Before running, you have to learn to walk
Are you a new member of the Division and you don't know where to save the World? This useful guide will accompany you step by step in this particular adventure.
Somewhere we must start!
It might seem obvious, but to get into the world of The Division 2, you'll have to get your hands a little dirty. The first mission will not only make you understand the story of the title. Thanks to the mission in question you will be able to better understand what the main missions will be like. More importantly, completing this expedition will unlock a second skill slot, finally allowing you to play with two skills. We also advise you not to follow the predefined path like a robot, stop and observe this world, it breathes and changes like you.
When a man with a gun meets a man with a gun ...
If you don't want to find yourself disarmed in the most important moments. As soon as you unlock the first skill, the first perk will be recognized, we recommend that you start by spending it to equip a second weapon. The Division 2 world is too ruthless for anyone with just one gun.
Take a deep breath and aim well
You are not alone in wearing armor, always remember this when shooting an enemy. The Division 2 has indeed introduced armored enemies. Our advice before shooting Rambo style is to study the weak points and use them to your advantage during the shootings. If patience is not your forte, you can safely aim at the various pieces that make up the armor, once detached the target will be at your mercy.
Nothing is forever
Even the hardest armor can be scratched and destroyed if riddled with bullets. Just like the enemies, you too can lose your armor and after a while your life, before reaching the other world we advise you to hide behind a cover and use an armor kit.
How much stuff is there?
The Division 2 is a game full of accessories, from hats to pants through knee pads and gloves. The interesting thing is that the equipment you will buy is broken down into brands. It is not just about showing off the coolest garment, in fact by combining more elements of the same brand you can enhance your paraphernalia and unlock talents.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
If you too have answered like the good Bart, you will forever have the respect of the undersigned.
Seriously, this title bases its essence on team dynamics. Just as you need two hands to get a good round of applause, in The Division 2 good team play will bring unexpected results. We recommend combining different types of players from the "expendable" front-line soldier to the strategic sniper.
Booty to starboard!
The streets of The Division 2 are not only full of dangers, but also endless possibilities. In fact, at the control points (small forts on the road) it is possible to obtain very interesting prizes.
The night is dark and full of terror
The Dark Zone of the first episode of the series was a place to be feared as the effort to obtain a piece of equipment did not guarantee the possession of the same and the risk of losing everything in a few seconds was always around the corner. Fortunately, in The Division 2 you can send all items directly to the inventory without resorting to extraction.
How hard is the life of the rebel
One of the most interesting aspects of Ubisoft's first game was the ability to transform into Rebels, killing teammates to get equipment. You can rob your friends of their belongings, but in doing so you will become the target of all the other players. Once you have obtained the rank of Rebel you can decide whether to increase your fame, unleashing a real manhunt. If you get to this point, the rewards will be rich, but at the same time you will increase the risk of falling victim to enemy attacks.
To escape the manhunt, just reach one of the Division Terminals scattered in the Dark Zone, there are 3 in total. Once there you can decide whether to take the loot and return to play in peace or deactivate the terminal and continue life as a fugitive.
We hope this guide will be useful for you to face The Division 2, in the coming days we will try to add more to help you in this adventure.