You will have to calibrate your choices ...
This guide is for obtaining the “Survivors” trophy which plans to bring our heroes alive until the end of the game.
None of the characters listed below will have to die in the course of the game. If this happens, just go to the main menu and replay the chapter from the last checkpoint. Always help your friends, even if it may involve some risks, but never sacrifice yourself.
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I Deviants and Police forces they will not affect the trophy. Indeed you can freely kill the Deviants yourself, have them commit suicide, or have them slaughtered by humans.
It is also acceptable to kill the police (and you must do it to save North and infiltrate Cyberlife). Only the characters listed here will have to survive, the others will not be used to reach the trophy.
People / Android to survive:
- his death is quite certain, as he is restarted anyway, but to be sure, avoid his death. Some people have tried getting the trophy despite the character's "deaths".
- The approach of making Connor a Deviant to avoid deadly conflicts with Markus and Hank was attempted in the "Crossroads" chapter.
Hank (Connor's cop partner):
- Connor and Hank will have to remain friends. In case of hostility Hank will commit suicide at the end of the game.
Land defence:
- Stormy Night Chapter - Kara and Alice escape Todd's house;
- Chapter "Crossroads" - When Kara and Alice run away from the police, choose the option to play dead (triangle key) and not move (cross key). By making these choices you will not be taken to the recycling point. If the police catch you, it will be impossible to finish the game without sacrificing anyone.
- Battle for Detroit Chapter - Don't get caught by the police and save Luther and Jerry. Take the "fast and risky" route at the bus stop (do not take the boat). At the Canadian border, choose the “Don't sacrifice yourself” option (cross key). The public will support Android and Markus for choosing a peaceful demonstration. Also, the border patrol officer will let Kara pass and won't have to sacrifice anyone.
- “Battle for Detroit” chapter (Kara leaves Detroit) - At the beginning of the chapter you will have to sneak behind some cars. After the first line of cars, you can see Jerry and Luther holding the police at gunpoint. With a stealth approach, go after the agents and stun them to free Jerry.
- Battle for Detroit Chapter - Kara is not discovered by the police and saves Luther and Jerry. Take the fast but more dangerous route to the bus stop (don't take the boat). As mentioned earlier, choose the option of not sacrificing anyone on the Canadian border and everything will be for the best.
- Don't lose any battles.
- Chapter "March for Freedom" - Choose the option to "Disperse" at the end of the march, do not sacrifice Markus and do not attack the Police (by attacking them the Public Opinion would become hostile and this will lead to the death of Luther or Jerry at the Canadian border) .
- Always choose non-violent protest, do not attack or kill humans or policemen. The only exception will be when you have to save North at the end of the "Crossroads" chapter. Here Markus and Connor will have to kill some cops to save her. To be clear, killing law enforcement members will not affect the trophy, but if you choose the Violent Revolution, your friends will most likely be killed. Do like Gandhi!
Simon (from Jericho):
- Chapter "The Stratford Tower" - at the security check at the top of the tower choose the ruse (circle button) while walking towards the guards, raise the right stick to extract the gun, move it stick R to the right to give orders and press square to knock them out. If you choose the assault attack, Simon will be shot and you will have to stay in the rear on the roof. There are now two possible paths, both of which lead to Simon's survival, so it doesn't matter which one you choose.
- Path 1: When the guy escapes from the broadcast room, press cross and save him. Then the SWAT will come in and nearly kill Simon. Quickly choose to save him and take him to the roof. Once there, leave him behind, but don't kill him. You won't find him with Connor in the Public Enemy Chapter, but Simon will reunite with the group later.
- Path 2: Shoot the guy who escapes, doing so will not sound the alarm. So the SWAT won't intervene and Simon will jump off the roof with you.
North (from Jericho):
- Crossroads Chapter - If Markus arrives on the spot with the detonator timer, North will be trapped in a corridor. You will have to choose to help her.
Josh (from Jericho):
- Crossroads Chapter - When Markus breaks into Jericho's container ship, there will be a moment when Josh is attacked by a soldier, press circle to intervene.
Chloe (gynoid of Villa Kamski, she is the same one you see in the menu and that guides you in the settings):
- Chapter "Getting to know Kamski" - Connor will not have to shoot her, we don't think she can actually be useful for the trophy, but if in doubt, leave her alive.
The various Deviants you will encounter on your adventure do not count towards this trophy. The choice of whether or not to shoot Tracis in the “Eden Club” chapter should not affect in any way, but we repeat when in doubt leave as many androids alive as possible.
Below we show you the graphs of the decisions that will lead you to the coveted trophy. Stick to these and you will get what you want.
The decisions in blue will be the ones you need to follow.
The hostage / Start


A new home

The painter


Stormy night


The interrogation


From Death

Waiting for Hank ...



The nest

Time to decide


Russian roulette

Pieczi di ricambio

The Eden Club

The Pirate's Den

The bridge

Stratford Tower

Public enemy

Midnight Train

Capitol Park

Meet Kamski

Freedom march

Last Chance Connor



The night of the Soul

Battle for Detroit
Connor at the Cyberlife Tower

Kara leaves Detroit

Markus's proof

Source: Powerpyx