Outriders is the new game of People Can Fly e Square Enix, released on April 1 2021. It is a online game with a cooperative flavor, but with one strong narrative component and a deep and detailed story, which can be followed and played too as a single player content.
Outriders however, it also has a strong component focused on farming, which plans to repeat the missions already completed several times, also taking into account that it is possible to tackle them at a higher level of difficulty e to get better rewards.
However, the interface of Outriders it is clear and intuitive and some things may not be evident right away. One of these is the mission repetition mechanism, which has left more than one player perplexed and bewildered. This guide aims to dispel any doubts about how, when and why to replay the missions of Outriders.
Repetition of main missions
Le main missions it's not just the ones that keep the story going. They also have the function of let the player explore new parts of the map, advancing in the midst of hordes of enemies who are "present there for the first time". After the first step the area can be explored freely, being now "clear". Many, however, ask themselves: "What if I wanted to replay the mission?" What if we wanted to repeat the experience of "clearing the path", to obtain other items-rewards, go in search of collectibles that we have lost or even review some scenes of the main plot that we may have missed? What if we want to confront a particular boss on a higher difficulty?
Outriders it has a very peculiar dynamics for this kind of operation.
First of all it should be noted that this is not an option that will be found in the in-game game menus, however much you seek it. To repeat the main story missions you need to return to the lobby. Here it will appear a panel bearing the inscription: "Select point of history". By clicking on this panel, they will appear all main story parts already unlocked, divided into chapters which, in turn, are divided into several paragraphs. It is possible to select one of these paragraphs as the "restart point".

Once the game has restarted, you will find yourself again projected backwards, to the point where the mission corresponding to the chosen paragraph was still to be done. From here you can go and repeat it simply talking to the right NPCs, with the difficulty level that you will have chosen to adopt among those unlocked.
Please note: if you want to repeat a single mission and not "the whole story starting from that point" it will be necessary return to the lobby and reset the "story point" to the last paragraph reported. Otherwise, the game will repeat in sequence all the missions starting from the one chosen.
Repetition of secondary missions
The mechanism for repeating secondary missions it's a bit more intuitive. Also in this case, you may want to repeat a secondary mission to have access to the "instance" again correspondent and find it again populated by enemies, stocked with crates, materials etc.
This, in order to repeat the mission on a higher difficulty level or farm new items, building materials and rewards; or even just to review some scenes, which are still part of the complex and intricate collateral "lore" of Outriders.
When a side mission has yet to be tackled for the first time, the NPC that allows it to start will appear on the map as a golden exclamation mark. Once the mission is complete and the reward is obtained, the mission it will not disappear from the map. The corresponding NPC will now be represented again by an exclamation point, only this time it will be gray in color.
Talking back to the NPC in question, among the dialogue options one will appear with the word "Replay mission" in brackets. It will be enough select the dialog option in question, confirm it with "Accept" and the mission will restart. All scenes and intermission sequences they will restart identically at the first time (they can however, at the player's discretion, be skipped). The mission will restart, at the selected difficulty level, as soon as the player enters the corresponding "instance".

Please note: By replaying a secondary mission, you can get additional items such as loot from enemies or crates scattered around the mission map. However the final reward (which usually consists of one item that can be selected from three) will be credited only the first time a side mission is completed. In all subsequent repetitions there will be no reward in the end, but the player will end up in the backpack everything he dropped and can decide if sell, disassemble, discard or store the objects found.
Outriders: replay missions
At this point it is possible repeat each mission virtually indefinitely, confronting the difficulties induced by a higher level of the Game World. And, of course, looking for new and spectacular rewards.
It is good to remember that the missions (both the main in progress and the secondary ones) can also be viewed from the relative map. From the item "Mission Map" of the general menu it is possible to examine all the unlocked "banners", that is the possible points reachable with the fast journey. If secondary missions are available from that point on, they will appear at the point in the form of a list.

Outriders It is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S e Google Stadia. More information can be found on the Official site.