Are you ready for anal probes ???
On June 29, the irreverent and hilarious remake of Destroy All Humans lands on the Nintendo Switch console! of Black forest games (here she is our review) and finally it will be possible to exterminate the human race directly sitting on the toilet bowl!
The Nintendo Switch version will include the DLC Skin Pack, which includes the following extraterrestrial skins: Pulp Crypto, The King, Dollarsmart, The Killing Joke, BFG-137.
The standard version will be available for a suggested retail price of € 39,99.
Two special versions of the game will also be available:
The edition Crypto-137, with a Crypto-137 figurine, a Crypto backpack, keychain, six lithographs, a stress reliever toy, and all in-game Crypto skins, all contained in a premium package, at a recommended retail price of € 399,99.
La DNA Collector's Edition, featuring a Crypto'N'Cow figurine, keychain, six lithographs, a stress reliever toy, and all of the game's Crypto skins, all contained in a premium package, at a recommended retail price of € 149,99.
You can once again return to terrorizing the inhabitants of Earth in the 50s, exploring various cities in the United States of America, as the evil alien Crypto-137. Collect DNA and take down the US government in the remake of the legendary alien invasion action adventure.
Wipe out the mean humans using an assortment of alien weapons and psychic abilities and reduce their cities to rubble with your flying saucer's powerful death ray!
These are some features of the irresistible remake:
- Discover the wickedness of an alien invasion in the 50 years
- (Ri) discover why the game is considered among the most enjoyable ever
- Rebuilt from scratch, for a new galactic story
- Try the weapons of Crypto, like the Sparasonde
- Passed off as a human and infiltrate their fragile democracy
- Use telekinesis to fly enemies or bombard them with random objects
- Visit explorable cities of the American 50 years with your jetpack
- Devastate the primitive human architectural works with your flying saucer
- Includes the novel and lost mission talk of the 42 Area!