The journey into the world of the Strigo continues
In the first part of the special on the lore of The Witcher we talked about the genesis of the universe in which the events of Geralt of Rivia are set. After having described the different races that populate the world of the Witcher and after having talked about some key elements for understanding the narrative background of the saga, in this second part of the special we will go into deepening the geopolitical subdivision of the Continent.
The lore and the universe of The Witcher - Part 1
The lore and the universe of The Witcher - Part 3
Continent geography
The Continent is divided into a northern part represented by Northern Kingdoms and in a southern part represented byEmpire of Nilgaard.
The two "halves" are separated by a mountain range, the Amell Mountains.
Other known regions are those of Haakland (territory located east of the Blue Mountains) and that of Zerrikania (territory located in the south-eastern part of the continent, characterized by a warm climate and famous for its warrior women who are particularly skilled in the use of the saber). Finally, there is the Korath desert, in the southeastern part of the Northern Kingdoms.
The Northern Kingdoms
They are so called that group of kingdoms located north of the Amell Mountains (famous for the jade and white marble mines). The inhabitants are called "Nordics" by the Nilfgaardians. It is here that most of the Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes and Halflings live there, as citizens of "second class", often ghettoized and in any case in a decidedly reduced number compared to humans.
The Kingdoms are described below.
AEDIRN. Kingdom ruled by Demavend III, a cruel and envious man, but also intelligent and skilled in war tactics. The capital is Vengerberg (where the sorceress was born Yennefer). The city is located between the Blue Mountains and the Mahakam Mountains. At the foot of the Blue Mountains it rises Dol Blathanna, the "Valley of Flowers", an elven city that was later conquered by humans, who forced the Elves to take refuge in the mountains. Vengerberg was the scene of a pogrom, during which the sorceress Yennefer helped a dwarf banker named Giancardi Molnar and his family to flee. For this reason, the dwarf decided to offer unlimited credit to the sorceress whenever she needed money. Other well-known places in the Kingdom are the city of Aldersberg, the small village of Guleta (where Geralt and Dandelion first met) and the Hagge Castle, which rises along the Pontar river.
CINTRA. Kingdom located below the Jaruga River (the largest river in the Northern Kingdoms). The capital is Cintra. It is ruled by the queen Calanthe, nicknamed the “Lioness of Cintra”, a strong woman famous for her courage and beauty. To become queen, since only one man could succeed the throne of Cintra, she decided to marry Roegner, prince of Ebbing (a province of the Nilfgaard Empire). From their union it was born Pavetta. The kingdom of Cintra belongs to Duchy of Attre.
KAEDWEN. It is the largest of the Northern Kingdoms. This kingdom is characterized by an icy climate. It is ruled by kings Henselt, who is often in conflict with Demawend III of the Kingdom of Aedirn, for the contention of a region called the Northern March. The capital of Kaedwen is Ard Carraigh, which in the Ancient Language means "golden mountain". Other important places present in this Kingdom are Ban Ard (city known for its mines and for being home to a famous School of Magic), Ban Glean (village where a fortress stands) e Kaer Morhen (the ancient manor house of the witchers of the School of the Wolf).
KOVIR AND POVISS. Realm located on the Gulf of Praxeda, in the North Sea. Ruled by kings Esterad Thyssen, tall, strong and handsome man. As a boy he lived in exile as his house was driven out of the kingdom. Later he gathered followers and military forces and during what went down in history as the "Night of Daggers and Torches" he killed all his opponents and their relatives, restoring the Thyssen family and regaining the throne. The winter capital is Lan Exeter (city that rises on the Gulf of Praxeda and in which you move by boats in the "Grand Channel"), while the summer capital is Pont Vanis. For several years, the realm was scorned by other realms for its alleged backwardness. They later had to change their minds, when Kovir became a particularly wealthy nation thanks to scholars, soldiers and businessmen who went there in search of a new and better life in the north. The region is rich in mines. Kovir and Poviss are the main exporters of glass, salt, iron (about 75% of world production), gold (80%), silver, nickel, lead, aluminum, zinc, copper, chromium, titanium, tungsten, platinum is dimeritium (a rare precious metal that has the property of blocking the transfer of magical energy, therefore it is used to make bracelets and necklaces that prevent wizards from casting spells). Among the main places present in this realm are the region of Narok (located north of the mountain range called Dragon Mountains), Aedd Gynvael (whose name in Ancient Language means "splinter of ice") and the region of Talgar (where winter is said to last from September to May).
REDANIA. One of the richest of the Northern Kingdoms. It derives its profits from trade and agriculture. Redania is famous for being the kingdom with the best intelligence on the Continent and for its heated rivalry with the kingdom of Temeria, with which it has been at war for centuries to contend for the north. It is governed by Vizimir II said "The right". He wanted to unite the royal families of Redania and Temeria into a single family, offering the king his daughter in marriage Dalmira, being refused the proposal. Since then, relations between the two kingdoms have deteriorated. The capital of Redania is Tretogor, built on some elven ruins. Other important places in the kingdom are the city of Oxenfurt (famous for being the seat of the Academy, the most important and largest university in the Northern Kingdoms), the city of Rinde (where Geralt and Yennefer first met), the city of Novigrad (called the "Free City" as it is independent of the laws of the realm, known for having one of the main ports of the Continent and for being one of the largest cities in the Northern Kingdoms) and finally the village of Blaviken (where Geralt will earn an unpleasant nickname).
TEMERIA. Kingdom located south of the Pontar River. It is one of the most powerful of the Northern Kingdoms. Ruled by kings Foltest, originally Prince of Sodden, a kingdom that was later divided into Upper Sodden (which became a province of Nilfgaard) and Lower Sodden (which remained under Temeria). Foltest is best known for his incestuous relationship with his sister Adda. It was for wanting to marry his sister that Foltest refused the daughter of Vizimi II of Redania. Their relationship caused a scandal even among the subjects of Temeria. From their incestuous union a girl was born who died shortly after birth. Sister Adda, on the other hand, died during childbirth. The capital of Temeria is Vizima, the largest city in the kingdom located on the shores of Lake Vizima. It is divided into three major districts: the Temple Quarter (the poorest, seat of the Lebioda Hospital and the monastery of the Order of the Flaming Rose), the Quarter of the merchants (the richest one, where the most important and wealthy people of the city reside) e Ancient Vizima (turned into a ghetto for Non-humans). In the Kingdom of Temeria the most important places are the Duchy of Ellander (ruled by the duke Hereward and seat of Temple of Melitele, the main sanctuary dedicated to the goddess of the same name), theIsland by Thanedd (seat of the School of Magic of Aretuza), the city of Gors Velen (near the forest of Brokilon, famous for its fish market), the small town of Dorian (known to be the headquarters of the detective agency managed by Codringher e Jacob Fenn), the city of Careers (where the sorceress comes from Keira Metz), White Orchard (region famous for its orchards that bloom in an explosion of white flowers in spring) and the Velen (province located in the northern part of the kingdom of Temeria; later it will become the scene of numerous battles and will be devastated by wars, taking the nickname of "Nobody's land").
LYRIA AND RIVIA. Realm located north of the Jaruga River. It is ruled by the queen Meve. The Queen's Castle is located in the city of Rivia, known for having always been an ally of the city of Lyria. Other well-known places in this region are the fortresses of Scala and Spalla.
CIDARIS. Small kingdom located on the west bank of the Continent. It is ruled by kings Ethain. The city of Roggeveen, home of the magician Vilgefortz.
BRUGGE. Small kingdom crossed by the Ancient Road, a route along the Temeria once important and now in ruins. Ruled by kings Venzlav. Once independent, he has now become a vassal of Temeria.
LEAGUE OF HENGFORS. Formerly known as "Eastern Brand of Kovir”Is one of the lesser kingdoms. It is located between the Dragon Mountains and the Kestrel Mountains, on the banks of the River Braa. It is governed by Niedamir, a haughty and constantly bored teenager. The capital is Hengfors. The League includes the reign of Caingorn, the principality of Creyden and the region of Malleore.
VERDEN. Small kingdom bordering Cintra. Ruled by kings Ervyll, a racist and pedophile man, who has a deep hatred towards the Dryads of Brokilon. The kingdom is also known for its three fortresses: Nastrog, Rozrog e Bodrog, which have the reputation of being impregnable.
PRINCIPALITY OF BREMERVOOD. Ruled by the prince Agloval. It thrives on fishing and the pearl trade. Along the coast are the Fangs of the Dragon, two islands of volcanic origin at the base of which there is a rock staircase leading to the sunken city of Ys (where sentient marine creatures dwell).
SKLLIGE ISLANDS. It is an archipelago located in the North Sea. It consists of 6 islands: Ard Skellig, An Skellig, Faroe, Hindarsfjall, Spikeroog e Avoid. They are ruled by kings Bran, friend and confidant of the druid Mouse bag. The islands are famous for the fortress of Kaer Trolde, founded by Crach an Craite called "Wild Boar of the Sea", grandson of King Bran, and for the Freya Temple, deity worshiped by the people of Skellige.
The Nilfgaard Empire
Located in the southern part of the Continent, it is the most powerful empire known. It boasts a thriving economy, strong, well-trained armies, and commanders known for their talent. The first emperor of Nilfgaard was Torres, to whom we owe the construction of an artificial lake in the imperial palace where a golden carp was kept. Later the throne passed into the hands of Fergus var Emreis.
The empire is known for its thirst for conquest, which is why starting from 1239 it started an expansion campaign in the North of the Continent. The first territories to fall into the hands of the Empire were those of Ebbing, Maecht, Metinna e Nazair, which became the 4 main provinces of Nilfgaard.
The provinces are ruled by superintendents or kings who have voluntarily surrendered to the empire, thus retaining its throne. However, despite being part of Nilfgaard, the inhabitants of the provinces are discriminated against, as only those born in the heart of the Empire are considered "true" Nilfgaardians.
Other provinces belonging to the Empire are Gemmera (known for a unit of mercenaries who called themselves the "Peacekeepers"), Aetolia (located along the southern coast), Geso (of which the village of Loredo, also known as "La Tana dei Banditi", as thieves and brigands met here to relax, have fun and do business) and Vicovaro (where the sorceress comes from Fringilla Vigo).
even the Duchy of Toussaint it is part of the Empire. It is famous for its particularly fine wines, thanks to the volcanic soil. Its peculiarity is that it has no army or police force, but only a handful of knights who guard the streets. It is ruled by the Duchess Anna Henrietta, particularly loved by the whole population. On one occasion he fell in love with Dandelion, with whom he had a secret affair. When the duchess's husband, Raymond, learned of it, sentenced the bard to death and began to hunt him down. Dandelion was therefore forced to flee from Toussaint and never set foot on it again. The capital of the duchy is Beauclair. One of the most famous places is Ravello Castle, surrounded by vineyards and famous all over the world for its production of famous wines (Est Est, Erveluce, Fiorano and Pomino).
Other duchies of the Empire are those of Ymalc and Rowan, famous for the cultivation of the Mandrake (poisonous plant with magical properties). Rowan is home to the fortress Dan Rowan, often used to contain political prisoners.
Nilfgaard's thirst for conquest will lead to what would later go down in history with the name of "Northern Wars".