Directly on Soultricks the guide to every Far Cry 5 skill, in addition to our recommendations.
If you've played Far Cry in the past few years, you know how important it is to have the right skills. Far Cry 5 is no different; however, given the large number of options, there is a risk of being a little overwhelmed when you first start playing.
We have therefore compiled the complete list of skills and abilities that we recommend trying to unlock first. Some of these may be blocked until you advance far enough in the story.
Survivalist branch.
Here are the skills of the branch Survivalist:
- Human Fish (1 SP): swim faster, hold your breath longer underwater;
- Fisher King (4 SP): The fish will get tired faster. Unlock new lures for heavier fish;
- King of the Jungle (6 SP): Reduces animal damage. Predators will attack nearby enemies. Prey runs away from you less;
- Repair Torch (5 SP): repairs the machines and opens the safes;
- Kick-Ass Binoculars (7 SP): identify enemies and animals through objects;
- Harvest Master (8 SP): Double the loot from plants and animals;
- Health Boost 1 (6 SP): Increases maximum health by 150%;
- Health Boost 2 (7 SP): Increases maximum health by 200%;
- Health Boost 3 (8 SP): Increases maximum health by 250%;
- Health Boost 4 (9 SP): Increases maximum health by 300%.
Why Choose Repair Torch?
Anyone who has played Fallout knows how frustrating it is to find a safe and not be able to open it. The same is true for Far Cry 5. Also, as an added bonus, the ability to repair ruined cars before entering battle can be crucial.
Why Choose Kick-Ass Binoculars?
The same is quite important in Far Cry games. Therefore, the ability to identify enemies through objects is a nice upgrade to survive during sieges.
Why Choose Harvest Master?
As fun as cutting herbs is, we know how much the urge to get back into action is present. For this Harvest Master will significantly halve the harvest time.
Renegade branch.
Here are the skills of the branch Renegade:
- Parachute (1 SP): Unlock a parachute to glide during falls;
- wingsuit (2 SP): Unlock the wingsuit to fly;
- Black Market (6 SP): Explosives are available for purchase in markets;
- Vehicle Buster (7 SP): Bullets cause more damage to vehicles;
- The Saboteur (7 SP): tamper with vehicle hoods to ignite and detonate them;
- Booby Trap (7 SP): tamper with the hoods of the vehicles to make them explode on the first collision;
- Auto Repair (6 SP): any driven vehicle repairs itself automatically;
- Heavy Weapon Mastery (6 SP): Reload, aim and switch weapons of LMGs, flamethrowers and rocket launchers faster. Reduced recoil and bullet waste;
- Rifle Mastery (7 SP): Faster rifle and sniper rifle reload, aim, and weapon swap. Reduced recoil and bullet waste;
- Weapons Pro (6 SP): Faster reload, aim, and swap SMGs and shotguns. Reduced recoil and bullet waste.
Why choose Parachute?
Because jumping out of a plane is more fun.
Why Choose Wingsuit?
Because jumping out of a plane is even more fun.
Why choose Rifle Mastery?
Combined with the ability to identify enemies from long range, being able to stealthily take out enemies is very helpful. Additionally, sniper rifles are the most versatile weapons in the game, as they cover both medium and long range. Of course, if you prefer other types of weapons feel free to upgrade them!
Assassin branch.
Here are the skills of the branch Assassin:
- Grapple (1 SP): Unlock the grappling hook. Find the hooks in the world to climb;
- Nimble Fingers (4 SP): you are faster in collecting objects, sabotaging or placing explosive traps on vehicles, deactivating alarms and opening safes;
- Sneaky Sprint (4 SP): you move faster while crouched;
- Master blaster (5 SP): Components required for explosives are reduced by 50%;
- Takedown Mastery (6 SP) - Unlock combos, dagger throwing and takedowns;
- Ghost (7 SP): Make less noise when moving. Reduced fall damage;
- Throwback (7 SP): relaunch bullets like grenades and dynamites;
- Locksmith (6 SP): picks safes and doors that do not require a specific key;
- Close Combat Mastery (6 SP): Edged weapons are stronger. Faster reload, aim and swap pistol and slash weapons. Reduced recoil and bullet waste;
- Primal Mastery (6 SP): Faster reload, aim, and swap bow and slingshot weapons.
Why choose Grapple?
In addition to being quick to unlock, it gives access to areas that are ordinarily difficult to climb.
Why choose Sneaky Sprint?
If you play stealthy you already know how much time you spend crouching; therefore, being faster in these phases is of great help.
Why Choose Takedown Mastery?
Because, for stealth players, instantly and silently taking down all kinds of enemies is a great feature.
Why choose Ghost?
Because stealth is life, gentlemen.
Why Choose Locksmith?
Does anyone enjoy going around looking for their key in each door?
Why choose Primal Mastery?
Silenced weapons unlock later in the game. The bow, on the other hand, is a weapon that is almost at the beginning. Plus, knowing how to handle it will definitely make you cooler.
Prepper branch.
Here are the skills of the branch Prepper:
- Close Combat Gear Bag (1 SP): Carry more ammo for pistols and edged weapons;
- Journey Pack (7 SP): Carry more items in your inventory, including 5 medkits;
- Tactical Ammo Bag (8 SP) - Carry more ammo for SMG and shotguns;
- Quiver (8 SP) - Carries normal, incendiary and explosive arrows;
- Rifle Ammo Bag (9 SP) - Carry more sniper and 50-caliber ammo.
- Additional Holster (8 SP): Carry any third weapon in the weapon wheel;
- Weapons Collector (9 SP): Carry any fourth weapon in the weapon wheel;
- Heavy Ammo Bag (9 SP): Carry more ammo for LMGs, grenade launchers and rocket launchers;
- Special Ammo Bag (9 SP): Carry more armor-piercing, incendiary and special ammo for the rocket launcher;
- Throwables Bag (9 SP) - Carry more explosives, lures, and throwing knives.
Why Choose Journey Pack?
Because running back to the base to drop off the collected equipment is no fun. Nor is dying because you run out of medkits. Therefore, with this tool you can get rid of two problems with just one skill.
Why choose Additional Holster?
A good rule of thumb is that you want to have a good long-range weapon, a good short-range weapon, and a silent weapon. Being able to carry three weapons at the same time will make this a reality. Once you've unlocked the fourth slot, you'll want to bring some sort of explosive with you.
Leader branch.
The skills of the branch Leader they are optional, but if you also love one of these companions, we are no one to stop you. The skills are as follows:
- Boomer (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Sharkly (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Peaches (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Jess (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Grace (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Hurk (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Nick Rye (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Adelaide (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Cheeseburger (4SP) - Revives faster after being injured;
- Leadership (6 SP): Unlock an additional slot on your team to play with two mercenaries in single player.