The samurai's word is firmer than metal!
Ghost of Tsushima, the new video game made by the guys of Sucker Punch, known to most for the intriguing saga of inFamous, is available from today on the shelves.
So, before you rush to the search for collectibles or go to trophy hunting, discover with us how to take your first steps in the game world designed by the US development team.
1. The sword is your best friend
Like any self-respecting samurai, your word will be as respectable as the actions you carry out with your katana. For this reason it is important that you know how to use it with skill.
Ghost of Tsushima offers you many possibilities to approach the fight, but rest assured that many will end with white weapon fights, so better get used to it as soon as possible. Learn how to parry and use the parry, dodge enemy attacks and sink your blade with speed and precision.
Also, get used to using the various attack and defense positions (such as Nioh, so to speak) with dexterity based on the enemies you will face. Using these precautions could save your life, especially if you play medium-high difficulty.
2. Are you feeling down? Get in the saddle
As in Red Dead Redemption 2, the horse is particularly important. In fact, your character will receive a noble steed as a gift to face this dangerous adventure.
You can summon your horse at any time and cross without any difficulty a great variety of obstacles, but above all the quadruped will be useful if you want to disappear as soon as possible from too dangerous areas or if you are chased by hordes of furious Mongols.
3. The importance of secondary missions
"The stories of the character" they are secondary missions that will appear only after you have recruited some of the characters who will accompany you in this historic undertaking from your ranks.
Once they appear on the screen, take care to complete them as soon as possible, in fact, the completion of the same not only will increase your samurai experience, but will also offer you upgrades and useful material to increase the power of our hero.
4. Always delete the archery
Ghost of Tsushima will often take you to face epic battles in particularly open scenarios, so it's best if your concerns are focused only on visible enemies. For this reason you will have to dedicate some time to the opponents who will attack you from above.
In fact, during heated fights like the ones you will face, even a single arrow can decree your death or slow your blade. So, remember to use all the archers you meet for weapons, eliminating them will turn the outcome of the fight in your favor.
5. Use the smoke bombs
Are theatricality and deception powerful friends, and how to properly exploit these elements? Using the smoke bombs obviously! Thanks to these peculiar diversions, you will be able to obscure the view of the enemies for a while, very useful factor if you are in danger of life. First of all though, these tools will allow you to accomplish several silent murders, leaving you the time to dedicate yourself to a healthy escape and regain strength.
6. Sometimes all it takes is a gigantic wardrobe!
Paraphrasing a famous line by Sex and The City, our Jin will have available a fair amount of clothes, each with unique attributes. After getting them you will often forget to use them all, nothing more wrong.
When you are wandering we recommend that you bring the traveler's estate, as it will allow you to discover more details about the map, in fact, thanks to this dress you can mark key places from afar and do vibrate the pad when there are collectibles in the vicinity.
In case you need to act in the shadows and remind everyone of your ghost name, use clothing from Ronin. Instead, if you are about to participate in a bloody battle, the Samurai armor it is your case.
7. If the target is good, the arrow hits better
This ancient Tibetan proverb reminds us of the importance of the bow in Ghost of Tsushima. This weapon will be useful to you not only in case of very distant targets, in fact, even close damage is recommended, especially if you have good aim.
Thanks to the concentration system, you will have the opportunity to slow down time and place a nice, simple but deadly headshot. Also, since so little time passes between the shot of the arrow and the guard that you will never fall victim to enemy close-range attacks.
8. Complete the objectives
When you are busy in the activity of conquering the Mongol encampments, you will be required to perform some secondary objectives. The latter are not just for the so-called completists, in fact, by complying with the game requests it is possible to obtain extra points for the experience and other items useful for upgrading.
Bonus: don't forget to equip the amulets
Obtaining the amulets is of high importance and to do so you will need to visit the Inari shrines, hidden around the game world. Thanks to these elements you can get different benefits, you will have two slots to resort to these precious aids, so use them wisely.
The objects in question are divided into two categories, we advise you to always use the most powerful equipment, such as the Mizu-no-Kami, which will extend the timing of the parry. However, do not disdain the less important amulets, one in particular will be able to help you in the search for the aforementioned Sanctuaries.
More guides will arrive in the next few days to help you in this endeavor. In the meantime, we hope this short article will be useful to you. Let us know in the comments what you think of the boys' new title sucker Punch.