DOOM Eternal Trophy Roadmap
Estimated difficulty: 3,5 / 10
Approximate time to platinum: 25-35 hours
Total trophies: 34 (1 4
Offline trophies: 27 (4 10
Online trophies: 7 (2 4
Glitch trophies: 2 - Weapons Expert (deleting the game save and repeating it can solve it), Destroyer of gates (it may happen that a Slayer Key is not generated even if tried via "mission selection").
Does difficulty affect trophies? No, it is also possible to play on simple difficulty "I'm too young to die" (the extra life mode can also be played on lower difficulty)
Playthrough required: minimum 2
Release date: March 20, 2020, here our review
Welcome to the DOOM Eternal Trophy Guide
DOOM Eternal features 34 trophies. Complete "the story" and get all the collectibles (there are many types and all are necessary to obtain the related trophies). You will then have to face the "extra life mode" and the "online mode".
Step 1: Play the main campaign on any difficulty (NOT in extra life mode) and collect all collectibles.
DO NOT choose extra life mode from the start (it's a Permadeath mode). Not because it would be difficult but for two other reasons: firstly, the "mission selection" would not be available, so you would be forced to collect all the collectibles right away. Secondly, you couldn't use cheat codes, therefore, it wouldn't make sense to start in extra life mode, it would only make things more challenging.
At the end of each mission you will unlock fast travel. This will allow you to revisit all areas of that mission to collect the missing collectibles. All collectibles are indicated by a question mark "?" on the map. To make your search easier, buy the exploration enhancement for the Praetor suit "Find objects”(It will become available in the 3rd mission). It will reveal all collectibles on the map. Some, although indicated, will still be difficult to reach and obtain, as they require the solving of environmental puzzles. None of the collectibles are missing as it is possible to use "select mission" at any time.
Glitch Warning: There are some cases where players have reported that some collectibles (especially Slayer Keys) do not spawn. It is highly recommended to make a manual backup after every two completed missions: (PS4 Settings> Application Saved Data Management> Copy to USB / PS +). In the worst case, you can copy the save again so you don't have to start over.
Step 2: Play extra life mode (difficulty: "Too Young to Die")
Extra Life is a Permadeath mode. However, you can play it on the simplest difficulty. There are around 40 extra lives placed across all levels that will come in handy during the most chaotic encounters. There are some sections that have a countdown timer that can lead to an instant game over if you take too long to complete them and only in these cases you will not be able to take advantage of the extra lives. Any situation with a countdown timer can kill you instantly. Fortunately, you can still save the game. If you are dangerously short of extra lives, do a manual backup of the game. This way, if for some reason you run out of extra lives, you can copy the save again.
Step 3: multiplayer (Battlemode mode)
There are 5 trophies related to the Battlemode multiplayer mode. Fortunately, all 5 trophies can be quickly obtained in private matches. These trophies are not difficult to obtain. The only activities that take a little longer are playing 25 games and getting 200 kills.
Glitch Warning: Some players have reported that online trophies are not unlocking properly (particularly "Weapons Expert"). If this happens, delete the save and this will erase all progress and online stats. Your XP will remain saved.
Doom Eternal - Trophy Guide:
Heavy Metal
Earn all trophies:
Complete Hell on Earth
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss. Unlocks after Mission 1: Hell on Earth.
From hunters to prey
Kill the Doom Hunters
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss. Unlockable after Mission 4: The Doom Hunter Base.
The Doom Hunters are the 3 cyborg demon bosses that you will have to face. You can make them vulnerable by overloading their shields with the plasma rifle and then using any other superweapons available in your arsenal to damage them while their shields are down. Once this is done, all you need to do is perform a glory kill when their health is low. For further information, we refer you to our guide.
Interplanetary fracture
Make a hole on Mars
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss. Unlocks after completing Mission 7: Mars Core.
Inches verses
Defeat the Reaper in the Colosseum
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss. Unlockable after Mission 8: Sentinel Prime.
To complete the boss fight, we refer you to our guide.
Reforged and stocked
Buy a new crucible in Taras Nabad
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss. Unlocks from Mission 9: Taras Nabad.
This trophy is awarded at the end of the Taras Nabad mission, after acquiring and then testing the new Crucible.
Kill Khan Maykr
Automatic story-related trophy, impossible to miss. Unlocks from Mission 12: Urdak.
To complete the boss fight, we refer you to our guide.
Kill the Icon of Sin
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss. Unlocks from Mission 13: Final Sin.
To complete the boss fight, we refer you to our guide.
The Slayer of the past and the future
Complete the campaign on any difficulty
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss. Obtainable after completing the 13 missions that make up the main campaign.
Treasure hunter
Complete all mission encounters and challenges and find all items in Taras Nabad in a single save slot
Taras Nabad is the ninth mission of the campaign, and to get this trophy you will have to practically reach 100% of this specific level by obtaining each collectible and completing the three challenges present. You can use the tricks to get this trophy / achievement faster, eg. immortality, faster kills or infinite ammo.
The mission challenges for this level are:
- Find the six pages of the Codex
- Use the ice bomb to freeze 10 demons
- Get 3 different glorious kills on Pain Elementals.
To complete the first challenge you will have to find and collect the 7 pages of code.
The second challenge requires you to freeze 10 enemies, not 10 at the same time or at a specific point, so make sure you use the freeze bomb from the start of the level.
The third challenge will require your utmost effort, as you need to perform 3 different glorious kills on the Elementals of Pain, i.e. do 3 of the unique animations available. There are 4 - 6 Pain Elementals throughout the level, and should you fail, you can use the checkpoint to perform them, so there are more than enough opportunities. They have a tendency to die very easily especially if we face them with higher powered weapons, so it would be better to reduce the Elemental's health with the plasma rifle to bring it to stun. Then stand on the front, back, top or side of the Elemental to perform one of the glorious kill animations. Once you have performed a specific glorious kill, you will see the challenge tracker appear on the side of the screen. After you have collected all the items and completed all the challenges, you will be awarded the corresponding trophy upon completing the mission.
Fasting Master
Complete a mission with only the Famine Mode cheat.
Famine mode is a cheat you can get in the tenth mission of the campaign, Nekravol.
Once you have this trick, it will be possible to enable it when you repeat the level from the menu: “mission selection”. Enable only the famine mode cheat. This trick ensures that the enemies do not release health or armor but only ammo, mind you that the only way to get ammo is to kill them with the chainsaw. Health and armor will only be available on the map. To get the trophy, the easiest way is to tackle the mission: Hell on Earth, which has mostly “fodder enemies”, hence the occasional Arachnotron and Cacodemon. Once you reach the end of the level with the cheat activated, you will be awarded the trophy.
Attention, this trophy will not be obtainable in "Extra Life Mode" as it does not allow you to enable Cheats.
Climb the leaderboards
Complete Extra Life mode with 10 extra lives in your inventory
For this trophy you have to select Extra Life mode when starting a new game.
This is basically a Permadeath mode, but there are extra green lives scattered throughout the various levels. As long as you have an extra life left, it will not give you a Game Over (exception: when there are countdowns and it takes too long to complete the quest it will immediately give you a Game Over). If your health drops to 0, you will automatically come back to life using an extra life.
You will need to make sure you have at least 10 upon completing the final mission. This shouldn't be a problem at the simplest difficulty. Be sure to save your game backup after each mission or if you are running out of extra lives.
Crystal lust
Upgrade health, armor, or ammo
Story-related automatic trophy, impossible to miss.
You will earn this trophy by finding your first Sentinel Crystal in the Fortress of Destiny at the start of the second “Exultia” mission as part of the story.
See the "Crystal King" trophy.
King of crystals
Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo using a single save slot
This trophy is awarded for fully upgrading any health, armor, or ammo category using a save slot. This only requires you to get 4 Sentinel Crystals out of the 12 available in the game, then spend 4 of them in an upgrade category.
This is my favorite
Complete a Praetor Suit Perk Category using a single save slot
This trophy is awarded to unlock all 4 perks in one of the 5 upgrade categories of the Praetor suit.
See the trophy “They are ALL my favorites”.
They are ALL my favorites
Purchase all the benefits of the Praetor suit using a single save slot
This trophy is awarded for the purchase of all 4 benefits of the Praetor suit in all 5 categories.
Points for the Praetor suit, are found during missions or are awarded when you complete a mission challenge (from mission 3 onwards, missions will include challenges). There are 15 more upgrade points in the game than are needed to upgrade all perks. So don't worry if you miss some mission challenges, not all of them are necessary.
Spend 8 Sentinel Batteries in Destiny's Fortress using a single save slot
Sentinel Batteries are a type of collectible that are used in the Fortress of Destiny (hub area) to open doors and access other upgrades or secrets. There are a total of 27 Batteries, which is 4 more than can actually be used in the Fortress. This means that if you miss some it won't be a problem.
Plenty of extra lives
Collect 20 extra lives in a single save slot
Extra lives are scattered for each mission in secret locations and are available in standard or extra life modes and serve as instant on-site revives. For this trophy you will have to collect 20 cumulatively, it will not be necessary to have 20 at the same time.
To get them quickly, we recommend that you tackle the initial mission: Exultia. At the start of the mission, crouch down to the ledge in front to find an extra life (this is only 3 seconds into the mission). Pause the game and go to the main menu. Through "select mission" restart the Exultia mission and repeat. It will save the extra lives when you exit and go to the main menu.
Make a wish
Complete the cheat code collection in a single save slot
Note: Once you have found all the collectibles / cheats, you still need to purchase all upgrades for the Praetor suit to unlock the latest Cheat Code in Quakecode mode ”. It is simply a reward and is not found in the game world. Use the tokens you found during the game to purchase all upgrades in the pause menu.
Complete album collection in a single save slot
Accessories sold separately
Complete the toy collection in a single save slot
If only you could read ...
Collect all physical code pages into a single save slot
Bonus framework
Complete one of the Slayer Gates - See the "Destroyer of Gates" trophy.
Destroyer of Gates
Complete all Slayer Gates in a single save slot
Slayer Gates contain the most difficult enemy encounters in the game. On the map they are marked in purple. There are 6 in total from the second mission onwards and they require a Hunter Key to access. The keys in question are always placed in the immediate vicinity of a Slayer Gates. By completing them you are awarded 3 weapon points and empyrean keys to use in the Fortress of Destiny to unlock the Unmaykr weapon.
Passionate about weapons
Master all weapon mods using a single save slot
Mastering a weapon mod requires first unlocking the mod by finding a modbot, purchasing both (or in both cases all three) upgrades for the mod, then completing the Mastery Challenge for that mod, which typically requires you to do things specifics such as killing enemies in a specific way using that mod. From Mission 9, Mastery tokens will be available. These are collectibles that allow you to avoid mastery challenges and automatically unlock the mastery perk. There are 7 in total. To use them, go to the pause menu> Arsenal> Press: x: on an upgrade (eg Sticky Bomb Rifle)> Make sure you have unlocked all upgrades for a Weapon Mod> press: right:> hold: x: to bypass the Mastery Challenge.
Weapon Mastery Requirements List:
Sticky Bombs: Destroy 25 Arachnotron Turrets using Sticky Bombs
Full Auto: Kill 15 Pinki with a fully automatic mod
Heavy Cannon:
Precision Bolt: Get 75 kills with headshots
Micro Missiles: Hit at least 3 enemies in a single Micro Missile Blast 15 times
Plasma Rifle:
Heat Blast: Kill at least 2 demons with a single Heat Blast 30 times
Microwave - Kill at least one nearby demon with the microwave blast 15 times
Rocket Launcher:
Ranged Detonation: Kill 60 enemies while the Proximity Flare is active
Lock-On Burst: Kill 15 Prowler demons with the Lock-on Burst
Super Shotgun:
Improvements: Kill 50 demons with the Super Shotgun while using the meat hook
Arbalest: Kill 20 Cacodemon with the Arbalest
Blade of Destruction: Kill at least 3 enemies 15 times with the Blade of Destruction
Mobile Turret: Kill 5 enemies during a single Turret deployed 10 times without overheating
Energy Shield: Deal 20.000 damage while the energy shield is active.
BFG-9000 and Unmaykr - No mastery
Meet your Unmaykr
Get the Unmaykr
The Unmaykr is a super weapon that can be accessed in the Fortress of Destiny once all 6 Slayer Gates have been completed to obtain the related 6 Empyrean Keys. Then use the Empyrean Keys on the cage at the back of the Fortress this will allow you to get the Unmaykr.
Damn, I all die IMMEDIATELY
Get 33 unique glorious kills using a single save slot
This will be one of the first trophies you will get. Damaging enemies enough will cause them to flash blue or orange, indicating that you can perform a close-up glory kill using: r3: Each different enemy has different glorious kills: side, top, back, and so on.
A bit of everything'
Play as 5 different Gamer Demons in Battlemode mode
There are currently 5 different playable demons that you can use in Battlemode: Archvile, Mancubus, Marauder, Pain Elemental and Revenant. To get the trophy you must complete a game wearing the "clothes" of each of them
Trophy also obtainable through private match (requires 3 players).
Infernal Combat
Deal 5000 damage as a Gamer Demon in Battlemode
During Battlemode matches you will need to do a cumulative total of 5000 damage to the enemy Slayer while playing as a Demon.
Trophy also obtainable through private match (requires 3 players).
Kill 200 opponents in Bronze Battlemode
During Battlemode matches you will have to kill a cumulative total of 200 player-controlled opponents during matches, which means killing the two player demons as the Slayer or killing the Slayer as the Demon.
Trophy also obtainable through private match (requires 3 players).
Man versus monsters
Play 25 Battlemode matches
For this trophy you will have to complete a total of 25 Battlemode matches between public and private modes. To get the progress you will have to stay in the game until the end. However, if a match ends due to the opponent (s) leaving it, it still counts as a win and will add to the total.
Trophy also obtainable through private match (requires 3 players). Play as the Demon and let the Slayer leave the match.
Weapons expert
Kill a Gamer Demon with each of the 8 Slayer weapons in Battlemode mode
During Battlemode matches while playing as a Slayer you must kill an enemy player demon using each of the 8 Slayer weapons. These weapons are the normal 7 weapons that you always have with you, in addition to the GGG.
Trophy also obtainable through private match (requires 3 players).
Truce between demons
Heal yourself or your teammate for a total of 50000 life in Battlemode
While playing as a demon you can choose between two, one of the "offensive" type and one of the "Defensive" type. In the "defensive" action each Demon will have an ability called Healing Zone, which allows you to place an area on the ground where if you or your partner stay inside it you can get 100 health points. When you reach the fourth round of a match there is also another ability that you can choose as a Demon that will allow you to instantly activate a heal for you and your teammate to receive a significant amount of health. Using any of these abilities, you'll need to heal yourself or your teammates for a cumulative total of 50000 health points in Battlemode matches. It keeps track of all matches and in both public and private games. To view your progress towards it, you can view the 'Truce Among the Demons' milestone in the Milestones menu.
Trophy also obtainable through private match (requires 3 players).
It is a magic number
Kill 666 demons.
You will acquire it effortlessly (around mission 4 or 5), simply by killing 666 demons in all missions.
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