Persona 5 Royal has arrived carrying the much-desired Spanish language with him.
Persona 5 is without a doubt one of the best JRPG never made. With its unique style, exceptional soundtrack and deep and varied gameplay it is a must have for everyone, especially Japan lovers. And it is even more so now that the Royal edition is out, finally with the possibility of having the game texts completely in Spanish. The work, especially at the beginning, can be overwhelming for the amount of things to do and to keep in mind. We are here to help you keep everything clear and not miss a thing!
The basic information to approach the title of ATLUS is its being a role-playing game with a system of turn-based combat. To get a more concrete idea, the combat system can vaguely recall the classic chapters of Final Fantasy.
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Persona 5 is a JRPG and as such you explore dungeons, level characters, fight boss fights. However, the ATLUS series also has a huge one component from life simulator, which will put you in the shoes of a student from Tokyo and his daily life. During the day you will go to school, meet friends, take the subway and visit iconic places in the capital of Japan. At night you go around the dungeons, which represent a kind of parallel reality composed of people's subconscious. The activities that you can do, both day and night, will be limited by time available. You will therefore have to navigate the complex schedule of a Japanese high school student who becomes an executioner at night.
Be patient, especially in the beginning
After a cracking and rhythmic start, the game will slow down quite a bit. Consider that the first 6-8 hours of the campaign will take you to learn how the real world and the metaverse of dungeons work. You will also get to know many new characters, including main and secondary. In these first hours of play it will come outlined the world for good where the story will take place. Remember that Persona 5 is an extremely dense title: it needs to explain a lot of important information now. But be patient, this will soon be very useful to you. When the game finally lets you get lost in his wonderful experience it will be worth it.
Live every day to the full
Although in the dungeons, during the night, you can spend your time more freely, the days and evenings are still counted on the calendar, especially the afternoons. Many of the activities you can do will take a certain amount of time, including exploring dungeons for leveling up, hanging out with your friends, studying or working part-time. Spend your time wisely, therefore, because it is the most important resource in Persona 5. Try to never go to sleep until you've done something that improves your characters or their relationships.
Use your phone to keep track of the best times and places to meet up with your friends (formally Social Link) to increase your relationship with them. Plan carefully what you do: some bonuses can only be obtained on certain days of the week.
Make the most of the nights in the dungeon
Whenever you go to the parallel world, whether it's a palace related to the main story or the Mementos, that will be the only thing you can do that day. When you leave, you can heal your team and buy items, but you will lose another day that you could spend improving stats or relationships. So try to be as fast as possible each time you enter a dungeon, and only exit if you have to. If you start prepared with some healing items and save often, you should be able to complete a palace in two days in-game on normal difficulty. Maybe even one, if you're particularly good at it.
Keep an eye on your wallet
Money moves everything, in the real world as well as in Persona 5. For this you must always be careful about your Yen at stake. You can get them mainly in dungeons, by fighting and getting treasures, but you could also work part-time if you want to replenish your piggy bank. Spend your hard-earned coins carefully and never give up on your savings. You may often get an offer of something rare for ¥ 2000, or the opportunity to get close to one of the secondary characters for ¥ 5000.
Weaknesses will be your strength in battle
Each enemy you encounter in Persona 5 dungeons will have a specific weakness. Hitting it with a spell or attack from that element will stun the opponent and give you the opportunity for a second attack, crucial in some cases to win the fight. The game keeps track of any weaknesses discovered as you play. Furthermore, if in combat you press R1 you can immediately use the best ability to hit the enemy that stands in front of you.
The fundamental advice is therefore to experiment every time you meet a new opponent, testing all the spells you can against him. So you can discover his weakness, which will remain stored. You don't need to remember anything, the game takes care of it. Also, if you recruit a new Persona you can immediately learn its weaknesses.
Don't worry: you learn by making mistakes
You won't find the "perfect" way to play Persona 5 by doing everything you can do as you go, unless you use a guide. So don't worry: live your life in the game in the way that suits you best. By following these tips you will have no problems and you will not waste time in virtual Tokyo or dungeons anyway.
Source: fandom.com