Predictably, the Resident Evil Showcase tonight's mostly focused on Resident evil village, the newest episode in the popular horror franchise of Capcom, which has recently turned 25 years old.
After the news already revealed yesterday, other important features have been announced for this brand new incarnation of the upcoming horror. There were, however, announcements related to other games or media which are part of the series.
Below is reported the complete video of the event, while the individual announcements are shown below.
Resident Evil Village: new trailer
The launch of Resident evil village approaches. During Resident Evil Showcase of this night, a new one appeared gameplay trailer, lasting three minutes, for the new episode of the famous horror franchise.
The video shows combat sequences which seem to indicate that the new episode, the protagonist of which will still be Ethan di Resident Evil 7, will be more focused on combat than its predecessor, which seemed to favor aspects related to naked and raw survival.
Certainly the most full-bodied of all the trailers shown so far, the video showed relatively generously parts of the two main settings which will form the scenario of Resident evil village. The village properly called e the castle, with part of the wilderness connecting them. The trailer also mentions the mysterious figure of Mother Miranda, already introduced in the previous videos, but always in a very fleeting way.
Resident Evil Village: playable demo
Al Resident Evil Showcase It has also been confirmed that the game, which is scheduled for release on 7 Maggio 2021, will have one playable demo.
PlayStation players will be able to download the village sequence demo e play freely for 30 minutes. always for a maximum of half an hour.
Specifically: it will arrive in early access to owners of PS4 e PS5 (pre-load is already available) in two stages: from 18th April 17:00 and up to 01:00 in the morning of 19th April you can explore the village for 30 minutes. From 17:00 of 25th April and up to 01:00 of 26th April it will be possible to explore the castle instead for 30 minutes.
Il 2st May, from 02:00 in the morning and up at the same time as May 3 to users of all platforms will be available 60 minutes, to be distributed at will between the two settings. The demo will be active for eight hours at a time and will be entitled, in fact, "8 hours to the village".
Resident Evil Village: Mercenaries
Morimasa Sato, Director di Resident evil village, unveiled the modality Mercenaries of the game. “Mercenaries” is a mode that has been around for a long time as an alternative form of play in the episodes of resident evil and it will not fail in either Town.
As was the case in past versions of this mode, the player will be called to take down enemies and run towards a way out collecting the maximum score. In the mode Mercenaries di Town players will have access to a shop, where they will be able to buy weapons, ammo and upgrades before moving from one zone to the next.
It will also be possible customize individual weapons e the choice of armament, choose skills between one mission and another e increase features such as guard power, movement speed, firearm power, and so on.
Resident Evil Infinite Darkness
Another relevant announcement concerned the highly anticipated Resident Evil animated series, Entitled Resident Evil Infinite Darkness, which will air on Netflix starting from July 2021.
The series will have as protagonists Leon and Claire, will be set two years after the events of Resident Evil 4 and will see again Ashley's father in the role of President of the United States. The other characters in the series among those known from video games have not been revealed, for now.
Resident Evil 4 for Oculus Quest 2
The last major announcement of the showcase concerned one of the longest running titles in the series and reported on the largest number of platforms: Resident Evil 4. Since its launch, in 2005, the game has seen numerous revisions, ports and remasters that have taken it to new heights on more modern machines. Now, the time has come leap into Virtual Reality.
Thanks to a collaboration between Capcom, Armature studio e Oculus Studio, Resident Evil 4 prepares to land on Eye Quest 2, bringing back all the excitement and horror of this acclaimed episode in a whole new dimension. The video shown at the showcase was only a short demonstration, but next week new details about this project will be revealed.
Resident Evil Showcase: at a glance
Focused mainly on the upcoming release of Resident evil village, scheduled for the 7 Maggio 2021 su PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S e Google Stadia, Resident Evil Showcase has proposed various novelties.
A significant gameplay trailer for the new episode coming up, one for the demo that will be available in a few days and one for the alternative Mercenaries mode.
There was no lack of hints a side projects, as the animated series which will air on Netflix next summer, entitled Resident Evil Infinite Darkness; and the VR version of Resident Evil 4, scheduled to be released on Eye Quest 2.
Which of these elements are you most interested in? And you like the turn the eighth episode of the main series seems to be taking resident evil?
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