 3: Loot and looting
Memory 4: Wave the black flag
Memory 5: Sugar cane and its fruits
Memory 6: Solid Defenses
Memory 7: A Madman
Sequence 4 - Tulum
Memory 1: The Old Lair
Memory 2: Nothing is real ...
Memory 3: The Sage's Buried Secret
Memory 4: Defeated and in the minority
Sequence 5 - Kingston
Memory 1: The strong
Memory 2: A businessman
Memory 3: Without men
Sequence 6 - coming soon
Abstergo Entertainment
Welcome to Abstergo Entertainment
Olivier Garneau