Final Fantasy VII rhymes with Materia. In this guide we will show you where to find and how to use each single Materia of the game.
Spells, skills and character customization in general are among the main components of an RPG, and in this sense the remake of the seventh chapter of Final Fantasy is no exception. Here, as well as in the original, these elements are all developed through Materials.
These little spheres of magical powers are formed by Lifestream, the energy that flows within the planet. Each of them, once equipped, will give you access to one or more different skills. These are key to combat, whether it's character boosts or the ability to exploit an enemy weakness. In addition, even the Materia, like the characters, level up and improve with use, unlocking further upgrades.
In this guide we will explain in detail all the Subjects of Final Fantasy VII Remake and how to get them. For most of these objects, there are multiple ways to find them - here we will list only the main ones.
If you need more help, we recommend that you take a look at the other guides of Final Fantasy VII Remake that we have prepared for you:
- 7 tricks to become a perfect Soldier
- What is Final Fantasy VII Remake?
- Trophy Guide
- Weapons Guide
- Guide to all encounters with Johnny
- Guide to all armor with stats and Materia slots
- Invocation Guide
- The ending explained well
- Guide to enemy techniques
- Limit Break Guide
- Guide to the location of music discs
- How to open the Gates of Corneo
- Our Review
- Hard Mode Guide
- Build guide for hard mode
How do Matters work?
Before moving on to the actual list, it is worth explaining the use of these power ups. First of all it must be said that they exist five different categories of Materials, each identified by a color:
- Magical matters - they are green and allow you to gain active magical abilities that you can summon in combat using MP and ATB bars.
- Technical subjects - they are yellow and each of them will unlock a new active skill usable in combat at the cost of ATB bars.
- Support subjects - they are blue and are used in tandem with other active Matters such as green or yellow ones to enhance their effect.
- Independent subjects - they are fuchsia and each of them has a unique effect. Many offer passive bonuses to character stats or skills.
- Materials for invocations - they are red and allow you to summon huge and powerful beasts.
Matters equip themselves placing them on weapons and pieces of armor, which have special slots. Each Final Fantasy VII Remake equippable item has a different number of slots or a different configuration. Each slot can accommodate one or two subjects, and by using two of them - one of which as support - you will have special effects.

These boosts also affect the statistics characters and can be used to have resistances to specific elements. The personalization system. therefore, it is very varied and to maximize the game experience of Final Fantasy VII Remake you will have to experiment with different materials and many possible combinations.
Magical subjects: list and locations
As already mentioned, green matters are those related to magical abilities, which will allow you to use powerful attacks often linked to elemental effects. Many of these are normally available for purchase, but we have tried to list a couple of places where you can get them as loot from enemies, as well as point out the first shop where you will find them for sale.
Burning Matter
Allows you to use the magical element of fire.
- Level 1: Fire - moderate damage of fire element.
- Level 2: Fira - consistent damage of fire element.
- Level 3: Firaga - huge damage of fire element.
- Cloud has owned it from the start.
- You can buy it in the Sector 7 item shop at the cost of 500 Gil or find in the slums of Sector 7.
Galvanic matter
Allows you to use the magic element of thunder.
- Level 1: Thunder - moderate damage of thunder element. Chance to hit: 100%.
- Level 2: Thundara - substantial damage of thunder element. Chance to hit: 100%.
- Level 3: Thundaga - huge damage of thunder element. Chance to hit: 100%.
- Barret owns it from the start.
- You can buy it in the Sector 7 item shop at the cost of 500 Gil and in almost all subsequent ones.
- It can be found in one secondary room in the Corkscrew Tunnels, section E.
- It can also be found in the Mako 5 reactor, at level B7.
Glacial matter
Allows you to use the magic element of ice.
- Level 1: Blizzard - moderate damage of the ice element.
- Level 2: Blizzara - substantial damage of the ice element.
- Level 3: Blizzaga - huge damage of ice element.
- Aerith has owned it from the start.
- You can buy it in the Sector 7 item shop at the cost of 500 Gil and in almost all subsequent ones.
- You can get it from enemies in the Junk Road.
- You can find one too in Sector 7, after the plate collapses.
Air Matter
Allows you to use the magical element of the wind.
- Level 1: Aero - moderate damage of wind element and throw enemies towards you.
- Level 2: Aerora - consistent damage of wind element and throw enemies towards you.
- Level 3: Aeroga - huge damage of wind element and throw enemies towards you.
Location: find the dossier for the research dossier 2 for Chadley. At that point the researcher will sell it, the first time at a discount.
Energy Matter
Allows you to use healing magic to restore your team's HP during battles.
- Level 1: Cure - Restores a moderate amount of HP.
- Level 2: Healing - Restores a consistent amount of HP.
- Level 3: Rain - Gradually restore HP over time.
- Level 4: Curaga - Restores a huge amount of HP.
- Barret owns it right away.
- Jessie will give it to Cloud during Chapter 2, continuing with the main story.
- After this event, you can find it in the train at the beginning of chapter 5 and in many stores after Sector 7 for 500 Gil.
Reanimating Matter
Allows you to use the magic of the same name to bring a KO party member back to life.
- Level 1: Raise - Brings an ally back to life by restoring a substantial amount of HP.
- Level 2: Arise - Brings an ally back to life by fully restoring HP.
Location: It is located after the fight sequence in Chapter 4, when you are following Jessie. You can also find it in many shops after this stage of the game.
Protective Matter
Allows you to use defensive magic that increases damage resistance.
- Level 1: Barrier - Halves the physical damage taken.
- Level 2: Manaward - Halves the magic damage taken.
- Level 3: Manawall - Halves physical and magical damage taken.
- It is obtained automatically near the end of chapter 4, unfolding the main story.
- One can be found in a driveway on the west side of the Wall Market.

Limiting Matter
Allows you to use disruptive magic that gives enemies sleep status during battle. When equipped on armor, it gives your character resistance against Sleep, Silence, and Berserk statuses.
- Level 1: Sleep - Prevents any action from an enemy until he is awakened.
- Level 2: Silence - Prevents an enemy from casting spells.
- Level 3: Berserk - Increases damage dealt and received.
Position: in the slums of Sector 6, near the second puzzle with the robotic hand.
Destructive Matter
Allows you to use subversive magic to immediately break enemy defenses. If equipped on armor, it can resist Instant Death spell.
- Level 1: Breach - Removes Barrier, Manaward, Reflect and Shield. It costs two ATB bars.
- Level 2: Dispel - Removes all beneficial statuses. It costs two ATB bars.
Location: Comes dropped by Ghoul, the first ghost boss that you will meet in chapter 11.
Temporal Matter
Allows you to use time magic that modifies the flow of time by changing the fill rate of the ATB bar.
- Level 1: Haste - Increase the pace at which the ATB gauge fills up.
- Level 2: Slow - Decreases the rate at which the ATB bar fills up.
- Level 3: Stop - Stops all movements and actions.
- You can get it as a reward for Missing Child side quest in chapter 14.
- In chapter 17, inside the warehouse, such as loot.
Venefica Matter
Allows you to use poisonous magic to inflict damage and evil status on enemies. If equipped on armor, it gives Poison resistance.
- Level 1: Bio - Poisons and deals constant moderate non-elemental damage to an enemy. Chance to hit: 100%.
- Level 2: Biora - Poisons and inflicts consistent consistent non-elemental damage to an enemy. Chance to hit: 100%.
- Level 3: Bioga - Poisons and deals constant massive non-elemental damage to an enemy. Chance to hit: 100%.
- It can be found in the Automatic machine for 1500 Gil from chapter 5 onwards.
- You can get it from enemies in the Sewer System - in the room with the lock gate that can be opened.
- There is always another in the sewers in chapter 14.
- One last can be found in chapter 17, after you fall off the catwalk.
Healing matter
Allows you to use healing spells to remove evil status from party members.
- Level 1: Poisona - Removes poison status.
- Level 2: Esuna - Removes all harmful statuses.
- Level 3: resist - Prevents all harmful statuses.
Position: After the quest The Rat Problem can be buy this subject in sector 7 for 300 Gil and in all stores thereafter.

Technical subjects: list and positions
As already mentioned, the Yellow Materials add new commands in battle, which will allow you to expand your skill list. These commands they cost ATB bars, but - not being magical - they do not consume MP.
Meditative Matter
It allows you to restore your HP and cure poison with the Chakra. The restored health is proportional to the damage received.
- Level 1: Reset the 20% of the HP of the damage received.
- Level 2: Restore the 25% of the HP of the damage received.
- Level 3: Restore the 30% of the HP of the damage received.
- Level 4: Restore the 35% of the HP of the damage received.
- Level 5: Restore the 40% of the HP of the damage received.
- Tifa starts with this Materia.
- You will find another Chakra at the Church in sector 5 when you revisit it during the chapter 14; you can see it in the church even during Chapter 8, but you can't get it.
- Find one in the basement of Don Corneo's house when you revisit it in chapter 14.
Analytical Matter
It allows you to use Discovery to reveal information about enemies, including weaknesses.
- Level 1: Use Scan on a single target.
- Level 2: Use Scan on all targets.
- You'll get it from Chadley during chapter 3.
- Purchase from Chadley for 1000 Gil after finishing the mission The Chadley Report.
Votive Matter
It allows you to restore party health with Prayer and consumes 2 ATB.
- Level 1: Poor HP recovery.
- Level 2: Slight HP recovery.
- Level 3: Medium HP recovery.
- Level 4: Great HP recovery.
- Level 5: Significant HP recovery.
- Aerith begins with the Prayer subject.
- Behind the sliding door of the Don Corneo's stocks in sector 5, north of the Slums. Obtainable as reward of the secondary mission Corneo's Secret Stash during chapter 14
Predatory matter
It allows you to use Steal to steal tools and / or Gil from enemies.
- Level 1: Use Theft
- You buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 7.
Matter ATB increase
Once active it increases the charging speed of the ATBs. It cannot be used continuously.
- Level 1: The cooldown of the ATB Boost skill lasts 360 seconds
- Level 2: The cooldown of the ATB Boost skill lasts 300 seconds
- Level 3: The cooldown of the ATB Boost skill lasts 240 seconds
- Level 4: The cooldown of the ATB Boost skill lasts 180 seconds
- Level 5: The cooldown of the ATB Boost skill lasts 120 seconds
- You buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 4.
Eclectic Matter
It allows you to learn enemy techniques you have suffered and use them as skills. However, they can only be used when the Materia is equipped. Once learned, each enemy technique appears as an individual command.
The Enemy Skills are as follows:
- Algid Auira
- Spiritual Siphon
- Self destruction
- Halitosis
- Find the dossier for research dossier 16 and probe 30 enemies with the Materia Scan, then buy this from Chadley.

Supporting subjects: list and positions
This type of Materie are blue and deal with enhance the effect of the others. They are meant to be placed in a double slot along with other subjects, linking them for beneficial effects.
For example, using an Elemental Matter in combination with that of thunder on a character's weapon will make that weapon elemental: thunder-type damage with normal attacks. Doing the same thing on a piece of armor will decrease the damage taken from thunder-type attacks, making you immune to that element.
By answering a classic question from Final Fantasy VII veterans in advance: no, the Blue Matter All does not exist in the Remake. But there are on the other hand many other very useful ones.
Elemental Matter

It adds the element of Matter to which it is connected to the equipment on which they are placed. It can be used offensively or defensively, adding the element to our attacks or making us immune to it. Can be used with Fire, Blizzard, Thunder and Aero.
- Level 1: adds 8% of elemental damage to the weapon on which it is equipped /halves the damage suffered from that element when equipped on armor.
- Level 2: adds 15% of elemental damage to the weapon on which it is equipped /prevents damage suffered from that element when equipped on armor.
- Level 3: adds 23% of elemental damage to the weapon on which it is equipped /absorbs the damage suffered from that element when equipped on armor.
- During chapter 6, on the Sector 4 platform - in an optional area, descending the ladder on the way to the third lamp.
- During chapter 14, in the Urban Advancement District - you find it next to the letter from the Angel of the slums, before heading to the platform, as long as you have completed all the quests about Mireille.
Extensive Matter
Allows you to expand the range of the spell it's attached to, so you can attack more enemies. This is what comes closest to the All Materia of the original Final Fantasy VII. Unfortunately, in 'magnifying' a spell you will lose damage in attacking single enemy.
- Level 1: reduces damage by 60% when extended to multiple enemies.
- Level 2: reduces damage by 45% when extended to multiple enemies.
- Level 3: reduces damage by 25% when extended to multiple enemies.
Position: in the slums of Sector 6, during the third arm puzzle.
Immunizing Matter
guarantees state resistance of the Matter to which it is connected. Works with Poison, Slowness, Blindness and Breach. Use it in a double slot along with the status you want to immunize yourself from.
- Level 1: reduces status duration by 25%.
- Level 2: reduces status duration by 50%.
- Level 3: reduces status duration by 100%.
- It can be found in the sewers during chapter 10.
- It can be found in the Underground Laboratory of Sector 7, during chapter 13, after the collapse.
Synchromagic Matter
Allows an ally to follow the leader of the party after an attack, with one of the element it is connected to. Works with Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Aero and Bio.
Position: buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 9.
Leech Matter
Allows you to restore HP when attacking using the Materia it is connected to. It works with both magic and attack techniques.
- Level 1: absorbs the 20% of the damage.
- Level 2: absorbs the 30% of the damage.
- Level 3: absorbs the 40% of the damage.
Position: buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 19.
Matter Absorption MP
Allows you to recover MP when attacking using the Materia it is connected to.
Position: buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 18.
Evolutionary Matter
After 5.000 steps, this matter transforms into an AP Up.
Position: near Aerith's house in Chapter 14.
AP Up matter
Increase AP earned for the Matter to which it is connected by 100%.
Location: you get it using the Pedometer Materia for 5.000 steps.

Independent subjects: list and positions
Independent Matters are distinguished from any other type of matter and have unique functions that do not fit into any other category - hence the name. Generally these your stats increase o add buffs automatic and passive to your attacks or other battle maneuvers.
Vital matter
- Level 1: Increase the Maximum HP of 10%.
- Level 2: Increase the Maximum HP of 20%.
- Level 3: Increase the Maximum HP of 30%.
- Level 4: Increase the Maximum HP of 40%.
- Level 5: Increase the Maximum HP of 50%.
- Upper sector 9
- Train cemetery.
- Air duct in the Shinra building - go left at the second intersection.
Arcane Matter
Increase maximum MP. The maximum achievable boost is + 100% when more than one is equipped.
- Level 1: Increase MP by 10%.
- Level 2: Increase 20% MP.
- Level 3: Increase 30% MP.
- Level 4: Increase 40% MP.
- Level 5: Increase 50% MP.
- In Chapter 3, defeat 50 monsters and talk to Katie in the slum of sector 7, next to the numbers board.
- In Chapter 6 - In the plate of sector 4 on the way to the third light, move the vertical walkway all the way to grab the matter from above.
- In Chapter 8 - Near Aerith's House, visible during "Language of Flowers".
Occult Matter
Increase your magic attack powers. The maximum boost is + 100% when more than one is equipped.
- Level 1: Magic boost of 5%.
- Level 2: Magic boost of 10%.
- Level 3: Magic boost of 15%.
- Level 4: Magic boost of 20%.
- Level 5: Magic boost of 25%.
- Chapter 7, in the Mako 5 Reactor behind the lever lock in the waste recovery room which you can optionally open.
- Reward for the pull-up challenge at the Walled Market in Chapter 14.
Auspicious Matter
Increase your luck. The maximum boost limit is + 100% when more than one is equipped.
- Level 1: 10% luck boost.
- Level 2: 20% luck boost.
- Level 3: 30% luck boost.
- Level 4: 40% luck boost.
- Level 5: 50% luck boost.
- It will come to you given by Wedge towards the end of Chapter 4, provided that you rank first in the darts minigame. Your best chance of finishing first in the mini game is during Chapter 3.
- Reward for the push-up challenge at the Walled Market in Chapter 9 or 14.
- Increases the amount of EXP you gain in battle by 100%.
- Win the "Team of 3 people vs Team Ragbag" challenge among those of the VR Shinra simulation - Chapter 16 and 17.
Gil Up
- Increase the number of Gil you earn in battle by 100%.
- Win the "Team of Two Against High Flyers Shinra" challenge. in the challenges of VR Shinra simulation - Chapter 16 and 17.

Circumventing Matter
Immediately after the dodge, by pressing the attack command you can perform a area attack.
- Level 1: Use deadly dodge.
- Level 2: Increases the power and effects of deadly dodge.
- In Upper Sector 8 during the escape of Chapter 2. Difficult to miss.
- First purchase available at the shop in Sector 7 a 500 Gil, becomes available in all stores thereafter.
Vi protects against enemy attacks and allows you to quickly unleash the next move.
- Level 1: Use the parry.
- Level 2: Increases absorbed damage from the parry and gives a slight boost to the ATB bar.
- Buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 12.
Preventive Matter
Increase the fill level of the ATB bar at the beginning of the battle.
- Level 1: small increase in the ATB gauge at the start of the battle.
- Level 2: Medium increase of the ATB gauge at the start of the battle.
- Level 3: Big boost to the ATB gauge at the start of the battle.
- Available for purchase at Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 3.
Self-Sourcing Matter
Summon heal for badly wounded allies up to a certain number of times.
- Level 1: Self Healing up to three times per battle.
- Level 2: Self Healing up to 10 times per battle.
- Reward from research introduced by Chadley in Chapter 3. To be able to purchase it, you must first complete the first file for the research dossier.
Refining Matter
Increase theeffectiveness of objects used in battle.
- Level 1: Increases the effectiveness of items during the battle of 30%.
- Level 2: Increases the effectiveness of items during the battle of 40%.
- Level 3: Increases the effectiveness of items during the battle of 50%.
- Buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 11.
Coordinating Matter
Increased ATB gauge per ally when repeating the command twice.
- Level 1: Peak ATB increase per ally when repeating the command twice.
- Level 2: Medium ATB increase per ally when repeating the command twice.
- Level 3: Large increase in ATB per ally when repeating the command twice.
- Buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 13.
Exhausting Matter
Increases the ATB gauge when you stagger an enemy.
- Level 1: Small boost in ATB when staggering an opponent.
- Level 2: Medium ATB boost when staggering an opponent.
- Level 3: Great ATB boost when staggering an opponent.
- Buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 14.
Provocative Matter
Taunt enemies to distract them from attacking critically injured comrades.
- Level 1: Taunt for 60 seconds (90 second cooldown).
- Level 2: Taunt for 90 seconds (60 second cooldown).
- Level 3: Taunt for 120 seconds (30 second cooldown).
- Buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 8.
Trenching matter
Further decreases damage and fills the ATB gauge while parrying.
- Level 1: Take slightly less damage + small ATB boost when parrying.
- Level 2: Take less damage + medium ATB boost when parrying.
- Level 3: Take even less damage + large ATB boost when parrying.
- Buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 6.
Master of skills
Slightly fills the ATB gauge when multiple ATB commands are made.
- Level 1: small increase in ATB when using three types of commands.
- Level 2: Medium increase in ATB when using three types of commands.
- Level 3: large increase in ATB when using three types of commands.
- Buy it from Chadley after finding the dossier for the research dossier 17.
Premonitory Matter
Location: Aerith begins with this matter
- It allows you to use the Refocus limit break, which turns the ATB bar into one 3-part bar.
- Aerith begins with the Refocus Materia.
- Reward for the 'Team of Two vs Team Dynamic Duos' challenge.
- Reward for the “Team of Three Against Monsters of Legend” challenge.