Therefore, if you are therefore interested in proceeding with the modification of the "translator" servers, I suggest you take a few minutes of free time, sit comfortably and concentrate on reading the information I am about to provide you. I'm sure that in the end you will be able to tell yourself satisfied and that you will also be ready to affirm that succeeding in the enterprise was a real piece of cake. Let it bet?
Alternatively, you can achieve the same result by clicking theindicators area of Windows 11 (the one that contains the network, volume and battery icons, so to speak), then on the button > corresponding tonetwork icon and then on the symbol (I), placed immediately next to the network name which you are connected to.
Purposes Windows 10? In this case, to avoid setting a static IP address for the computer, my advice is to proceed directly through the classic Control Panel. So open the Start menu of Windows, click on the symbol ofGear located in it and go to the sections Network is Internet > Wi-Fi, if you are connected by cable, or Rete e Internet > Ethernet, if you use a wired connection instead.
Now, locate the entry Modify scheda opzioni from the new screen that opens, do click destroy on network card name da te in uso (ad es. Wi-Fi or Local Area Connection (LAN)) and click on the item Property, residing in the drop-down menu that opens.
Now, go back to the menu Settings> Network, select the items Configure Internet Connection, indicates the type of connection to be established (e.g. Wi-Fi or network cable) and choose the option Custom; subsequently, choose the wireless network to connect to and enter its password (if necessary), then select the item Manual and enter theIP address to assign the console, the subnet mask and default gateway that you noted previously, in the appropriate boxes.
Then, select the item Configure Internet Connection, move the cursor to network you are currently connected to, press the button options of the controller (the one with the three horizontal lines, located to the right of the touchpad) and select the item Advanced Settingsfrom the menu that appears.
With any luck, you should now see a login form, in which to enter your username and Password to enter the management area; if you haven't changed them, usually the combinations to use to log in to the modem settings are admin / admin, admin / password or those printed onstickers stuck to the router. In case of problems, or if you want to get more information about it, you can consult my tutorial on how to get into the router.
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