Lost in Kratos' new adventure in the depths of Midgard? Then we will relieve you of the fatigue by giving you a right guide for the legendary baskets in God of War.
In God of War (2018), Legendary Chests are collectibles that can be found in all regions of the game. These chests hide great treasures very useful for adventure.
Below you will find information on the location and contents of the Legendary Baskets divided by region. But beware: for some chests it may be necessary to return to a place later, after having unlocked certain abilities.
By the way, if you are looking for other God of War themed guides you are in the right place. Here's what's currently available on Soultricks.com:
- God of War PS4 guide: armor, stats and how to get the Mist Set
- God of War, Aegir's guide to infinite gold and silver
- God of War, guide to unlock all skills and infinite experience
- God of War, guide to all treasure maps
- God of War - Guide, how to get the Golden Talisman of Protection and the Amulet of Kvasir
- God of War guide: where to find and how to defeat the nine Valkyries
The trunks of the River Pass.
There are 5 Legendary Baskets in the River Pass.
Basket 1.
Just along the path where a Reaver is fighting, before crossing the collapsing bridge, Atreus will point to a chest to the right. This contains a runic gem: the touch of Hel.
Basket 2.
After entering the Witch's cave, head down to the bridge and go left using the platforms to the boat. Jumping from platform to platform, you come to loot the legendary chest at the end, where you will find a Talisman of Focused Vitality.
Basket 3.
After obtaining the arrows of light and electricity, return to the Witch's Cave. From here, head downstairs and create a path for yourself using the light arrows on the sap wall, which you can destroy with the nearby unbreakable crystal.
Head to the area to the left of the Odin's hidden chamber. Blue roots seem to mean that nothing else can be done, but that's not the case. Look to the left of the brambles to find the brittle wood to power Atreus with.
He will appear on a ledge, and you can move a pallet of giant stones towards him, to send it to the other side, near a bowl of sand.
After inspecting it, look at the ceiling to see the runes behind the wooden planks that you can break with the ax. As Atreus solves the puzzle, the platform he is standing on will lower, and you can jump onto another platform with a legendary chest in an alcove. This contains Murders of Ravens - a Summoning Rune for Atreus.
Basket 4.
After retrieving the previous chest, destroy the red sap wall and climb the well in the forest around the Witch's House. There's a legendary chest on the other side of the large turtle, covered in rubble, along with a bowl of sand.
Find a chain to climb a ledge and head to the end of the path. Pass the crow, come to a view of the Witch's House that allows you to clearly see all the runes on the rocks.
This will rearrange the crumbling rocks to reveal the path to the legendary chest below them, and you will get Storm of the Deer - a Rune of Summoning.
Basket 5.
After obtaining the item needed to interact with the Winds of Hel, head to the Witch's Cave and from here to the right of the well. Go to where Cipher's chest was and with the Wind of Hel grab it. Take it to the receptacle to the left of the bridge to the Witch's Cave, then down under the lonely platform in the center of the cave's lower level. Head across to the other side to place the wind on a higher platform above some Hel Brambles. Then destroy the brambles and move the giant stone stake in the center so you can grab the Winds of Hel and jump to the other side. Now place it in the stone vault, which will reveal a legendary chest containing the Fury of the Furies - a new attack of runic light.
The trunks of the Hills.
There are 2 Legendary Baskets in the Hills.
Basket 1.
Once you get to the snowy ruins in front of the mountain, where an Ogre is fighting, look to the left. Look for a pile of rubble next to a red urn that can be detonated to remove debris.
To the left of the coffin are two Scorn Poles and another urn that can be thrown through the gap - but both enemies prevent you from reaching the legendary chest. Freeze the one closest to you to locate one urn after another and detonate it so you can get rid of one. This will allow you to freeze the other and open the chest, in which you will find the Charge of the White Bear, a runic light attack.
Basket 2.
This legendary chest can only be obtained after unlocking the tools to interact with the winds of Hel and freeing the Hel Bramble.
Go up the path from Sindri's shop following the road lined with Scorn Poles. To the right of this is a sealed stone tomb. Looking up to the left you can spot some Hel Brambles blocking a windless receptacle.
Head back to the area with some coffins to find the Winds of Hel trapped behind some Hel Bramble. Once recovered, take them to the stone tomb to unlock it, which will allow you to open a legendary chest that contains the Outbreak of Hephaestus: a light runic attack.
Alfheim Legendary Baskets.
There are 5 Legendary Baskets in Alfheim.
Basket 1.
Entering the Ring Pit for the first time, check the cell rooms on either side of the elevator. One of the prisons has a broken mechanism, but the other can be used to unlock the cages. Check them to find Hacksilver on a corpse in one room, while the other has a blocked path leading to a chest.
Throw the ax to the root above the chest, then return to the central room and look into the cell through the locked door. Summon your ax to hit both roots on the way back, thus unlocking the door. You can now loot the Legendary Chest for the Thiazi talc, a heavy runic attack.
Basket 2.
This legendary chest can be found on the platform under the main bridge leading to the temple. Going to the left side of this platform, after the fight to free the roots blocking the light crystal, you will find the Tempest of Njord, a runic light attack.
Basket 3.
Once the Alfheim Light is restored, move around the core of the temple to get rid of the roots and return the bridge to the main entrance. From the center, have Atreus point at the newly exposed crystal on the top ring to create a new bridge to the door.
Over there some other Dark Elf will try to get in your way, protecting a legendary chest that contains the Clash of Utgard, a light runic attack.
Basket 4.
On the lake surrounding the Temple, take the boat and head to the Northwest beach, to the coast of the Light Elves. Here look for a path to the right that leads into a long tunnel, past some roots.
At the other end of the tunnel, head to the platform overlooking the beach to find a legendary chest containing the Giant's Frenzy - a heavy runic attack.
Basket 5.
Take the boat on the southeast side of the lake to the Light Elf Sanctuary. On the left of the beach there is a door surrounded by roots. After this, climb higher through the gate and then right around a balcony overlooking the lake to a beach bridge.
Cross the bridge and look down. Look for an angle from which to hit all the roots at the same time. Once these are gone, enter a new tunnel on the side that leads to a small room with a legendary chest, covered by three pulsating cores nearby - two of them on separate hanging bars.
Use the nearby wheel mechanism to rotate the bars all the way. They will slowly rotate back to align. Meanwhile try to hit the only stationary core above.
Hit him as they line up using the ax. This will unlock the chest to reveal theKvasir amulet - a rare Talisman that slows down time when making perfect dodges.
Legendary baskets on the Mountain.
There are 3 legendary chests on the Mountain.
Basket 1.
Once you find the mine cart needed to lift the mountain in the central elevator room, push the mine cart until you can create a platform in the upper area where the rock got stuck. As you pass along the upper platform, look along the left side for a legendary chest that contains the Falcon's Dive - a Runic Execution for Atreus.
Basket 2.
After defeating the Dragon on the mountain and obtaining shock arrows, enter the new door beyond Sindri's shop. As you enter this new cave, turn right and you will find World Tree Sap enclosing a legendary chest in a small room. Ask Atreus to fire his shock arrows to unlock the chest and get Tyr's Revenge, a light runic attack.
Basket 3.
Upon your return to The Mountain, return to the central elevator room and turn off the Hel Bramble to use the secondary elevator in a new area. Here, you can climb up a platform to the right to find a door from which an orc will explode.
In the room where the orc has burst is a stone tomb sealed by the Winds of Hel. To find these winds, head down to the lower level and break some Hel Bramble in a room on the right to find a receptacle you can carry.
Place it near the base of the platform leading to the upper level, then go back and break through a wooden door near Hel Bramble to find a Hacksilver chest and the Winds of Hel.
Bring the wind to the vessel you placed, then climb up and grab it from above before dashing to the tomb to reveal a legendary chest that contains Hyperion Strike - a heavy runic attack for the blades of chaos.
Legendary baskets in the Corps of Thamur.
While there are no Legendary Chests in the Region Summary, there is one that is not listed and cannot be taken after traversing the ice.
After meeting Sindri in her first shop, head across the platforms to a building where you fight your first Traveler. After defeating him, take out the large stone block from the door and line it up next to the Giant's pendant. Look along the sides for panels to throw your ax and tilt the pendant to the side, then jump to it after climbing the block.
From the pendant, climb over it and jump down to an upper balcony to find a legendary chest that holds the Frost Blessing - a heavy runic attack.
Legendary baskets in Helheim.
There are 3 Legendary Chests in Helheim - and 1 additional along the Bridge of the Damned.
Basket 1.
From Tyr's Temple, approach the center of the bridge leading to Helheim and you'll find a wall of Hel's Bramble that you can clear out. Look to the left of Hel's Bramble for a legendary chest containing Spartan Charge - your first attack of Runic Light for the Blades of Chaos!
Basket 2.
After gaining the ability to harness the Winds of Hel, return to the bridge leading to Tyr's Temple. There is also a small relay game that you can play with another Winds of Hel grip on the right side of the deck. First, clear out the rest of the Hel-Reavers along the length of the bridge, then return to place the Winds of Hel in the first slab on the right. Now take it and run to the slab on the left where you can store it to fill your time. Grab it again and sprint forward until you see a statue with a shield and receptacle in the middle to place it.
Now, grab him once more and jump over the obstacle to the next statue on the right, and look over his back to place the Winds. Grab it again and sprint to the center of the bridge where the big horn is, and look up along the inner ring to find yet another place to put the wind.
Now, pull the winds back and whiz along the left side of the bridge to a dead end - where you can spot a slab to stash the wind once more. Finally, run to the other side of the slab and grab it, and immediately whiz across the bridge to the stairs going down to a lower balcony, turn left and throw it as soon as possible before time runs out to open the stone seal and you will find Legendary chest and claim your Chaos Cyclone reward, a light runic attack for the Blades of Chaos.
Basket 3.
You can find this chest on your return to Helheim with Atreus after he gets better. Take the main path to the Bridge of the Damned and climb to the first upper platform with a small bridge that goes straight to a red Sap wall. Blast it with shock arrows and look for a chain on the other side to go down. Here you will find another small wall of red sap that can be exploded to reach a legendary chest that contains the Charm of Endless Storms - an epic Talisman.
Basket 4.
Note that this chest can only be found during your Escape from Helheim when you are beyond the Bridge of the Damned.
After activating the ship to start flying through the air, you will be captured on a large tower. You can find a legendary chest as you enter the tower itself to find a spin mechanism that you can throw with your ax to raise a platform. Make sure you are off the platform when you hit it, then dive under the balcony on the opposite side of the tower to find a legendary chest that contains Storm of Icarus, a light runic attack for the Blades of Chaos.
Legendary baskets in the Temple of Tyr.
There are 2 legendary chests in Tyr's Temple.
Basket 1.
After obtaining the Black Rune, two Grendels will attack you. After taking out the Grendels, look into the room that trapped you to find that the platform has raised to reveal a Legendary Chest in an alcove and open it to get the Weightless Protection Grips.
Basket 2.
Once you are able to enter Tyr's hidden chamber (not to be confused with Tyr's Vault), head down to where the two chains are. Take the left path through the rotating blade room into the room beyond, and look for a stone tomb to the left that holds one of the two Winds of Hel - while the room beyond has a fixed blade with a receptacle for the Winds of Hel and another to the right.
First place the Winds on the receptacle on the right, so that the blade will begin to rotate. Wait for it to be in the top corner to take out the Winds and insert them into the blade itself, causing it to retract back and forth.
Pull out the Winds of Hel when the saw blade retracts to a corner to hold it that way and take it back to the stone tomb in the previous chamber. Now go through the blade to find another one with the Winds, and also return to the stone slab to open a legendary chest that contains the Hyperion Hook - a heavy runic attack for the Blades of Chaos.