Warning, this article contains possible spoilers on the latest Game Of Thrones episode. If you don't want to spoil the surprise, go no further. This notice will not be repeated.
A critic
We had hoped for it until the end. We sincerely believed that in the last three episodes Game of Thrones, the cult series of HBO and the most awarded in the history of the Emmy Awards, could finally give us an unexpected ending that managed to alleviate the now unbearable wait for the sixth and seventh chapters of the saga of ice and fire (eight years since the release of "A Dance With Dragons" ed.). Instead, as the not-so-enthusiastic reviews and piqued comments of most fans show, the latest season of the TV series is proving to be perhaps the worst of all.
There are many reasons and among these probably the most important is that attributable to Martin's (voluntary?) Removal from production with the unpleasant task of completing the unfinished work of the author (the books are still stopped at the death of Jon ed.) To the two screenwriters Benioff e White, good yes, but maybe not so much. The result was a general impoverishment of the series in terms of characterization of the characters, which began with season six, continued in season seven with the involution towards a narrative "Good Vs. Bad" (an element always opposed by Martin, just think of Eddard Stark , man of honor par excellence, yet bearer of the terrible secret about Jon's real lineage) and finally fully realized with the eighth season. To weigh negatively on the final season, however, was also a general hastiness which, concentrating on negligible aspects, privileged the spectacular at the expense of once again the depth in the characterization of the characters. Of course the situations to be closed in just six episodes were really many, but probably focusing on the main characters and their personal evolution and avoiding rather useless scenes (was there really a need for the flirtation between Jamie and Brienne?) We could have done much better.
So Daenerys' killing spree seems to come suddenly (ok, she's lost a lot, but the speed with which she's shown us can't give us that empathy necessary to understand the insane gesture that transformed her in the fifth episode from "Chains Breaker "in" Queen of the ashes "); Tyrion seems to have suddenly gone stupid and Jamie has at least bipolar disorder. Jon Snow not received: useless in the clash with the Night King, it is even less so in the siege of King's Landing (“you don't know nothing Jon Snow!”).
In this climate, a series of gross errors are grafted on to the judgment on the last season, once again the result of haste, such as the now famous Starbucks cup and a series of leaks concerning episodes 4, 5 and 6, disclosed in recent weeks and confirmed in the subsequent airing of the first two which, if true even with respect to the sixth episode, could disappoint fans even more.
We at Soultricks.com have translated them for you and bring them back here in full version as they appeared on Reddit a few weeks ago, in the hope that it is just a huge staging and that the ending will really surprise us.
The leaks on the last episode
Jon snow finally sees Arya again after reaching King's Landing while in the meantime the queen of dragons (or of the ashes) has begun the execution of all the survivors of King's Landing. Tyrion and Jon are shocked by Daenerys' behavior. Dany has Tyrion arrested for freeing his brother and accusing him of treason (his trial should have neither Dany nor Jon present). Tyrion in turn accuses Daenerys of being a murderer and throws the hand symbolizing the queen's first knight at her feet. Later he will try to convince Jon to rebel against the queen of dragons on the grounds that the family of these will never be safe because it threatens the legitimacy of the queen. Jon is increasingly horrified by what Dany did at King's Landing. In an important speech, Daenerys states that she wants to destroy the world if necessary in order to free all the slaves from their masters. Finally Jon convinced by Tyrion about the danger she represents tries to talk to Daenerys, but she ignores him, justifying herself and her actions. Jon finally promises himself to be married to Dany and finally stabs her with the sword and surrenders being held as a prisoner by Gray Worm. Drogon after the fatal wounding of Daenerys burns the Iron Throne and carries away her corpse in the paws running away.
At this point the leaks begin to diverge, probably the different information refer to the different endings shot. We still don't know which of these will be the one chosen by the writers and if it will be one of them.
Final 1: King's Council: A council is formed to decide who should be the king. . During the elections Sam suggests holding democratic elections and the other nobles laugh at him. Tyrion gives a speech and everyone votes Bran as the new king. Bran appoints his council by choosing Tyrion, Davos, Sam and Bronn. The series ends like this. In the epilogue, Jon again takes black to atone for the murder of his beloved Daenerys by becoming the 1000th commander of the Night's Watch. Arya leaves Winterfell and Sansa becomes protector of the North. The immaculate set off to cross the sea and start freeing the slave cities on their own, because this is Dany's plan before Jon kills her.
Final 2: Tyrion's trial is organized. Only Sir Davos is present. Present are Samwell Tarly, Brienne, Robyn Aryn, Gray Worm, an unknown man in gold robes (probably the new Lord of Dorne) and another unidentified man (an older one with a short beard dressed in green). Bran has a flashback to Season XNUMX where Tyrion Lannister declares to Catelyn Stark: "I never bet against my family." Tyrion is full of anger and resentment towards the people of King's Landing because despite having saved them from Stannis they first have him convicted for Joeffrey's murder and then continue to hate him; Tyrion in a fit of anger finally states that probably the inhabitants of the king's landing place have deserved what happened. Tyrion at this point falls to his knees in the middle of the speech carried by the weight of his actions and his words. His death was filmed in the studio, so there is no further information about it.
Final 3: Either the endings 1 and 2 combined. In practice, the trial takes place but Tyrion is spared and accepted at the King's Council.
At the end of the episode a final montage shows us the situation in Westeros. Sansa rules in the North, Samwell Tarly is the Grand Master of King's Landing, Davos Seaworth Master of Ships, Bronn of Coin and High Garden (because the Lannisters always pay their debts ed.) Brienne Lord commander of the royal guard, Yara Greyjoy Lord of the Iron Isles, Robin Arryn Lord of the Vale, Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End, Yohn Royce of Runestone, Podrick guard of Bran. Ellaria Sand is not mentioned so she is probably given up for dead. Sam mentions that someone has seen Drogon wandering somewhere. Bran says he will go after him. There is still no whisper master to replace Varys, Tyrion is still looking.
What do you think of these endings?
If on the one hand the death of Daenerys at the hands of Jon at this point seems really probable (we too predicted it in this article) because in this way the prophecies about the prince who was promised would be at least partially respected, on the other a Bran became Three-eyed raven and then ruler of the seven kingdoms appears at least one nonsense. The three-eyed crow is a mystical entity disinterested in worldliness, as Bran repeatedly states. Should we assume that Bran's rise to power represents something different and darker as we have always predicted in this article? If this were really the twist plot reserved for us by the authors we could say that we have witnessed the most ingenious and diabolical machination ever hatched in a TV series; Game of Thrones deserves it and although very unlikely we still hope.
The appointment is therefore on Monday. Winter, perhaps, is still coming.
ps if you think you are the only ones to be disappointed by the last season of Game of Thrones, you are wrong. That's what the protagonists of the series are.