When you first arrive in the region of Hordafylke in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, you will find yourself in front of a huge port with various leaders who have gathered to meet in the great city of Alrekstad.
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The city has a handful of things to do, along with some interesting items worth picking up before continuing the story. One of the landmarks of the city is a book of knowledge, an item that, if acquired, will grant you a skill. How can you get it?

If you try to go straight to the book of knowledge, you will find yourself near a house. Of course you can go inside, no problem, and try to find the book, but you won't be able to find a secret door or an object to break to get it. Instead of looking inside the house, look outside near the bridge.

Outside the hut, there will be a large crane that will hold several barrels in a net. If you use Odin's eyes, you can see that the connection holding the barrels up is red, which means that with a well-aimed arrow you can take it down. So, take out the bow, shoot the arrow at the structure and go below.

The Mark of Death
Here you will find a stone passage and following the path you will arrive at the book. However, the entrance is blocked by a locked door. You need the key to access it. There will be no NPCs in town who will offer it to you as a reward. But it's not far off. If you look to the right of the house, you should see a pigsty, and while the pigs go about their business, you sharpen your eyes. The key is placed in one of the earth piles.
Take it, go back to the door and collect your prize. The book of knowledge will give you access to the called skill Mark of death. It's a ranged ability that activates when you hold down the controller's right trigger to mark enemies. Release the button to fire a barrage of arrows at them.

That's it for the guide to the book of knowledge under Alrekstad in Hordafylke in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (if you want to know more about the game we refer you to our review).