A demanding challenge.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is the collection that every PlayStation fan has been waiting for. The first three chapters of Nathan Drake's adventures relive on Sony's latest generation console, thanks to a renewed graphics department which can now flaunt a mighty resolution in 1080p to 60 frames per second e completely remastered cutscenes. For many of you it is probably the first time, for those who are eagerly awaiting the release of the last chapter, this could be the right opportunity to rediscover the three games in the series, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Uncharted 2: The Lair of the thieves and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and complete them in every part. This trophy guide, divided into three parts for each of the titles, will help you discover them all in the simplest way possible. But now, also considering the commitment required, ban on ciancie, let's start!
The trophy list of the three games has not changed much compared to the original one for PlayStation 3, if we exclude a few more trophies (indicated separately in the guide below) and the fearsome trophies related to the Speedrun challenges that will require you to complete the game within certain time limits.
In general, therefore, also considering the Speed Runs, for each of the titles they will be necessary at least three complete runs.
To find all the treasures in the game, we refer you to this guide Uncharted - The Nathan Drake Collection - Guide to treasures
For questions and advice you can comment on the article or visit the page Facebook Soultricks.com.
Where do I start?
As always, the advice is to start with the highest difficulty level, in order to unlock the largest number of objectives already in the first Run, and keep an eye on the guide [Treasure Guide] to all collectible items. Keep in mind that the hardest mode in this collection is BRUTAL, and as the name implies it is truly brutal, with enemies capable of killing you with just a bullet. In the second Run you can then dedicate yourself to completing those objectives "by number" ("Kill a number of people with one punch for example) even at a lower difficulty level. Finally, in the third run, once the simplest level of difficulty is set, you can face the speed runs, remembering that only the Continous one (see later in this guide) will unlock the relative trophy. In the speed run you will need to set Drake Donut's costume so as to unlock the relative trophy in one go. At the relevant trophy item, you will still find other convenient indications on how to complete the more difficult ones.
- 127
- 23
- 12
- 3
Speed runs can be completed in two ways. The "Continous Speed Run" will require you to complete the entire game without interruptions and without the possibility of restarting a chapter, but only the individual checkpoints (so you can also die and start again from the checkpoint). The "Practice Speed Run" is valid only for those trophies that require the completion of a certain chapter within a certain time.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered

Unlock all Uncharted: Drake's Fortune trophies
Charted! - Easy
Finish the game in simple mode, without changing the difficulty
Charted! - Normal
Finish the game in normal mode, without changing the difficulty
Charted! - Hard
Finish the game on hard mode, without changing the difficulty
Charted! - Crushing
Finish the game in Crushing mode, without changing the difficulty
Primo Tesoro
Find 1 treasure
Uncharted - The Nathan Drake Collection - Treasure Guide
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 10 treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 30 treasures
Professional Fortune Hunter
Find 40 treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 50 treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 60 treasures
Relic Finder
Find the strange relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all the treasures and the strange relic
20 Headshots
100 Headshots
250 Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 enemies in a row with a headshot
Brutal Brawler
Kill 5 enemies with a brutal combo
Brutal Slugger
Kill 20 enemies with a brutal combro
Brutal Expert
Kill 5 enemies in a row with a brutal combo
Triple Dyno-Might!
Kill 3 enemies with one explosion
Dyno-Might Master
Kill 3 enemies with one explosion 5 times
Kill twenty enemies with a pistol while hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while hanging
Kill 20 enemies with a firearm without aiming
Steel Fist
Kill 5 enemies with a single punch after weakening them with a firearm
Steel Fist Expert
Kill 10 enemies in a row with a single punch after weakening them with a firearm
Master Ninja
Kill 50 enemies with a melee attack from behind
Kill 75 enemies in a row without dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI Grenades
20 Kills: Desert - 5
Kill 20 enemies with Desert 5
20 Kills: Wes - 44
Kill 20 enemies with Wes - 44
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 enemies with Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm
Kill 50 enemies with 92FS - 9mm
50 Kills: M4
Kill 50 enemies with M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: M79
Kill 30 enemies with the M79
30 Kills: MP40
Kill 30 enemies with the MP40
50 Kills: PM - 9mm
Kill 50 enemies with PM - 9mm
50 Kills: Moss - 12
Kill 50 enemies with Moss - 12
50 Kills: AK-47
Kill 50 enemies with the AK-47
Shoot Some B-Roll For Elena
Explore the photo mode by taking some photos.
These Walls Can't Stop Me
Complete Chapter 5 - The Fortress in under 10 minutes (also in Practice speed run, see lower note)
Up a Short Creek Without a Paddle
Complete Chapter 12 - The Fortress in under 5 minutes
At Speedy Reunion
Complete Chapter 16 - The Treasure Vault in under 7 minutes
Trophies added to the collection
Complete the game in Brutal mode without changing the difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Descendants with a sniper rifle
Kill an enemy while playing in a different costume
YOLO Fortunately
Complete the last chapter without dying on normal difficulty or higher.
The Fat and the Furious
Complete the speed run in under 2 hours and 30 minutes like Drake Donut.
Follow the Leader
Compare stats with friends
Need for Speed
Complete the game in less than 2 hours and 30 minutes.
For this trophy you will have to complete the game in less than 2 hours and 30 minutes, even in simple mode (the only frankly possible) but only in mode Continous Speed Run. Speed runs can be completed in two ways. The "Continuous Speed Run" will require you to complete the entire game without interruption and without the possibility of restarting a chapter, but only the individual checkpoints (so you can also die and start again from the checkpoint) The "Practice Speed RunIs for the other speed run trophies at each difficulty level. In this video the speed run useful for the trophy (use it to understand how to move faster especially between the puzzles) * TIPS Avoid as many fights as possible and rest during the cutscenes, the time counter in these sections, in fact, is blocked .
Cheater Cheater
Activate a tweak
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered

Earn all Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered trophies
Charted! - Easy
Complete the game in simple mode without changing difficulty
Charted! - Normal
Complete the game in normal mode without changing difficulty
Charted! - Hard
Complete the game on hard mode without changing difficulty
Charted! - Crushing
Complete the game in Crushing mode without changing difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 treasure
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 treasures
Uncharted - The Nathan Drake Collection - Treasure Guide
Intermediate Fortune Hunter
Find 40 treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 60 treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 100 treasures
Relic Finder
Find the strange relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all the treasures and the strange relic
20 Headshots
100 Headshots
250 Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 enemies at once with a headshot
Bare-knucle Brawler
Defeat 20 Enemies in hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knucle Slugger
Defeat 50 Enemies in hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knuckle Expert
Defeat 10 enemies in a row in hand-to-hand combat
Dyno-might Master
Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Kill 20 Enemies by shooting while hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 enemies by throwing grenades while hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by shooting without aiming
Steel Fist Master
Kill 20 Enemies with a single punch after weakening them by shooting
Steel Fist Expert
Kill 10 Row Enemies with a single punch after weakening them by shooting
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies using melee attacks from behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a row without dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Desert - 5
Kill 30 Enemies with the Desert 5
30 Kills: Wes - 44
Kill 30 Enemies with the Wes - 44
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 50 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS - 9mm
50 Kills: M4
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: Moss - 12
Kill 30 Enemies with the Moss - 12
30 Kills: RPG-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
50 Kills: SAS-12
Kill 50 Enemies with the SAS-12
20 Kills: Guns
Kill 20 Enemies with Guns
50 Kills: M32-Hammer
Kill 50 Enemies with the M32-Hammer
50 Kills: FAL
Kill 50 Enemies with the FAL
New Paparazzi in town
Explore Photo Mode
Staying Dry
Clear Chapter 3 - Borneo in under 6 minutes and 30 seconds
Quick Jaunt Through a Warzone
Clear Chapter 5 - Urban Warfare in under 7 minutes and 30 seconds
Bullett Train from Hell
Clear Chapter 13 - Locomotion in under 7 minutes
Trophies added to the collection
Charted! - Brutal
Complete the game in Brutal mode without changing the difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Guardians with a Sniper Rifle
Kill an enemy while playing with an alternate costume other than Drake
YOLO Among Thieves
Complete the last chapter without ever dying on normal difficulty or above
Too Fat Too Furious
Complete the game in mode Continous Speed Run in Drake Donut mode
Take Me to Your Leader
Compare stats with friends
Needer for Speeder
Complete the game in under 3 hours and 30 minutes.
For this trophy you will have to complete the game in less than 3 hours and 30 minutes, even in simple mode (the only frankly possible) but only in mode Continous Speed Run. Speed runs can be completed in two ways. The "Continous Speed Run" will require you to complete the entire game without interruption and without the possibility of restarting a chapter, but only the individual checkpoints (so you can also die and start again from the checkpoint). The "Practice Speed Run" is valid only for those trophies that require you to complete a single chapter within a certain time. * TIPS Avoid as many fights as possible and rest during the cutscenes, the time counter in these sections is blocked.
Cheat Hard to Cheat Harder
Activate a tweak
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered
Collect all Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered trophies
Charted! - Easy
Complete the game in simple mode without changing difficulty
Charted! - Normal
Complete the game in normal mode without changing difficulty
Charted! - Hard
Complete the game on hard mode without changing difficulty
Charted! - Crushing
Complete the game in Crushing mode without changing difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 Treasures
Skilled Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures
Uncharted - The Nathan Drake Collection - Treasure Guide
Adept Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 100 Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all the Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots
100 Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a row with headshots
Bare-knuckle Brawler
Defeat 20 Enemies in hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knucle Slugger
Defeat 50 Enemies in hand-to-hand combat
Dyno-Might Master
Kill 5 Enemies with one explosion
Kill 20 Enemies by shooting while hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies by throwing grenades while hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by shooting without aiming
Combat Leapfrog
Kill 10 Enemies in a row, alternating hand-to-hand combat with shooting
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies using melee attacks from behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a row without dying
Side Arm Master
Defeat 30 Enemies in a row with your secondary weapon
Reload Master
Defeat 50 Enemies in a row without auto-reloading
Blindfire Marksman
Defeat 20 Enemies by blind firing while behind cover (without aiming)
Defeat 10 Enemies with grenades thrown back
Throwback Master
Throw back a Grenade and Defeat 2 enemies together
He's gonna Need a Sturgeon
Hit 3 Enemies with fish in the market
Riot Rocker
Kill 5 Enemies with Revolt Shield by overwhelming them
Land Shark
Defeat 20 Enemies while swimming
Brute Beater
Successfully counter all attacks from a brute
Marco Solo
Play in the pool on the Cruise Ship
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: M9
Kill 30 Enemies with the M9
30 Kills: RPG-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
30 Kills: SAS-12
Kill 30 Enemies with the SAS-12
30 Kills: Arm Micro
Kill 30 Enemies with the Arm Micro
30 Kills: G-MAL
Kill 30 Enemies with the G-MAL
30 Kills: KAL-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the KAL-7
30 Kills: May 5
Kill 30 Enemies with Mag 5
30 Kills: PAK-80
Kill 30 Enemies with the PAK-80
30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper
30 Kills: Tau Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Tau Sniper
Explore photo mode
Outrun the Flames
Clear Chapter 7 - Stay in the Light in under 9 minutes 30 seconds
Catch that Plane!
Clear Chapter 16 - One Shot at This in under 12 minutes
My Horse is Faster
Clear Chapter 20 - Caravan in under 15 minutes
Not required for platinum
Trophies added to the collection
Charted! - Brutal
Complete the game in Brutal mode without changing the difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Djinns with a Sniper Rifle
Kill an enemy while playing with an alternate costume other than Drake
YOLO Deceptively
Complete the last chapter without ever dying on normal difficulty or above
The Fat and the Furious Yemen Drifter
For this trophy you will have to complete the game in less than 4 hours and 15 minutes, even in simple mode in mode Continous Speed Run and with Drake Ciambella.
Leader of the Pack
Compare stats with friends
Neediest for Speediest
Complete the game in under 4 hours and 15 minutes.
For this trophy you will have to complete the game in less than 4 hours and 15 minutes, even in simple mode (the only frankly possible) but only in mode Continous Speed Run. Speed runs can be completed in two ways. The "Continous Speed Run" will require you to complete the entire game without interruption and without the possibility of restarting a chapter, but only the individual checkpoints (so you can also die and start again from the checkpoint). The "Practice Speed Run" is valid only for those trophies that require the completion of a certain chapter within a certain time. * TIPS Avoid as many fights as possible and rest during the cutscenes, the time counter in these sections is blocked.
Cheaters Gonna Cheat
Activate a Tweak
For questions on individual trophies and advice, you can comment on the article or visit the Facebook page Soultricks.com.