Welcome to our article on how to increase the capacity of the house in The Sims 4. If you are a fan of this popular life simulation game, you have surely wondered how to have more space for your sims and expand your virtual family. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to achieve this. Keep reading!
1. Expanding the capacity of the house
If you want to increase the capacity of your house in The Sims 4, you have several options available. One of them is to buy a larger house in Build mode. You can select a more spacious home and move your current family to that new residence. Another option is to use the freerealestate on cheat in the command console to get a bigger house for free.
Additionally, you can build an extension on your current house. In Build mode, select the construction tool and add new rooms or expand existing ones. Remember that you will need sufficient financial resources to carry out these improvements.
2. Have more than 8 sims in a household
In The Sims 4, the maximum number of Sims in a household is 8. However, there is a mod called MC Command Center that allows you to increase this limit. This mod is very popular among players and gives you the ability to have more sims in your virtual family. You can find it on different mod websites for The Sims 4.
3. How many Sims can there be in a family in Sims 4
As we mentioned above, the maximum number of Sims in a family in The Sims 4 is 8. This includes controllable Sims and non-controllable Sims. If you want to have more sims in your game, we recommend using the MC Command Center mod mentioned above.
4. How to put two families in the same game in The Sims 4
If you want to have two families in the same game in The Sims 4, you can do so using the world management feature. From the main game menu, select the World Management option and then choose the world you want to play in. From there, you can create a new family or select an existing family to play with. You can switch between the different families at any time during the game.
5. How many Sims can you have in a house?
The maximum number of Sims you can have in a house in The Sims 4 is 8. However, keep in mind that this can affect game performance, especially if you have a computer with limited resources. If you want to have more sims in your game, we recommend using the MC Command Center mod mentioned above.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I have more than 8 sims in a household without using mods?
No, the maximum number of Sims in a household in The Sims 4 is 8. If you want to have more Sims in your game, you will need to use the MC Command Center mod or other similar mods that allow you to increase this limit.
2. How can I download and install mods in The Sims 4?
To download and install mods in The Sims 4, you must follow the following steps:
- Look for a reliable website that offers mods for The Sims 4.
- Download the mod you want to use in your game.
- Extract the downloaded files to the The Sims 4 Mods folder. This folder is located at the following path: Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.
- Make sure you have Mods and Custom Content enabled in the game settings.
- Ready! Now you can enjoy mods in The Sims 4.
We hope that this article has been useful in answering your questions about how to increase the capacity of the house in The Sims 4. Remember that you can use mods to expand your possibilities in the game and enjoy an even more personalized experience. Have fun creating and managing your own virtual family!
Until next time,
The SoulTricks.com Team