Our guide to The Last of Us Part 2 trophies.
Welcome to ours trophy guide di The Last of Us Part 2.
- Release Date: June 19 2020
- Estimated difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate time to completion: 30 hours
- Total trophies: 26 (1
- Hidden trophies: 3
- Offline trophies: 26
- Online trophies: 0
- Trophies related to history: 1
- Trophies related to collectibles: 9
- Does difficulty affect trophies? No, no trophy is related to the chosen difficulty. It is possible to platinum the game on the minimum difficulty.
- Minimum runs: 1.5. The game must be finished first once on the difficulty of your choice, then launch New Game + on any difficulty to finish the weapon and player upgrades.
Despite its relative simplicity, the game takes several hours to be 100% complete, so we advise you to follow this roadmap below to optimize the achievement of trophies.
Before we start, we remind you that if you need more help you can take a look at all the guides on The Last of Us Part 2 that we have prepared for you:
| Which songs to play on the guitar
| Guide to the location of all diary entries
| Where to find all the supplements and components to upgrade weapons
| 7 tricks to survive
| Better weapon upgrades
| Guide to safes
| Better skill boosts
| Trophy Guide
| Guide to collectible cards
| How to open safes without having the combination
| Guide to collectible coins
| How to find all the easter eggs in the game
| Where to find all manuals
[Guide list being updated ...]
Roadmap for obtaining trophies / objectives
Step 1 - Story mode in difficulty Very easy and collectible.
The fastest way to get platinum is to collect all the collectibles during the first playthrough and play on the lowest “Very Easy” difficulty. The trophies are very simple: as it will be enough to retrieve the collectibles while the remaining trophies will be unlocked automatically. Once the story is finished, you can use the chapter selection function to get the collectibles you missed earlier.
ATTENTION: Make sure you do a manual save in the last chapter and never overwrite it! The chapters available in Chapter Select mode are based on your last autosave. When you play a previous chapter, therefore, the following chapters will be locked and you will have to replay them. The only way to get around this limitation is to reload the manual save of the last chapter each time and then exit to the main menu. By doing this, your autosave will be updated to the latest chapter, making everything available in the Chapter Selection.
Example: After finishing the story, if you select to replay chapter 4, the remaining chapters will be locked. But if you have a save to the final chapter of the game, you just need to load it to have access to everyone again.
To get the missing collectibles via Chapter Selection:
- Load the Manual Save of the last chapter (this unlocks all chapters via Chapter Select).
- Exit to the main menu (title screen).
- Using Chapter Selection, start the desired chapter.
- Get the missing collectible.
- Reload your manual save of the last chapter and repeat steps 2-4. It is not necessary to reach the next checkpoint or finish the chapter. Collectables are saved immediately.
Step 2 - New Game +, get all weapon and character improvements.
During your first game it will be impossible to get all the upgrades of the game, so you will necessarily have to use the New Game + mode to get the missing improvements. You should be able to get platinum once you have fully upgraded all weapons and character.
The Last of Us Part 2 - Trophy Guide
From the first to the last
Collect all trophies.
To get it, unlock all the in-game trophies.
My duty
Complete the story.
Beat the game on any difficulty. You can choose the “Very Easy” difficulty, which is the lowest and the most suitable even for novices of the genre. You can also take full advantage of accessibility options, such as stealth while prone and aim assist. Accessibility options do not cancel any trophies.
Extreme survival
Unlock all player upgrades.
To unlock new branches for upgrades, you'll need to find training manuals. These are collectibles scattered throughout the game which, of course, you will need to find in order to access each upgrade. Skill points to spend are found everywhere in the form of pills, as are parts to upgrade weapons. There are 10 skill trees in total, 2 of which are automatically unlocked over the course of the story. For the other eight you will have to retrieve the relevant manuals but don't worry, because there are more of them than you actually need.
In total, you will need 1900 skill points to maximize player characteristics. As anticipated in the roadmap, it is impossible to do this in a single playthrough as there are not enough points to be obtained. Basically, you will be able to finish the first run of the game with about 80% of the upgrades. To reach 100%, you must necessarily start a game in New Game + and play at least half of it to complete everything.
Warfare mastery
Fully upgrade all weapons.
The weapons, 12 in total, can be upgraded to workbenches using the "spare parts" found almost everywhere in the adventure.
They're necessary 1920 parts to fully upgrade all weapons. As with Ellie's abilities, it's impossible to fully upgrade them in a single playthrough, so as above you'll have to start a new game in New Game + to succeed.
Find all artifacts and journal entries.
Artifacts and journal entries are part of the 286 collectibles present in the game. We leave you a video made by PS5Trophies, in which you can find all the artifacts, diary entries and other collectibles.
Deluxe Collection
Find all the collectible cards.
To get all the collectible cards, you can consult our guide or refer to the trophy Archivist if you prefer a video.
Mania for numismatics
Find all the coins.
To get all the coins, you can consult our guide or refer to the trophy Archivist if you prefer a video.
Let's get ready for the worst
Find all the workbenches.
To get all the workbenches, you can consult our guide or refer to the trophy Archivist if you prefer a video.
War mechanics
Fully upgrade a weapon.
Refer to the trophy Extreme survival.
Unlock all player upgrades in a specialization branch.
Refer to the trophy Extreme survival.
The art of burglary
Open all safes.
To find out where to find and how to open all the safes, you can consult our guide or refer to the trophy Archivist if you prefer a video.
Passionate tourist
Visit all the locations in downtown Seattle.
Once you arrive in Seattle, you are free to explore the area by visiting different buildings and locations. Although this is a rather simple trophy, some may feel a little disoriented and risk missing somewhere. Follow the video that we attach below to know all the places to visit:
ATTENTION: some users have complained about the inability to unlock the trophy. Probably the reason is because they have not visited the zones in the sequence shown in the video. We therefore invite you to refer to the video to avoid this unpleasant inconvenience.
Learn the art
Find all training manuals.
Refer to the trophy Archivist.
Survival training
Unlock 25 player upgrades.
Refer to the trophy Extreme survival.
High caliber
Find all the weapons.
Refer to the trophy Archivist.
Field interventions
Find 12 workbenches.
Refer to the trophy Archivist.
Tools of the trade
Create all items.
Trophy that you will almost certainly unlock as the story continues. As you progress through the game, you will find new resources and components to create equipment of all kinds. For the trophy, you will need to create at least one item for each category, listed below:
- Medical kit
- Molotov
- Silencer
- Melee Weapon Upgrade
- Stun grenade
- Mine
- Arrows
- Explosive arrows
- Incendiary bullets
- Hunting ammunition for the pistol
- Pipe bombs
- Shiv
Talented craftsman
Upgrade a weapon.
Simple trophy to get. In the game you will find various workbenches to upgrade your weapons; using the scrap and spare parts found you can unlock the trophy. Given the extreme simplicity, it will probably be the first you will unlock.
Unlock a player upgrade.
Open the skill branch and purchase an upgrade of your choice to unlock the trophy.
Start of the collection
Find 5 trading cards.
Refer to the trophy Deluxe Collection o Archivist.
Brand old
Find 5 coins.
Refer to the trophy Mania for numismatics o Archivist.
It fits you perfectly
Put a hat on your partner.
When Ellie and Joel enter the Wyoming Museum, immediately turn right to find a hat hanging in the gift shop area. Grab the hat and proceed to the next exhibition hall where all the dinosaur skeletons are located. Put the hat on the first dinosaur skeletons left and right. After doing this, talk to Joel to get him to wear your hat. If you miss the trophy, you can redo it by selecting the chapter. If you run into any problems, here's a video to help you:
Mira que mira!
Win the race at the shooting range.
About halfway through the game, when you control Abby, you will be invited to a challenge at the shooting range at the WLF base. To unlock the trophy, position yourself in the center of the shooting range and hit the center of the target several times to win the race. Here is an explanatory video:
Set the record in the archery challenge.
In the first room of the Aquarium there is a purple arch on the left side with a scoreboard above it. Interact with the bow to start the minigame. The record score is 10 targets: to unlock the trophy you need to hit more than 10 before time runs out. To make it easier for you, you are allowed to move freely in the area and shoot at targets from close range. Here is a demonstration video:
Relic of the wise men
Find the strange artifact.
At some point in the game you will find yourself in a Chinatown neighborhood with shops to the left and right. Enter the last shop on the left and go upstairs. There you will encounter two clickers, kill them and then jump to the balcony across the street. Turn left and you will come to a room with a hole in the floor. Before going down, on the right hand side you will find this artifact. The strange relic is a clear reference to the Precursor Orb from Jak and Daxter's games that Naughty Dog worked on. Here is a video:
From humble beginnings to great enterprises
Find the carved ring.
It is located in downtown Seattle once you reach the open world section where you are free to explore. Enter the ruins of the bank building on the left and clear the area of enemies. At this point, open the vault (code 60-23-06), check the safe in the bottom right corner and you will get the ring. The carving reads “Sic Parvis Magna,” which is a reference to Sir Francis Drake and the Uncharted games from the same development team. Here is a video: