Welcome to our complete guide to map easter eggs The machine in Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War, which will reward you with the trophy or achievement Final seal and a Dark Ops business card! Compared to the previous chapters, the ester egg this time will be easier to obtain.
Step 0 - Equipment
Now, before we begin, we'll talk about configuration and equipment! Since Call of Duty this year allows us to bring any weapon into the game with us, we should take full advantage of it. In addition to this, it will help if you have already updated the perks and abilities before attempting this easter egg, especially if you are playing alone. Here are two recommended loadouts for this purpose, but you can obviously use the ones you are best at.
Single mode
- Stoner LMG - upgraded to at least Uncommon, Legendary if you have enough resources
- Shockwave RIP - works really well against divided Megatons and large waves of zombies
- Aether Shroud - makes you invisible when used, use it to revive allies or survive
- All 6 perks, but be sure to equip Jugger-Nog, Speed Cola, Stamin-Up e Quick Revive
- Armor - updated to Legendary or even better Epic if you can afford it
- 5 fragmentation grenades - to quickly kill a group of stunned zombies
- 5 stun grenades - to quickly immobilize waves of zombies
- Fire bow - as a support weapon for burning large groups of zombies
Cooperative mode
- 3 Gallo SA 12 and Stoner LMG - with the same updates as in single player mode, use the Gallos in medium distance situations
- 4 players with i R.I.P. updated as above
- 2 Aether Shroud and 2 Healing Aura - used for resuscitation and emergency care
- All 6 perks, but make sure you equip Jugger-Nog, Speed Cola, Stamin-Up e Quick Revive
- Armor - updated to Legendary or even better Epic if you can afford it
- 5 fragmentation grenades - to quickly kill a group of stunned zombies
- 5 stun grenades - to quickly immobilize the waves of zombies
- 2 sentry turrets e 2 fire bows - to be used during boss battles or to eliminate large groups of enemies if you are in an emergency
Step 1 - turn on the power and the Pack-A-Punch machine
The game will show you exactly where to go to find these things, so just follow the white objective markers. You will need to open enough doors to enter the bunker, flip the power switch, turn on both power boards, reach the air tunnel or pond area, collect the piece and assemble the machine. Waypoints will make this step very easy.
Step 2 - build the Heteroscope
THEHeteroscope it will allow you to see anomalies, elements that constitute fundamental steps for obtaining the easter egg, so your first real goal will be to build it.
To do this you will have to find 3 parts that are always in the same positions but in random order, since only one is generated at a time. You will have to enter theDark Ether through the portal right next to the perk machine Elemental Pop to see the parts, however be careful as there will be some plaguehounds spawning every time you pick one up. If the portal next to the car Elemental Pop it is not generated, get on Penthouse roof and look for a portal there. After collecting one part, the next one will immediately be generated.

The 1: it is located on the central flight of stairs in the particle accelerator room, right in front of the workbench for making the heteroscope.

The 2: on top of the plane wreck, in the area of the crash site.

The 3: in the respawn area (courtyard) in the space just under the stairs near the workbench.

Once all the parts have been collected, theHeteroscope can be built from the workbench in the center of the particle accelerator room.

NB: every time you have to teleport to the Dark Ether via a portal during any phase of the easter egg, you will only have a limited time. If you fail and the time runs out, you will have to wait for the portals to regenerate. Fortunately, the portals will be in the same spot until this stage is complete.
Step 3 - get the wonder weapon
This is not a mandatory step, since the weapon Polarizing Isotope Resonator (RIP) It can also be acquired from the Mystery Box, however completing this short and easy mini-Easter egg will allow you to get one for free and save time.
Step 1: defeat the first enemy Megaton that will be generated. The first spawns between rounds 6-10. Here is a picture of his appearance:

Be sure to bring the first Megaton in the pond area to fire a shot at the tree with the mushroom, which will be part of a later step. Refer to the step 4.3 for more information.
Step 2: il Megaton it will split into 2 halves. Defeat both halves and the second half will drop a yellow key card on the floor. Collect it.
3 pass: go to Weapons laboratory (one of the two paths leading to the room where you turn on the power). You will see the name of the area in the upper left corner. In Weapons Laboratory there is a car with broken glass in the corner. Interact with the machine to use the card. A shelf containing the command will open R.I.P.; pick it up.

Step 4: return to the area "Living room”(Find the name of the area in the upper left corner of the screen). It is on the ground floor of the building you will start from. In one of the walls it is possible to place the command of the R.I.P. holding down . The wall is circled in red at the bottom. When you are close to it, you will see a button at the bottom of the screen "R.I.P. Activated remotely

Step 5: a trap will be activated in the same room (a strong wind that sucks in the enemies). Have this trap kill 20 zombies. It doesn't cost any money to activate, but it does have a short cooldown time. It is not necessary to get 20 kills at once. After the trap is depleted, activate it again (via the same interaction point shown above in step 4).
It is recommended to gather a large horde of zombies outside in the courtyard, then go inside, quickly activate the trap, walk through the wind trap (it won't kill you, but it will take away some health).
After 20 trap kills, the door to the room where you placed the command of the R.I.P. it will open. The prodigious weapon "R.I.P.Will be in this room, collect it to unlock the trophy. This weapon is very powerful, has infinite ammo (loaded with ) and can fire an explosion that instantly kills any enemy (shoot with

Step 4 - get the 4 upgrades for the wonder weapon
These wonder weapon upgrades can be obtained in any random order and can all be obtained at the same time, so you should start trying to get them as soon as possible.
Step 4.1 electrical upgrade
For this update you will need to use the portal under the stairs in the particle accelerator room to go to theDark Ether, where you will have to find and drain the energy of 3 yellow luminous crystals with the R.I.P. and then shoot them in the electric escarole of the R.I.P..
You will have to deposit the energy of the crystals one by one, so you will most likely have to teleport twice to do so.

The 3 positions are:
Position n. 1: on top of the building Penthouse, next to the perks machine.

Position n. 2: to the left of Jugger-Nog, right near the entrance to the tunnel in the crash site area.

Position n. 3: near the entrance to the tunnel from the location of the mysterious box in the pond area.

Once all 3 energies have been accumulated in the box, the upgrade can be collected. Be sure to aim for the bulbs that come out of the box when you fire the energy into them.

Step 4.2 Nova gas update
Reach the top of the building Night of the Living Dead and use the R.I.P. to vacuum the golden gas bottle on the shelf just out of your reach.

The cylinder will fly towards you and you will need to reach the gas station near Deadshot Daiquiri and interact with the station. You will then have to kill a plaguehound next to the station and the gas will be deposited.

Pick up the container, place it on top of the weapon box right next to the plane wreck in the crash site area and shoot it with any weapon to open the box.

Step 4.3 Ice update
The first step of the ice update can be completed long before any other step in the easter egg, as it only requires a Megaton that you spray acid that has to hit a mushroom on a tree, in the pond area. Once hit, it will turn bright purple.
Go to the roof of the Penthouse again and shoot the wooden box with the empty flask inside with the R.I.P.. Pick up the empty vial in the area and place it under the mushroom from step 1 and wait for it to fill.

After about 2 minutes, pick up the flask and take it to the weapon box right next to Speed Cola and interact with it to receive your update.
Step 4.4 Fire update
For the fourth and final update you will have to wait for the generation of another portal, this time it will be in the center of the pond area, next to the ice upgrade tree.

Go through the portal and reach the teleporter Ether from the accident site. There is a small metal box with a fuse inside, which was previously covered by the plane. Shoot the box, take the fuse and insert it into the laser station with the weapon box next to Deadshot Daiquiri.

Now you just need to get to the truck in the pond area and interact with the box on the truck. This is the fourth and final update and we can finally move on to the steps for the actual easter egg.
Step 5 - Obtain Dr. Vogel's computer password
To start this sequence with the ghost of Dr. Bird, you must first interact with the portal of theDark Ether in the infirmary.

Once you enter theDark Ether, head to the PC, doctor's diary Bird it will be on the left side.

Now you will have to give the diary to the ghost so that he can read it to you, but you are not obliged to listen to the entire monologue, you can simply activate the second and then the third ghost and wait for the sequence to finish.The dark ether. Here are all 3 ghost locations, in the order they are activated:
Ghost no. 1: In the infirmary just below the doctor's office Bird, in the corner.

Ghost no. 2: in the reward room on the right side near the wall.

Ghost no. 3: in front of the workbench where you build theHeteroscope

Once this sequence is finished, it will be sufficient to interact with the computer and the test chamber inside the medical area will turn on.
Step 6 - Shoot the test chamber with all 4 RIP variants

To activate the test chamber, you will have to shoot the 4 fuses protruding on each side of the test chamber with the respective variant of the R.I.P. updated. To do this, just go to the same point shown above, in the Infirmary near the car Speed Cola. The fuses are as follows:
Thermophasic RIP (Fire Update) - is the red fuse closest to the machine Speed Cola
RIP Electrobot (Electric upgrade) - the yellow circle in the photo
RIP Cryo-Emitter (Ice update) - the blue circle
RIP Nova-5 (Nova gas update) - the green circle
Step 7 - Get the wrench
Interact with the portal that has now appeared in the infirmary to generate another anomaly in the same area you need to go to. After triggering the two Soviet ghosts talking about the decontamination agent, the sequence of theDark Ether will end and you can find the wrench right where the ghosts spoke and where you interacted with the anomaly.

Step 8 - Repair the chamber with the decontamination agent
Now that you have the Aether Key, you can use it to hit the tank in the starting area (courtyard) and spawn a zombie.

Shoot that zombie in the head and then attach a semtex grenade to the tank hatch, which will fire a shot and knock down a tree branch.

You will find on that branch the decontamination agent which can now be collected right in front of the plane wreck in the crash site area.

Collect the cannonball and take it to the electrical box in the infirmary, exactly where the ghosts from the previous step were talking.

Step 9 - Suck in both halves of a split Megaton
The test chamber is now fully powered and all that is missing is the test subject, which in this case are the two halves of a Megaton. You will have to walk them under the chamber and they will be sucked one by one. Once both are inside, you will need to go up to the office of the Dr. Vogel and interact with his computer to start the procedure. If you are playing in co-op, each player must be in that room at the same time and interact with the computer.

Step 10 - Activate the final anomaly
Head to the area "Living room"Of the building Night of the Living Dead and activate the final anomaly.

At this point the ghost of Orlov in the area Omega Outpost (another room in the house Night of the Living Dead) in the corner. After his monologue is over, a photo of his family will appear on the table in that corner and if anyone interacts with it, you will be teleported to the boss fight, so make sure you prepare first.

Step 11 - Boss Fight
After being teleported to the locked particle accelerator room, your task will be to defend Orlov while closing the slit. Regular zombies and many Megatons will spawn and you will need to use your equipment wisely.
If the enemies don't interrupt it, it will repair the rift much faster, but don't worry if it gets attacked because it won't die, it will only be slowed down.
The whole part will take about 5-10 minutes and will only require you to kill the waves of enemies and defend Orlov. Whenever you need ammo, be sure to kill the second half of a Megaton and collect the falling ammo. Once the final breach is repaired, the zombies will stop spawning and you must prepare for the final step!

Step 12 - Mount on the helicopter
If you fail this step, you will not get the trophy / achievement "It's all over”And you will not get the trophy / achievement Final seal. You will need to exit the particle accelerator area through the left door leading to the weapon lab (Deadshot Daiquiri it's here) and jump to where the perk machine is, next to the hanging bomb. During this process, avoid the blue light rays, or you will die instantly and lose the extraction.

At this point, take the stairs in front of you, near the gas bottle of the gas upgrade Nova 5.

Go up over the railing and go back to the structure exit in the control room, go up the stairs and go right.

Avoid the left beam and make your way to the crash site.

Go right into the pond area, but be careful here as the beams are quite close together, this will be the last obstacle.

Arriving in the pond area, you will be at the end. Run past the car Quick Revive and hold when the helicopter is flying low and you will be pulled out. You have now successfully completed the easter egg in The machine. As a reward you will earn the trophy / achievement Final seal and a Dark Ops business card.