Pm 17.00 of yesterday, Friday March 26 2021, on the channels Twitch di Xbox e Twitchgaming, aired on Microsoft Indie Showcase. Led by streamers Storymodebae e TrishaHershberger, the event saw numerous game presentations that will join the Microsoft stock, trailers and interviews (conducted by other streamers) with the developers of some of the upcoming titles.
The live broadcast lasted about two hundred minutes (three hours and twenty) and saw the succession of lots of trailers, alternating with interviews e comments on the material presented. The full video of the event is available that.
Below are the main announcements related to the games presented and the respective trailers (if available).
Exomecha is one Free-to-play multiplayer first person shooter. The gameplay trailer proposed exhibition combat sequences with vehicles, attacks, spectacular kills and more. Looking at it it's hard not to smile thinking about a "low budget version of Halo" or an "Unofficial Crysis", but the game can still boast a wide range of traditional weapons, piloting of vehicles e spectacular killings with "finishers". Not bad for an indie production! Exomecha will come out inAugust 2021 su PC and console Xbox One e Xbox Series X. One is already available Closed Beta, to participate in which just register on Official site.
The Ascent
The Ascent, Action RPG theme Cyberpunk di Digital Curve, it is shown at Microsoft Indie Showcase in a gameplay video which illustrates in a very incisive way the atmosphere of the game (worthy of the best genre literature) and evidence some features of the co-op game. The Ascent released in 2021 to PC, Xbox One e Xbox Series X, where it will be part of the program Xbox Game Pass.
Developed by Inkyfox Studios, Omno is a fantastic adventure set in a bright world with wide horizons. The trailer shows a platforming and exploration oriented gameplay. Omno will come out insummer of 2021 to PC, PS4 e Xbox One, where it will become part of the program Xbox Game Pass. The version for Nintendo Switch it will come at a later time.
The Wild at Heart
The Wild at Heart è a cartoon adventure set in a 2D world with fantastic features. The protagonists are two boys on the run from their problems that will end up having to put themselves at the head of a group of magical creatures, called Spriteling, to face monsters and keep an ancient captive evil at bay. The game provides the exploration of different scenarios: woods, caves, beaches, ancient sanctuaries… The Deep Wood is full of puzzles to solve e secrets to discover. the player will use his Spritelings to take on supernatural enemies, all with unique and diverse abilities. The Wild at Heart will be available for PC e Xbox One starting from 20 Maggio 2021.
On this project by Hypetrain Digital, at first scheduled for 2020, but then postponed to 2022 little is known yet. The trailer shows a gameplay sequence of this original survival, in which the protagonists are the drivers of a train that is thrown into a fantastic dimension full of dangers. VoidTrain provides a cooperative mode in which up to 4 players they will have to work together to obtain the resources, the weapons and the means to keep the train traveling and survive the pitfalls and monsters of this mysterious environment. The generation of the world, as well as the paths to follow and the dangers to be faced, it seems, it will be procedural which will ensure that no trip will be the same as another. The game, which is expected to be released for 2022, may already be added to the Steam wishlist for PC.
Moonglow Bay
Moonglow Bay it's a relaxing RPG dedicated to fishing in which each object seems to be built with style bricks Minecraft. The developers of BunnyHug they gave a substantial interview to the streamers conducting the event regarding the genesis and dynamics of the game. During the interview several elements of the graphics in Voxel Art di Moonglow Bay and the developers illustrated how the game will be full of challenges and activities to do in the city where the player will have to settle, as if it were his new home. The multiplayer cooperative and there will be a huge environment from explore and catalog. Moonglow Bay will come out for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and will be part of the launch of the program Xbox Game Pass.
Art of Rally
With a decidedly particular graphic style for a racing game, Art of Rally is already available for PC since 23 September 2020 on Steam, but the trailer shown at Microsoft Indie Showcase shows that it will arrive shortly also on Xbox. The graphics of the game, though very stylized and drawn in an unusual style for a genre that tends to make visual realism its strong point, gives a good and original idea of numerous tracks and diversified scenarios on which the competitions and challenges proposed by Art of Rally. They are not lacking either the "career" mode e the free run, where you can practice on the tracks without having to compete for any primacy. No release date was provided for the arrival of the game on Xbox, but it has been said that it will be "soon."
Craftopia is also already available on Steam as Early Access and the announcement of the arrival of a console version of it at yesterday's showcase was very well received. If before we talked about how Exomecha seemed to recall triple A titles of the likes of Halo o Crysis, here it is impossible not to think about Zelda: Breath of the Wild. As can be seen from the sequences shown, the game it has a graphic style and a fighting system which very much recall the title of Nintendo, though its deep soul is radically different. Craftopia it is based on the exploration, on the combat and on the dynamic management of an outpost, of which to follow and dictate the growth as in a simulator or in a management software. No release date has been announced, but it is now confirmed that the game will not be released only for PC, But also on Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S.
Rust, the hugely popular survival game released for PC su Steam in February 2018 will also arrive on consoles and its release is scheduled for May 21, 2021. They are already open pre-orders for the console version, which includes three different editions: Standard Edition, Deluxe Edition e Ultimate Edition. Details on the contents of the different editions are available on the official website. The trailer proposed yesterday introduces the main aspects and dynamics of the game.
Narita Boy
Presented for a fleeting moment during the Team17 Showcase at Future Game Show, Narita Boy di Koba study has returned to show itself in more detail with a trailer at Microsoft Indie Showcase of yesterday. Inspired by bothaesthetics (Another World) than in the style (Castlevania) ai classics of the 80s and 90s, Narita Boy stands as a tribute to the glories of the past, but also as a product with innovative features. With a setting that is very reminiscent of the concept of "meta game", Narita Boy sees the setting of a video game merge with reality and a digital protagonist come alive to become the hero destined to save the Digital Realm. The game will be released on March 30 to PC e Xbox One, where it will be part of the program Xbox Game Pass.
Hello Neighbor 2
Hello Neihgbor 2 di Eerie Guest e tinyBuild it's a game stealth horror with a very particular concept. It will be necessary to try to discover the disturbing secrets of the neighbor, who is however controlled by aadaptive artificial intelligence and learn from the player's moves. A full-bodied was dedicated to the game gameplay trailer, which states that the game already has one alpha version, playable on Steam. The release is expected by 2021.
Nobody Saves the World
Nobody Saves the World it's a new one Action RPG developed by Drinkbox Studios (Guacamelee!). The authors gave a substantial interview to Microsoft Indie Showcase in which the particular dynamics of the game were explained. The most original element seems to be related to the skill system, which allows for varied combinations and the acquisition of new powers not only through experience, but with the completion of quests and the combination of the skills of different characters. A release date has not been specified, but the game will be released "soon" on PC, Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S. It will also be included in the program at launch Xbox Game Pass.
Demon Turf
He returns to show himself with a trailer at the Microsoft Indie Showcase also Demon Turf, original platform 3D which was already announced in 2020, but of which traces had been somewhat lost. The platformer of Fabraz it is noted for the original graphic style, that sees 2D characters move on three-dimensional backgrounds. The game provides frantic action in epochal battles against truly massive bosses. The game is scheduled to be released for 2021 su Xbox One, PC e Nintendo Switch. It is also available a demo.
Song of Iron
Al Microsoft Indie Showcase made his first appearance, in absolute preview also Song of Iron, an interesting one Action Adventure 2.5D inspired by the Norse mythology and with one strongly evocative graphic style. The trailer, at 4k resolution and 60 FPS, provides a very precise idea of ​​the type of enemies and scenarios in which our protagonist Viking will move. Song of Iron released in 2021 to PC, Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S. The game already has a page Steam on which it can be put in the wishlist.
Exo One
The peculiar trailer of Exo One, developed by Exbleative Studio di Jay Weston, illustrates gameplay all about the movement e exploration. Driving a floating disk it will be necessary to define the path through a world with crystalline contours, changing its inclination and momentum. The concept can recall experiences such as Journey o Flower, but the particular movement system seems to clearly define the identity of the game. A release date has not been specified for Exo One, but it is known that it will be released for PC e Xbox One Series X / S.
Astria Ascending
One of the revelation announcements of the Microsoft Indie Showcase was Astria Ascending. This is a brand new JRPG made by Artisan Studios with the collaboration of some of the most prestigious authors of the series final Fantasy: Kazushige Nojima (Final Fantasy VII, X, XIII, XV, Kingdom Hearts I & II, Final Fantasy VII Remake) for the story and Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy XII, Valkyria Chronicles) for the soundtrack. Set in the lands of Orcadion, Astria Ascending will see the player engaged in the exploration of a vast world and in epic turn-based combat with a strategic flavor to defeat the terrible Noises, creatures devoted to evil and the destruction of the world. The game is scheduled to be released by 2021 to PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S. Astria Ascending will be part of the program Xbox Game Pass at launch.
Last Oasis
One of the most anticipated announcements of the whole presentation was undoubtedly Last Oasis. Already present on PC in Steam Early Access for about a year, now the “Survival MMO” of Donkey Crew prepares to land on Xbox One at the price of 29.99€. Simultaneously, the game inaugurates its own third season su PC.
Last Oasis sets its players in a post-apocalyptic scenario in which the Earth has been devastated by a cataclysm that has thrown half the planet into a perennial glaciation and transformed the rest into an arid desert. The only remaining habitable area, known as Twilight Zone, is populated by monstrous and human creatures, now reduced to the state of wild bands of nomads, in constant struggle with each other.
The most characteristic element of the game are the Walkers, gigantic wooden transport machines capable of plowing through the desert, carrying on board crews of nomads from various warring clans. THE Walker they are not just vehicles, but real ones mobile bases, which also become the fulcrum of one of the most important dynamics of the game: hand-to-hand combat. Following the meeting / clash of some Walkers in the middle of the desert, real "boarding ups" are in fact possible. crews clash in fighting to the death. The whole remembers very vaguely Guns of Icarus, but with a completely different setting, more suited to some sort of Mad Max with ships. Last Oasis it is currently a project in development, for which the final release date has not yet been set.
Lost Eidolons
Another absolute preview of the Microsoft Indie Showcase, Lost Eidolons looks like a Turn-based Tactical RPG extremely promising. The fight takes place on a squared grid with a structure similar to that of old games like Vandal Hearts for PS One or some episodes of the series Fire Emblem di Nintendo. The interesting feature, however, is that the game features narrative interludes of a certain depth, reminiscent of those of complex titles such as those of the series Dragon Age o Divinity: Original Sin.
Such sequences are meant to tell a profound story and by multifaceted and complex characters. Eden, the mercenary protagonist of the story, fell out of favor following a conspiracy against him. In trying to rehabilitate his name and take revenge on the conspirators, Eden will come across a complex network of intrigues, betrayals and battles. Everything will be studded with difficult situations and moral choices that will determine a complicated ramification of the story, in view of the final confrontation. Lost Eidolons promises an accurate characterization of the characters, both visually and from a narrative and personality point of view. The game launch is scheduled on PC in Early Access by 2021 and will also come up Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S. It could be expected to release, at a later time, also for other platforms.
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Lawn Mowing Simulator it doesn't need any introduction. Simply, he will come to mow your lawn starting this summer on PC Steam e Xbox Series X / S.
Loot River
Loot River it's a Action RPG Roguelike with characteristics of a dungeon crawler. In Loot River they will face each other fierce enemies in the depths of dark dungeons with an innovative dynamic of exploration that combines the movement of platforms typical of a platformer with a fast-paced, action-packed combat. No release date has been provided, but the game will be available on Steam, Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S.
Death's Door
In Death's Door the player puts himself in the shoes (or rather in the feathers) of a raven pugnacious intent on reap the souls of the dead. When however the soul of the deceased to be collected is stolen, a frantic and relentless chase begins in a surreal world, populated by lost souls and power-hungry creatures. The protagonist can be enhanced and customized during this journey in pursuit of monstrous and colossal tyrants, each with its history and its objectives. The story, steeped in a dark humor, will shed light on the History of the Ravens and the Origin of the Doors. Developed by Acid Nerve and produced by Devolver Digital, Death's Door will come out during the 2021 summer su PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S. The game already has one Steam page from which it can be put in the wishlist.
One was provided final release date to E, the online team shooter di DarkFlow Studio e Gaijin Entertainment, Dedicated to Second World War. The game will be released onApril 8 2021 on all platforms for which it is currently in beta namely Xbox Series X / S, PS5 e PC.
We are the Caretakers
We are the Caretakers, of Heart Shaped Games it's a Tactical turn-based team combat RPG. The game is set in a futuristic and apocalyptic scenario where a team of heroes must fight for the defense of the planet and the precious ecosystem. The battle dynamics are reminiscent of titles like Darkest Dungeon o X-Com. Characters can be enhanced and customized with numerous ability e craftable pieces of equipment, thanks also to a base where it will be possible researching new weapons and technologies. We are the Caretakers will be released in the second half of the year on PC, Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S.
Blaster Master Zero 3
Third episode from the popular series of action / platform 2D, Blaster Master Zero III the July 29 2021, as already announced, for PC, PS4 e Nintendo Switch. The novelty is that now also the owners of Microsoft console will attend the launch of the game, made by the developers Inti Creates, already responsible for Azure Striker Gunvolt. As you can see from the trailer, the game will keep the winning structure of the first two episodes. The day of the release will also be available a collection of the three episodes, complete with extra content, entitled Blaster Master Zero Trilogy: MetaFight Chronicle.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
Much to the chagrin of those who were expecting a trailer, the presentation of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 limited itself to an examination of the graphic details offered by the PR of GSC Game World Zachar Bocharov. The presentation showed some models of characters, weapons and facial features. a gameplay trailer was promised by the end of 2021. Apparently the development of the game still needs some time. All that remains is to keep a close eye on the official site of the game waiting for new details.
Microsoft Indie Showcase: Conclusions
Throughout this presentation Microsoft products he clearly wanted to emphasize the arrival, in the near future, of a wide and varied offering of independent securities for its consoles. What were the ads that most stimulated or captured your attention? Let us know in the comments to this article or on our social networks: Telegram, Facebook, Instagram and don't forget to keep an eye on ours Twitch!